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    1. shy nephew; car keys; concert memory and play

      by , 11-15-2011 at 02:23 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in some place like a restaurant. It may have been on the second floor of a bulding. The wall to my right had a couple windows, which may have had thin, white curtains over them. I sat at a small, round table. There was a larger, round table in front of mine.

      My family sat down at the larger table. Somebody, possibly my mom, sat down with her chair pulled slightly out and to the side, so she kind of faced me.

      My oldest nephew, as he looked when he was young, maybe nine or ten years old, crept up and hid behind the woman's body. I saw him do it. I was pretty sure he'd wanted me to see him, like he was only acting shy so I'd come right up and talk to him.

      So I stood up and walked behind the woman. I may have started talking to my nephew.

      Dream #2

      I was in the driveway of "my family's house." The driveway was on the left side of the house, unlike IWL. My sister had a huge SUV. She and her kids were already inside it. My sister was apparently going to take me somewhere, possibly home or to a hotel. But she asked me to go get some keys out of the house for her.

      At first it seemed like these keys may have been for the car, or for some car I was being taken to. We couldn't leave without them. But I may have found these keys.

      At some point I was in the hallway, probably on a threshold to a room, talking with my mom. My mom may have seemed to be a lot taller than I, as if she were a giant or I were a kid.

      I may have gone back outside to have my sister send me back into the house again. This time my sister needed keys for something for one of my nephews.

      My nephew apparently needed to go to the doctor. But the keys were necessary for something regarding either the doctor's office or my nephew's actual body.

      I went back into the house. I may have gone into the basement. It seemed like it was taking me a really long time to find the keys. I may have decided to give up and tell my sister that maybe she should look.

      But then I was in the kitchen. I opened a drawer and found the keys inside, laying on a blank pad of sketch paper. There were three keys on a ring. They may have been inside a clear, plastic baggie.

      Dream #3

      I was at some theatre. At first I was in some part of the lobby. I was getting ready to watch some performance like a college or high school performance. Some kids who'd be performing were in the lobby, talking with each other. One of them was a tall, black boy.

      Now I was in the theatre with my friend H. We sat in the very front row, on the very left end. The stage seemed normal, though slightly elevated. It was all black, and a blue spotlight shone on it. There may have been something like a wooden-barred cage on the stage.

      Something about this performance may have had to do with Kiyoshiro Imawano and, possibly, Ryuichi Sakamoto. My friend H seemed to be really excited about this. But I got mad at her. I told her, "I've seen Kiyoshiro Imawano and ----- (possibly Ryuichi Sakamoto) performing here before!"

      I was so mad at H for once more forgetting the details of my life that I had her twisted sideways, down on my lap. I had her head twisted up at a really painful angle toward the stage.

      Now the play began. A bunch of kids kept coming out and introducing themselves. The play seemed to be about a bunch of cool, artistic kids all living together. As each kid took introduced him or herself, he or she would take a spot somewhere on stage.

      A few black boys walked out and introduced themselves. I recognized one of them as one of the kids talking in the lobby. The stage was now low and bowed out in a kind of wide U-shape. I felt like the stage was smashing against my knees.

      I remembered that my friend H had said she didn't have time to come to the show, and how she'd see me to the show and then leave. But, I happily remarked, H had come in and sat down with me. Now the show had started, and H still hadn't tapped my shoulder or anything to let me know she was leaving. She must have wanted to stay!

      But I now looked over to H's seat. H was gone. She had left without telling me. She may have left a book in her chair.
    2. business talk in angel garden; venus command

      by , 11-09-2011 at 01:53 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was somewhere outside, standing before a small building like a cottage. I stood before the door, which split in half so it could open on the top and stay closed on the bottom. I probably leaned on a counter-like ledge topping the bottom half of the door.

      Inside were my family members and a guy I know from a cafe I go to. The interior of the cottage felt very plain and empty, almost as if it were a children's play-cottage with no decorations in it.

      I was talking to the guy about stocks. Apparently the guy had been talking about some Chinese stock that was really great. He was even thinking of buying it.

