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    Things to Run Away From Really Fast

    Warnings: violence, problems with authority, and links to TV Tropes.

    But in all seriousness, this journal legitimately contains the kind of graphic and disturbing content that gives people nightmares, so either that's a selling point or a reason not to read on. Just a heads up.

    As of 2015, dreams are ranked according to three categories:

    Adventure: How much fun and excitement can I fit into one dream?
    Control: How much control do I have over the narrative, environment, and dream powers?
    Fear: How scared and out of control do I feel? (Has very little to do with how Silent Hill the monsters get.)

    Regular dreams are in black (along with notes).
    Semi-lucid dreams are green.
    Lucid dreams are blue.

    1. #156. The Demon Boy

      by , 09-27-2010 at 05:33 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)


      If my hair keeps changing colour in the pictures, it's because that's what it tends to do IRL.


      Fragment about going to my (late) grandma's church for a Halloween party. There were some really cool decorations. A distinct lack of alcohol, however.

      I'm in the front entrance to our house. Everything seems normal, and I do a routine reality check just because. I count my fingers. Onetwothreefour... new ones start sprouting. Well, that's weird. It's almost like I'm dreaming or something.

      I try again, and I get to seven before I give up. Obviously I am dreaming. So... Nomad's task. I need to get to a forest. I jump out the nearest window into the front yard. My brother is there, hanging out with a DC from the Halloween party. Definitely dreaming, then, and whoa...

      The dream is destabilizing. The entire world tilts on its axis, and white lines start running parallel to every object in the scene, as they do in Assassin's Creed. I stop to take a breath, keeping my eyes open, and I start touching the objects around me. I kneel down and touch the grass, the concrete driveway, a metal railing, and I'm back.

      I decide that the best way to get there is to run in a straight line. There's a forest directly to the south, I convince myself. I cross the street at a run, hit the wall with one foot, and leap onto the brown-shingled roof.

      I don't stop. From the first house, I jump onto the roof of the next. Keep moving. I land on some kind of antennae, and the structure sways dangerously as I make the jump to the next structure.

      I'm on a scaffold. The next building - a warehouse - is an impossible distance away, several feet higher than the platform I'm jumping from, and twenty feet away. I jump the gap, and I'm suspended in the air.

      I pull at my momentum, bending the dream to allow me a few more meters in height - and I grasp the edge of the roof. I pull myself up near the chimney. On the other side of the warehouse is a big camping tent set up in someone's backyard. I jump. I land on the tent, and it cushions my fall, billowing out around me. My vision is filled with yellow and red, and I think hard, imagining the demon boy I'm supposed to rescue, and the dark thing that's after him...

      The forest is oppressively quiet. I can smell the pine, feel the hot mugginess created by a recent rain. Fully immersed in my character, I stand in the center of a huge clearing, waiting.

      A flash of red goes zooming by. I've found Nomad's demon boy. I'm slightly disappointed. I was hoping I could use this opportunity to discover Amon's origin (a DC I've apparently mentored throughout his life). Instead, it's just a regular demon.

      He's being chased by a wolf. I recognize the creature as an entity from my childhood nightmares. It's back, and I'll have to deal with that eventually. For now, I allow the demon child to distract it.

      I spot a piece of paper on the ground near a pond. Picking it up, I skim the text. Instructions from Nomad on what to do next.

      Did you save the demon boy? Y/N

      I look up across the clearing. The demon is running as fast as he can, frantically trying to get away from my nightmare creature. The wolf is gleefully giving chase. I'm not sure whether he's actually any danger, or if he's just toying with the demon. Either way, I have no interest in rescuing the child.

      Did you propose to the barmaid? Y/N

      I look at the paper, and blink. And blink again. No, WakingNomad, I did not propose to the barmaid. Although, I should pay a visit to Denn sometime in the near future.

      Scare Factor: 3

      Also, this result amused me.

      Updated 11-10-2014 at 01:37 AM by 31096

      lucid , memorable
    2. #148. Lost

      by , 09-19-2010 at 05:57 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Some quick backstory, for context.

      Selina is a girl I knew in high school. She showed up once in a previous dream. The two of us never spent much time together, but we got along fine. From what I remember, Selina is a very nice person.

      Jesse, I also went to high school with. We didn't get along, and though we're distantly related (small towns, eh?), we really don't share any of the same viewpoints. At all.

      I met Zoe Killion a few years ago, at a fine arts-related event. We've been friends ever since. She has a younger sister, whose name is (not really) Ava.

      This dream relates to Nomad's RPG. Vaguely.


      The good of one, versus the good of many.

      We are in a forest, surrounded by tall, black-barked trees. The edges of the clearing are choked with thick underbrush, and the lilac leaves and tall grasses tickle against the back of my t-shirt. The sky is streaked with the orange of the setting sun, which is hidden by the trees ahead of me.

      The group is gathered in a large circle, sitting cross-legged on the ground and facing inwards. I look around the circle, cataloging each face. I know all of these people. All of them are my age, and they're from all over the world, these people I've met in waking life.

      We've been stranded here, I realize.

      "It'll be one of them," says Jesse, pointing at me and - Zoe, sitting to my left. "Look at you two! Your spots are right next to the forest! Anything could come by and grab you."

      I'm lucid, not even feeling the need for a reality check. I frown. I can feel the dark, wolf-like presence lurking in the shadows behind me. Wordlessly, effortlessly, I call up a wall of mirrors on the other side of the clearing, confident that I'll be able to see the creature coming.

      I recognize the mirrors as a part of Nomad's first task, and I decide to stay here to play out the rest of the game. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror: short blond hair, black clothes... everything gets a little fuzzy.

      Who cares about the many? I just don't want it to be -

      "- anyone," says Zoe, a bit sharply. "All we've been told is that one of us is going to die."

