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    Things to Run Away From Really Fast

    Warnings: violence, problems with authority, and links to TV Tropes.

    But in all seriousness, this journal legitimately contains the kind of graphic and disturbing content that gives people nightmares, so either that's a selling point or a reason not to read on. Just a heads up.

    As of 2015, dreams are ranked according to three categories:

    Adventure: How much fun and excitement can I fit into one dream?
    Control: How much control do I have over the narrative, environment, and dream powers?
    Fear: How scared and out of control do I feel? (Has very little to do with how Silent Hill the monsters get.)

    Regular dreams are in black (along with notes).
    Semi-lucid dreams are green.
    Lucid dreams are blue.

    1. #119. A Dalliance With the Damned

      by , 08-03-2010 at 07:08 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Apparently, this dream follows directly after #118. Also, I'm stealing titles directly from Mike Carey's Lucifer.


      Sam and Dean want to kill the devil. I "help".

      Sam climbs into the passenger seat of the Impala and slips on the pair of sunglasses resting on the dash. He lets his head fall back onto the seat and rubs his temples. (I marvel over the strange purple glow of our surroundings.) The driver's side door slams shut, and he lifts up his head. Dean has his hands clenched tight on the steering wheel, and stares into the desert horizon with his jaw clenched. Frustration seems to roll off him in waves.

      They're back on the road before either of them says anything.

      "So," says Dean, "We can either drive to Death Valley, or fly to the Himalayas." His tone makes it clear what he thinks of the idea.

      "Death Valley's closer."

      Dean raises his eyebrows, "With our luck, do you really think the devil managed to stay stateside?"

      "I'd rather go to the Himalayas, personally." I say.

      The car almost lurches off the road. Dean twists around in his seat to look at me. "Don't do that."

      "We have wooden stakes in the trunk." Sam says mildly. "Trickster."

      "When has that ever worked?" I ask. "Anyway, why are we going to the Himalayas?"

      "We're not." growls Dean. His eyes are back on the road.

      "We're trying to kill the devil." Sam says reasonably.

      "Oh," I say, nodding along. "Why?"

      "You know," says Dean, "Prevent the apocalypse, save humanity, that kind of thing?"

      "There's a system of doors in Tibet that lead into other worlds. A psychic we talked to said that Lucifer left traces in the mountains that are somehow tied to these portals."

      "The Nevernever." I say. "Yeah, we should check it out. Keep an eye out for vegan faeries."

      "Right, I'm sure they're vicious little buggers," says Dean.

      "Oh, they are. Somehow, human flesh satisfies the parameters of their diet."


      "Nice office," says Dean, flopping gracelessly onto a black leather chair. He puts his feet up onto the desk. Bits of dirt flake off of his shoes onto the polished surface, and I hide a grin.

      Sam just looks annoyed.

      "Most of the objects in this room move along certain paths," I say, "Like levers. Get the right arrangement and the door will open right up."

      "Unless, of course, you know a shortcut." The voice is British, and female, and I turn around to study her.

      "Bela." says Dean. "Back from Hell already?"

      "Someone had a job for me," she says, holding up a gun and pointing it at him, "And I am very good at my job." She smiles. "By the way, you might want to hurry. I informed security you were here."

      Our eyes are drawn to the other hallway, where we hear a door click open. I look back. Bela's gone.

      "God-fucking-dammit," says Dean.

      "You figure out the combination," I say. "I'll distract him."

      I stride into the hallway without looking back. Standing there, looking livid, is a man in a business suit. He's big and round, and his hair is white where he still has any. He slams the door behind him.

      "Do you know who I am?" says the man, furious, "Do you know what I could do to you?" He pulls out a gun and points it at me.

      "Not much?" I say, pretending to consider. "Relax. We need your door to the Nevernever, and then we'll be out of your hair."

      "Impudence!" He snarls, "Just like my youngest son! I'll have you all killed!" He starts ranting about his plan to have me implicated in a gay affair with his son, followed by an elaborate murder-suicide.

      I peer around the corner into the main office, since he's not actually paying much attention to me. Like I'd hoped, the Winchesters are gone. I turn back to the man, who by this time is ranting incoherently. I cough politely, hoping to get his attention.

      He stops, panting.

      "While that's a very... impressive evil plan (and you wouldn't have much trouble framing those two for anything) there is one tiny little flaw."

      "And what is that?"

      "I don't die."

      The old man laughs and raises his hand - only to realize that he's no longer holding the gun. He freezes in shock and I wave a hand, banishing the Corrupt Corporate Executive to the late 51st century. He really won't like it there.

      I take Bela's shortcut into the Nevernever, circumventing the need to play with furniture again. I appear at the top of a cliff covered in vegetation, which overlooks a hotel swimming pool and hot tub.

      Sam and Dean stand on one side of the pool, facing off against Bela on the other side. I look for a way down, but there isn't one. I resign myself to jumping the fifteen-odd meters, knowing that there's no way for the fall to hurt me. I aim for the tile floor -

      Only to land on the very edge of the pool. My feet impact the edge of the tile floor and slip off the edge into the water. I grit my teeth, feeling my dream-body reset itself, and I pull myself back onto the deck.

      "You okay?" Asks Sam.

      "Fine," I say, standing up and composing myself. "I don't die, as a rule." I notice Dean's weapon is trained on Bela. "Neither will she, you idiot."

      As if in response, Bela spits a gob of blood onto the tile.

      "Oh," I say, "They gave you a time limit."

      "Apparently we're looking for different things," she says, her voice low, "Don't get in my way." She turns around and disappears into the cave system on the other side of the room.

      There's a collective breath of relief.

      "So," I say, turning to the boys, "Did you have a plan?"

      "Find the devil," says Dean, "Shoot him in the head?"

      "So, where is the devil?" asks Sam.

      "I don't know," I lie with a shrug, "You guys said you wanted to go to the Himalayas."

      "You said the devil came here!"

      "It's what I'd do," I say innocently. "Anyway, plane tickets are in Sam's backpack. I have to run."

      When I disappear, Dean is looking a little green.


      I find him in a warehouse, beside a cracked-open wooden crate. Empty green wine bottles litter the ground, and Castiel himself - back in his original vessel - is sprawled out on the ground, leaning against the box. He has a half empty wine bottle in one of his hands.

      I appear next to the crate, eyeing Castiel thoughtfully. I grab a full bottle and sit down on the concrete, popping the cork with a thought. Castiel's eyes roll up to look at me.

      "Bad day at the office?" I ask, clinking my bottle of wine against his.

      His face twists into a frown. "Being rescued by Lucifer didn't exactly set me up for a promotion."

      "Well, I'd tell you they'll get over it," I say, taking a sip of wine, "But this is Heaven we're talking about. That lot can hold a grudge into eternity."

      Castiel snorts. "You're not helping."

      "Should I?" I ask, genuinely curious. "You wouldn't accept any advice from me. I'm the Deceiver, after all."

      Castiel is quiet for a long time. I go steal chocolate bars from another section of the warehouse.

      A Dalliance with the Damned. Scare Factor: 3.

      WakingNomad provided the narration for the warehouse scene. Somehow. I think Microsoft Word was open in another window while I was experiencing the scene itself.

      Also, I've somehow rewritten Season 4 of Supernatural subconsciously. So yeah.

      P.S. I make up most of my dialogue. I don't remember the exact wording, so I improvise. I am a vile, evil attention-monger, I tell you.