      There may have been a business man somewhere in the cottage. I may have been trying to impress the business man by showing how much I understood the guy. I asked the guy, "What's keeping you from buying the stock? Or..."

      Here I seemed to start having trouble getting words into my head as I spoke. "Rather... what is it that is keeping your... joy... about this... company... from becoming 100%... unmitigated?"

      The guy then began talking to me about stuff like Chinese economic policy, which I didn't understand. The guy made reference to a few key people in China. I now saw them on a TV screen.

      The guy continued to talk to me, but we were now both on a bed outside the cottage. The guy sat on the left edge of the bed, watching a TV in an entertainment center that stood against the cottage wall. I was crouched up in a weird position, like a little kid, behind the guy.

      The Chinese political figures were still on the TV. The guy had explained a lot to me. Now he said some quote that apparently some famous investor had made, like, "Why invest in the country's companies, when you can just invest in their currency?"

      I thought the guy meant he was going to invest in Chinese currency instead of the company he'd mentioned. But now he mentioned a completely different company he was going to invest in.

      The business man now sat on the bed. The guy was now my little brother. But it was like my brother wasn't there. My mom was somewhere around. The business man had been impressed by everything my brother had said.

      The business man told my mom, "We need to hire someone new for our firm. We need somebody intelligent, somebody who can give our firm some direction.

      "And we're open for all different kinds of people. Duncan Jansen (???) was our CEO." (I knew that Duncan Jansen was a black man.) "We need people who are willing to work, and can have good, new ideas."

      I assumed that the man meant, by what he had just said, that my little brother was a good worker, while I was not. I sat up from the bed. I was a little groggy-eyed, as if I'd just woken up from sleep.

      I knew I had some sort of data project I had to take care of. I hoped that if I just went and took care of my project, the business man would see that I, too, could work hard.

      My office was apparently down a flagstone path, past a few other cottages with fenced yards. After a few cottages, I "knew," I'd turn right.

      But as I started going down the flagstone path, the business man mentioned some propecy he'd read, which he now thought was related to my brother. The business man mentioned something about a heavenly choir singing at the announcement of this prophecy.

      At the same time, a singing group, which I may have organized, was getting ready for their daily practice. I thought to myself that I might mention to the man that I considered holding singing practice every day to be of great importance.

      The group sang a song that had the words "Angels and spirits sing on high." This line kept repeating. It was more like a chant than a song. But it sounded beautiful.

      On either side of the flagstone path was lawn, in which were random, wild beds of irises. But the blossoms of most of the irises were way past their prime. Purple and white petals, in different stages of browning, barely clung to the stems.

      Dream #2

      I saw from the viewpoint of a spaceship in outer space. The spaceship was, apparently, approaching the planet Venus. The planet, though, looked silvery, almost cloud-grey, from our approach.

      We seemed to be very close to Venus at first. The upper left quadrant (?) of the sphere had taken up almost all my view. But then we were a ways back, far enough back to see the whole planet and a good deal of the surrounding space quite easily.

      At some point the beautiful voice of a woman asked us, in a very professional, almost computerized voice who we were and what our business was.

      A man on board the ship may have mentioned that the planet Venus required permission before allowing people to land on her. Suddenly I realized that the voice I'd heard hadn't been from a person on Venus -- it had been the voice of the planet herself!

      A spherical shield like glittering gold dust went up around the planet. I knew that this shield could keep anybody off the planet.

      The man must have begun interacting with Venus again. This time, though, as Venus spoke, she turned different colors. It was like her surface was banded, like Saturn's surface, but with neon orange, green, and pink. And these bands would shift up and down, like computer lights, as Venus spoke.
    3. TV train trip; mom checks heartbeat

      by , 11-05-2011 at 02:35 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a basement living room with some of my family members. The basement was kind of small, but it was brightly and warmly lit. My mom sat on the left side of the couch. One or more people may have been sitting next to her.

      I had a small space to sit in near the right side of the couch. As soon as I sat down, my second oldest nephew and my brother tried to sit down next to me. They were playfully arguing over who could sit next to me. My nephew may have been bigger than my brother!

      Eventually I decided that my brother (?) could sit on my lap, and that my nephew could sit next to me. It felt good and warm to have everybody all crowded around me.