      "And if that happens," says Jesse, "Then the rest of us will be safe until tomorrow night!"

      Half of the table stands up at these words, shouting at each other. They're leaning across the round, stone table, ready to escalate into violence.

      The sunset is fading into darkness.

      Selina is standing up, ready to play the mediator. To get everyone to calm down, and work together, and I see my opportunity.

      I squeeze a hand into a fist under the table, and Selina collapses, dropping to the ground like a marrionette whose strings have been cut. Her internal organs have been liquefied, some of her bones have been ground into dust, and I'm pretending to panic along with the rest, pushing through the crowd as someone yells "WHAT HAPPENED!" and "Did you see?" and I'm pressing two fingers against her carotid artery, checking for a pulse that I know won't be there.

      "She's dead." I say quietly, and the faces around me reflect both horror and relief.

      The rules don't apply to monsters.

      I twist open the back door on a blue van, crawling in the back to reach for a case. It's orange, and the outside is covered in foam. My fingers sink into it as I lock it, latch it, make sure nothing is going to open it by accident.

      "Everyone's still trying to figure out what happened," says a voice from behind me.

      I crawl out of the van, resting the case upright on the bumper.

      "I mean, one second she was alive, you know?" says Ava, rubbing her left arm with her other hand. "Everyone thinks it was something supernatural, a new kind of monster from the forest."

      "It probably was." I say.

      "That's the briefcase." Ava nods at the orange case I'm holding. "The one that'll kill us if we go near it. So, it's safe now?" She makes a grab for it.

      "Don't touch that!" I snap, hitting her hands away. Idiot, of course it will still kill you! It's just that nothing is going to attack you outright - at least for now.

      I slam the door shut on the van, and walk away from the camp, still carrying the orange case so I can hand it over to my employer.

      I'm on no side but my own.

      "We're leaving!" says the Matron as she paces the inside of her ship, the flowing fabric of her dress trailing behind her. "Get the rest of the crew."

      "And the survivors?" I ask.

      The Matron growls. "I meant to capture all of them, but we're on a deadline."

      I nod, and turn to leave.

      "If you should happen across Miss Killion, of course," says the Matron coldly, "Bring her to me."

      I pass Ava as I leave the ship. She has her arms crossed, and is guarding the gangplank. She winks at me, and I allow myself a small smile.

      I'm certainly not on yours.

      I hit the drunk crewman over the back of the head with a bottle. It shatters over him and he collapses to the ground, dead weight. His equally drunk friend, who was about to attack me, looks from the unconscious man to the razor-sharp bottle neck in my hand. The man stumbles away, apologizing, and promising to go back to the ship.

      I sigh, and pick up the unconscious man, swinging him into a fireman's carry over my shoulders. I turn to Zoe and nod in the direction that the man just ran in. We start walking.

      "So let me get this straight," says Zoe. "We're working with the bad guys. Who want to kill me."

      "Because the Matron has the only transportation off the island."

      "Who wants to kill me."

      "She won't," I say, grinning.

      You really should have seen this coming.

      "You can't touch her." I say. I'm feeling gleeful, and I'm sure that I'm radiating an air of smugness that's setting the Matron on edge. Well, that and the fact that I stole away her first prize in manipulation.

      "You can't do this." She hisses.

      Except that I can. If I own Zoe's soul, the Matron can't touch her. I would be obliged, even within all of the complicated truces and agreements we have with one another, to pay back any harm threefold.

      I don't actually own Zoe's soul. But the Matron's not about to question my integrity. She has too much to lose.

      The Matron's sulking is so pronounced that I have to laugh. "I'm the devil!" I tell her, "Did you really think that I wasn't after anything for myself?"

      Scare Factor: 4/10
      Rating: 7/10

      Updated 09-20-2010 at 02:18 AM by 31096

      memorable , lucid , non-lucid
    3. #64. College

      by , 06-14-2010 at 07:32 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I need to get into the Ixburg Apartments. I pull out the screen from a window on the second floor. Before I climb in, I'm distracted by a group of people in the parking lot. I recognize the character from Bum Reviews, but he runs away as soon as he sees me.

      I'm Marty McFly, in a mall, talking to Lorraine, his mom. I'm either in the future or the past, and I consider the fact that my chequing accounts shouldn't be working nearly as well as they are.

      I'm in dorms in a school. I have a top bunk. There's a ventillation shaft leading from above my bed to the library, and I take it there and back a few times in the middle of the night. Someone catches me once, and I look back and see that the tunnel I crawled through was too small to fit a person.

      I wander through the library during the day. I pick up a book and am amused to note that they cited Encyclopedia Dramatica as a reference (I can read in dreams).

      Apparently I've transferred to ACAD in Calgary. I'm mad that I've been put down as a first year, and I realize that I have to do the paperwork to transfer all of my credits from my other school.

      I talk to a guy in the dorms. He introduces himself as Josh or Joshua, and I mention that one of the DV members is named Josh/Joshua. He says that he's actually Loaf (he pronounces it "loof"), isn't that a weird coincidence? Then I run into Serenity and MoSH, as well as another girl I don't recognize.

      Now I'm staying with roommates away from campus, and I have to find the Student Services table so I can change my courses around.

      I'm following a story about two men who were intrepid adventurers in the wilds of Saskatchewan. I float down a cliff, following the story (the DCs can't see me). I realize that I'm dreaming, and I also notice that I'm barefoot. I think that the easiest way to get around that would be to shapeshift into one of the dogs, and I could follow the story better. I trot along the side of the river, trying to catch up to the group, but I notice that the setting is fading into white, and I feel myself starting to wake up.

      College. Scare Factor: 2.[/QUOTE]