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    Things to Run Away From Really Fast

    Warnings: violence, problems with authority, and links to TV Tropes.

    But in all seriousness, this journal legitimately contains the kind of graphic and disturbing content that gives people nightmares, so either that's a selling point or a reason not to read on. Just a heads up.

    As of 2015, dreams are ranked according to three categories:

    Adventure: How much fun and excitement can I fit into one dream?
    Control: How much control do I have over the narrative, environment, and dream powers?
    Fear: How scared and out of control do I feel? (Has very little to do with how Silent Hill the monsters get.)

    Regular dreams are in black (along with notes).
    Semi-lucid dreams are green.
    Lucid dreams are blue.

    1. #100. Conferences (for Assassins)

      by , 07-06-2010 at 06:50 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      The problem with world-class assassins is that everyone wants to kill each other.

      An old woman hums tunelessly, pushing her squeaking cart along the grey-flecked tiles. Her nails tap tap tap against the stainless steel handle, along with a beat only she can hear. She slows the cart down, the wheels shrieking their protest, and smiles at the young man behind the desk, pointing to the ID clipped to her shoulder. He glances up, looking bored, and barely glances at the ID before waving her along.

      The hospital room is single-occupancy, dim and empty except for the bedridden patient. He wakes up from a doze, looks at the woman in scrubs as she enters the room. She slides a platter off of the food cart and slides it onto the tray sitting across his bed.

      "How are you feeling, Mr. Burke?" The woman smiles.

      "Horrible," he manages, glancing up blearily as she injects something into his IV. "Anything good to eat?"

      "Of course, dear. There's tuna sandwiches, if you like those."

      He perks up a bit, and nibbles at the sandwich. It's decent for hospital food, he decides. He'll be glad to get back to his normal life, with four-course dinners and world-class chefs.

      The woman is still there when he finishes the sandwich. "That was actually pretty good," he tells her.

      "Well, it is my own special recipe."

      His mouth is dry, and he can feel his heart beating faster. Burke frowns. He's sweating. "Excuse me," he says, "But could you get a doctor? I think the symptoms are coming back."

      The woman is unhooking the machines monitoring his vital status.

      "Don't worry," she says. "It has nothing to do with your heart attack, Mr. Burke." She smiles kindly at him. "My special recipe is called Chalk Tuna. The compounds I've used in your sandwich are reacting with the drugs in your IV. It's untraceable, almost completely undetectable during an autopsy... rather brilliant, if I do say so myself."

      Burke's fingers twitch. He wants to reach for the button, to call a nurse, call anyone, but he can't move. He tries to shout, but his mouth won't open, his voice won't work. An icy sensation begins to crawl in from his extremities, cold and burning at the same time.

      "It's also a paralyzing substance," the woman muses, "and it's an incredibly painful way to die."

      She smiles fondly down at the man seizing on the bed. "Have a nice day, Mr. Burke."

      The cart begins its squeaking journey back to the elevator. Burke shuts his eyes and tries to scream.


      Matilda has approximately four minutes to return the cart and exit the hospital. After that time, the real nurse will make her rounds and find Mr. Burke dead, the machines having shorted out due to faulty wiring. The doctors will attempt to resuscitate him, but the poison in his veins will prevent this from taking effect. There will be questions for the young man at the desk in front of the elevator, but Matilda plans to disappear long before any suspicion can fall on her.

      Without a suspect or a murder weapon, the incident will be written off as a simple heart attack, and Mr. Burke's son will inherit his company.

      Stepping out into the sunlight of the alley, Mathilda allows herself a moment to bask in the enjoyment of a job well done. She feels a shift in the air, a chill, and a blade burrowing into her skull.

      I sheathe the wrist-blade and let the body fall, watching impassively as the infamous assassin kicks up dust on the dry ground. She twitches slightly, extending a hand in a clawing motion before going still.

      I leave the body where it is. There's sure to be a complicated frame-up job involving several people who want to take power, but I've done my part. As long as Matilda is dead, I can get out of here and -

      I'm throwing myself to the side. A line of throwing knives hit the brick behind me. I take cover, diving behind a dumpster, throwing a fireball in the direction of my attacker.

      He's on the roof across from me, I reason. I came down from the hospital fire escape, but he was hidden by shadows - damn! I don't have an escape route, and we need to get out of here before they start looking for Burke's killer. Unfortunately, the owner of those throwing knives is not someone to be reasoned with.

      "Simon?" I shout, stepping out from my hiding place. He's on the roof. "I didn't know you were in town."

      "Everyone's in town, Sam!" That's Simon, all right. He looks giddy, sounds like he's on a sugar high. The man's more of a sociopath than I am. "Haven't you heard?"

      "Yes." Goddamned council didn't even ask before invading my city.

      "And you got Matilda first! I've been wanting to take her down for ages."

      "Creepy?" I ask.

      "Creepy." He confirms.

      My fingers twitch, ready to call up another fireball. Simon tracks the movement, and I change my mind. "Simon," I say, "Would you like to play a game?"

      His face splits into a grin. "First to a hundred?" He asks.

      "I was thinking the whole conference."

      Simon laughs. "I like the way you think," his smile widens even further. "Shame I'm gonna have to kill you."

      He lifts up a hand and I'm running before he presses the button. I round the corner and the alley explodes.

      I love my job.


      I'm on top of a mountain, looking down on the valley. The city is sprawled out below. I take a breath, feel the cool mountain breeze drifting through my lair.

      Some days, it pays to be evil.

      I turn around to where my mom and dad are sitting at a stone table, looking around and seeming confused. My brother is there, too, but he just looks hungover.

      I go to sit across from them at the table. My mom's eyes narrow as she gets her bearings, and I can feel her light-based aura sparking unpleasantly. I try not to flinch.

      "It's in our best interests," I say carefully, "to wipe out all of the assassins as quickly as possible. They'll be gathering at the convention centre. Now, we can't all go in -"

      "Why is that, exactly?" my mom snaps.

      I roll my eyes. "You're a Reader. They'll spot Your Holiness from a mile away."

      "How exactly did you get into this mess?" asks my dad.

      I paint a look of surprise onto my face. "You mean you don't know?" I ask incredulously. "Our family - your side of the family - have been Assassins going back hundreds of years! Well," I trail off, "The last one was in the sixteenth century." Good times, as I recall. Reincarnation can be so much fun.

      My mom's aura is sparking angrily. I try to ignore it.

      "Look, we need to wipe as many people out in one swoop as we can." I have a thought.

      "Mom... isn't your cousin doing the catering?" I ask.

      She looks at me suspiciously. "He is. Why?"

      I let a smile form. "Have you ever heard of Chalk Tuna?"

      Conferences. Scare Factor: 4.

      So ends the 100th post special edition of Things to Run Away From Really Fast! I've been meaning to write this up for ages...

      The only thing I can remember from last night's dream is that I had an extra pair of running shoes. They were orange.

      Updated 03-03-2013 at 07:15 AM by 31096

      non-lucid , memorable