      We had to watch some TV program that would inform us on some mission we were all supposed to be going on. An old, kind of fat, rich man was going to give us the details. The details, I knew, would involve something called "time parachuting." The man would just appear on the TV at the appointed time and give us the details.

      The TV may have been a TV at first. But now it was a low window, set into the wall under a thick, dark, wooden shelf. The view outside seemed, at first, to be of the deep blue water of an aquarium.

      My second oldest nephew and I may have gone close up to the window. It was now like we were on a subway train at night. The train was running above ground. It had just gone past the edge of town, apparently. We were riding through an area full of rails, all criss-crossing with each other.

      But now all the rails were under at least a meter of water. A deep blue light lit the water and the rails. In some places, it may have looked like the rails themselves glowed with deep blue. This brake-yard (?) seemed to extend for quite a way, all under water, with this eerie glow. My nephew and I seemed to be pretty amazed by it all.

      Dream #2

      I sat on a couch in a living room with my mom. It was daytime, and daylight came in through a window, which was probably behind the couch.

      My mom lay on the couch, to my left. But she was taking up so much of the couch that her rear end was smashing up against me. I was reading something on my phone.

      I was kind of annoyed by being smashed the way I was. But I decided not to move. I thought (a weird thought --) that my mom must be smashing up against me because she wanted to remember what it was like to give birth to me. I figured I should let her remember. I'd been so emotionally cold lately, maybe she'd forgotten what it was like to be my mom.

      My mom was now sitting up. She told me I looked weak. She grabbed my left arm and put her first two fingers on the vein on the inside of my elbow, to feel my heartbeat.

      Apparently she didn't like something about my heartbeat. She stood me up. We walked across the living room, into the kitchen. My mom stopped me right at the threshold of the kitchen. She said, "I'm going to grab the stethoscope and check your heartbeat, if you don't mind."

      I said I didn't mind. I put my book (? -- instead of my phone?) down on top of the fridge. I could see the top of the fridge really easily. I sat the book down on top of a pink diaper that sat on the fridge.

      My mom walked toward a doorway on the right wall of the kitchen, just past the fridge. This doorway led to a small hallway that led to a couple of bedrooms. My mom was getting a stethoscope from one of those rooms. In my mind's eye I saw my mom putting the stethoscope to my arm.
    4. working from home; working on bed; grandfather drives

      by , 11-03-2011 at 03:07 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in the living room of a really nice apartment, sitting on the couch with a really pretty Indian woman. The couch and floor may have been white. There was an entertainment center just across the floor from the couch.

      The woman was showing me something on the screen. The screen was black, but divided into sections by white lines. There may have been six sections. In each section were a few letters and numbers. The screen would occasionally pull down.

      The woman was showing me this, but I was actually controlling it, using either a keyboard or a joystick. I realized this was some sort of data processing system that was connected to a company's database. People could work from home, from their TVs, by entering data for this database.

      As the woman stood up and walked toward the dining room, off to our left, I told the woman, "I always thought this would be a good idea."

      The dining room was gone. A window was in its place. And it was like I was in a house rather than an apartment. The woman was just outside the window. I stood up and walked to the window.

      I continued, "In fact, I've always thought working from home would be the way a lot of people worked, eventually. I was thinking of writing a science fiction story about it, where everybody works from home, on their computers."

      The woman stood out in an area full of trees. She may have kept moving farther and farther back -- without walking, until she had disappeared in the trees altogether. But I was still talking to her.

      I continued, "Everything -- the world, gets greener again. The population rate goes down. But people are happier. So many things are controlled by robots. And a lot of people work from home."

      Now I was looking out the window to a normal suburban front yard. Two of my old friends, M (a man) and P (a woman) walked up to the window, which was maybe a meter or so higher than their heads.

      M told me he and P were going somewhere. When they were done they'd come back and pick me up to take me to the airport so I could go back home. I was a little panicked. I said that my flight was probably leaving pretty soon. I needed to get to the airport.

      M told me not to worry. Besides, M told me, I had some task to take care of, possibly involving a car, and that I wouldn't be able to leave until I took care of that, anyway. M asked me for the car keys so he and P could leave. I gave them to him.

      M and P were gone. I walked out of this house through a door opposite the window. I walked through another yard that looked like a front yard and up into the front door of another house. This was my mom's house.

      My mom was just inside, sitting at a table in front of the front window. When she saw me she stood up and started walking through the living room. There was a couch set right in the center of the living room. My mom started telling me something. But I can't remember what it was.

      Dream #2

      I was in a bedroom. The room was dim and blue. I had been listening to some conference call and taking handwritten notes on notebook paper. I may have been at a desk. But now the call was over.

      I heared a kind of squeaky-raspy voice from another room. I had been looking off to my left. But now I looked over to my right, to the door of the bedroom. A beige-orange light came from under the crack of the door.

      The voice said a few things. Then the person got up, apparently from a room behind me, and left, walking away down the hallway that was just outside the door. I now realized I was sitting on the floor, using a bed as a desk.

      I understood that I had left my job. This was the office for my job. For some reason I was back -- maybe just to help out on a short-term project, maybe just for one day.

      The guy the squeaky voice had been the guy who'd replaced me. It was 5 PM, and the guy was leaving. This, I thought, was kind of lazy, since there was still a ton of work to do. I thought that maybe I'd impress my boss by staying for a long time tonight.

      But, right while I was lost in this thought, my boss burst in the door. I must have looked like I was just doing nothing. My boss rushed up to my bed-desk and began flipping through my notebooks.

      I knew I had just taken notes on some conference call. I wanted my boss to see the notes. But now he wasn't finding them. Instead he flipped to a page I'd made of sketches of the famous cartoon character Strongbad.

      My boss pointed to one of the drawings and said, "I want to see less of this," as if he thought all I did all day was draw sketches of strongbad. He actually even flipped to another page that was also full of Strongbad sketches!

      I was trying to figure out how I could explain this to my boss. I did a lot of work. But sometimes, while I was listening to calls or trying to think through a problem, I'd start sketching.

      Dream #3

      I was pulling a car I had (when I was in high school!) out of a long driveway for a house set up at the end of a long, gated yard. When I got to the end of the driveway, I had to close the gate. I pulled off to the side of the road and got out of the car. I was also thinking something about the difficulty of driving backward.

      When I got out of the car, my sister was there. She told me, "Don't forget, while you're taking care of the car, to wash the back windows. That's really important, and C (one of my old friends) did it all the time."

      I told my sister, "I was just planning on doing that once I got home." Apparently I was planning on taking my car back home after visiting my family -- although I was also planning on taking a plane home.

      I was now in the living room of a house with my mom, grandpa, and probably some of the other members of my immediate family. My grandpa and mom were standing. My grandpa was getting ready to leave.

      I was going back to my car as well. My grandpa was going to drive me. So we left the house together.

      It was dark outside. My mom stood in the doorway. We were in a long block full of houses, possibly with some kind of median in the center of the wide road. My grandpa's car was parked halfway up on and off of this median.

      My grandpa and I got in the car. My door was still open, and I was holding on to some kind of hard door-strap, as if I were going to pull the door shut.

      My grandpa said, "I didn't invite you guys to my house because I didn't know what schemes your mom might have. She could sue me because on of the kids suffocated themselves on the floor or one of the kids suffocated themselves on the ceiling."
    5. shaw's last lecture; porn boyfriend break-in; cousin memories; museum membership

      by , 10-26-2011 at 02:26 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was out on a stage, just a little bit to the right (my right) of the stage. Back and to my left, the playwright George Bernard Shaw lay in a hospital bed. He was really sick, but he was giving a lecture. I was here either to introduce him or kind of interview him. His voice was really faint and weak.

      Now I was leaving the theatre through some backstage area and a backstage door. I was walking through some kind of brick-walled alley. It was daytime.

      Suddenly I realized or heard that Shaw was about to die. He knew he was going to die. He had announced that his next lecture would be his last. But that lecture would be today. In fact, it was starting right now! And I had left the theatre!

      I had to see Shaw's last lecture. He was my favorite playwright. And I had the feeling Shaw would die immediately or soon after he got off stage. So I had to be there.

      I ran back in the door, through the backstage area, and through a small door that led directly onto the stage. The show had just started. A woman had introduced Shaw. Shaw now sat in a nice chair on a green rug. A nice table with a lamp may have stood near the chair. Shaw had just started giving a little speech.

      I at first wanted to sit near Shaw on the stage. But since I came in late I didn't feel I deserved to. So I sat off to the right of the stage. In the shadows were some bleachers, which were pretty well filled with people. I sat on the floor on the bleachers, where I thought I would be in view of Shaw, so he'd at least know I'd attended.

      The woman asked Shaw some question about religion. Shaw responded a little ramblingly. He then said, "And, yes, I've been in a coven. I've headed a coven."

      A little, black boy in a black hooded sweatshirt with thin, widely-spaced, white stripes and sitting in a wooden chair a couple meters to the right of and behind the woman raised his hand.

      Shaw pointed to the boy, as if to take his question. He said, "Yes, you. And what's your name, little boy?"

      The boy stood up. His face couldn't be seen. He may have been turned around, or he may have had his hoodie on backwards, with the hood pulled up over his face. He said, "Some people call me Lazarus. But you can think of me as Nicodemus."

      The boy may have started knocking himself on the top of his head with his right fist.

      Dream #2

      I was in some room like a school cafeteria. The floors and walls were all white, and there may have been a set of white folding chairs all arranged in a grid, like for a meeting.

      But whatever had been going on here was finished, and everybody was leaving. Apparently we'd had a meeting regarding the production of some movie. It wasn't certain the movie was going to be made. But people were feeling a lot more confident that it would.

      The leaders of the effort all stood up front, near some long folding tables. There were a few long, plastic coolers. The leaders were kind of clowning around with each other while they packed up their supplies for the day. The leaders all looked South Asian. One of the leaders looked like the Malaysian singer MonoLoQue.

      The leaders may actually have been making up some wacky, funny song based on the song they thought would be the theme song for the movie. I tried to join in, but I don't think I was very funny. The leaders were patient with me. But I got the feeling they thought I was being too much of a groupie. So I decided to leave.

      I walked down a stairwell in the center of the floor. But as I got halfway down I realized I'd forgotten something upstairs. I ran back up to get it. But I didn't really know what I was doing upstairs and I didn't want the leaders to see me again. So I went back down the stairwell.

      About halfway down the stairwell, I realized I had to go back to my apartment before I went anywhere. But my apartment was right near the stairwell. In fact, just in front of the stairwell, right where I stood, was a window to my room. (Off to my left may have been some area like a department store.)

      So I swung myself up and bashed through a wooden panel blocking the window to my bedroom. Right before I'd done this I'd seen a tallish, kind of overweight, white man in a red t-shirt and blue jeans walking along some balcony between flights of steps behind me, as if I were now in some kind of apartment building's stairwell.

      I broke through my window and rolled onto my bed, then onto the floor. The window seemed to have been open. But I noticed that I'd broken the board, a white-painted board about 33cm high and 1 meter wide, in half.

      As I landed on the floor, I heard a woman in the living room go get the door. Oh, I thought to myself, that woman must be my new roommate.

      The woman opened the door to the man I'd seen in the stairwell. (I don't know how I knew this, since I didn't see it.) As soon as the woman let the man into the apartment, she yelled, "No! I'm not doing it! I told you I didn't want to be a part of it anymore and I didn't want to see you anymore!"

      I thought I should go out into the living room and defend my new roommate. But I was afraid. So I just sat and listened.

      The man had apparently been trying to get the woman to be in a movie for a production house he'd just started up. But already the production house was having trouble with censors. The man said, "And this is a movie that, just because you got a few people saying certain cuss words, people wanna make it rated X!"

      But the woman had left the man just because he had kept putting her in porn movies. She was yelling at him that she could tell he was getting started going down the same old path, and that she didn't want to be a part of it again. She seemed either to be walking the man to the door or heading out with him.

      I sat on my bed and looked at the broken board in my hands. It sounded quiet. Maybe the man was gone, I thought, and I could go introduce myself to the woman. But I was wondering what kind of first impression I'd make with her, suddenly having appeared in my bedroom, and having broken the board on my window. The woman might think I was crazy!

      Dream #3

      I was sitting in a car with a woman who looked exactly like my mom but was something more like an interviewer or psychiatrist. I sat on the passenger side, and the woman sat on the driver's side. It was daytime. We were parked at the far end of a long driveway in front of a house.

      I told the woman, "About the time that my cousin and I were trying to figure out what to do for college --"

      The woman interrupted me. "What do you mean? I thought that before, you'd said that your cousin didn't start college until a couple years after you did. How could he be going to college at the same time as you? It doesn't make sense!"

      I said, "That's not what I mean. What I said just now was --"

      Suddenly something happened, and I knew I had to leave the car and get going somewhere else. My car door had been open all this time. I stood up and walked off to my right. I walked along a stretch of dirt on the shoulder of a road.

      As I approached a fence, an adult woman came walking toward, then past me with a bunch of little girls. It was like a school group. Most of the girls were five years old or younger. They were all wearing diapers: some only diapers, some diapers with dresses over them. I was sexually attracted to these little girls.

      But there was one little girl, an Asian girl who seemed to be maybe seven or eight years old. She had jaw-length, black hair and was wearing a white dress with thin fabric. It appeared that this girl was also wearing a diaper, though I couldn't tell for sure. I was extremely attracted to this girl.

      I passed the fence, and one more adult woman walked along past me, following one last little girl wearing only a diaper. But for some reason, I found myself so sexually attracted to the little Asian girl that I felt like I had to follow her, at least to find out if she really was wearing diapers.

      I turned around and headed for the little girls, none of whom I could see now. I knew if I caught up with them and started trying to get close to the little Asian girl I'd certainly be singled out as a pervert. So I was trying to think up excuses for heading back and being near the girls.

      I thought that the little girls must have been going to the car to see the woman. Now I was in the car with the woman. She started up the car as I started talking to her. We pulled out of the driveway and drove away.

      I told the woman, "You see, my cousin and I were in the same year of school. And we were best friends. So when we got into our Junior year, we both started thinking together about what colleges we'd go to."

      The woman had turned right around a corner and was now driving through an alley going past the backyards of houses.

      I continued. "But my cousin ended up getting sidetracked. So he didn't go to school right away. He had a terrible childhood! I'd go over there all the time to see him."

      The woman now turned right and pulled into the driveway in the backyard of some house like my great grandma's old house.

      I continued, "My cousin would be grounded for, like, six months at a time! And he'd just have to sit in his bedroom in the basement for the whole time. Sometimes he'd even have to write thousands of sentences."

      I had to leave again. I opened the car door. There were some little girls walking around in diapers in the driveway. I was kind of attracted to them.

      As I stood up and turned right, to walk away past the back of the car, I saw that my sister was leaning against the car, almost right in the doorway! She said, "Hey," in a kind of guyish voice.

      I hoped my sister hadn't seen me ogling the little girls. But I looked at my sister. She was skinny, in shape, and she wore a blue-sleeved, white t-shirt that really showed off her boobs. I suddenly realized my sister was really attractive!

      Dream #4

      I walked into a museum with my mom. The lobby was dim and narrow. The ticket counter was some kind of polished, black stone.

      We walked up to the ticket person. I was a member at the museum, and the ticket person knew me. But he might not have seen me. My mom handed the man my membership card and said something like, "He's a member."

      The man said, "Great," and was about to print a ticket for my mom.

      But my mom said, "I'd like three people, and also two children, please."

      The man seemed a bit taken aback by my mom asking for so many tickets. I was taken aback, too! I thought I was coming to the museum with just my mom. Who were all these other people coming with us?

      I said something to the man. He finally noticed me. He said, "Oh! But you're a member *here*. Why are you trying to get in with this card? This is a MoMA card."

      I saw the card in the man's hand and realized he was right. Hoping to avoid him getting suspicious of me -- like he might have thought I was trying to hide the fact that I'd let my membership expire -- I flipped quickly through my wallet, trying to find the right membership card.
    6. contact lenses and bike; mugged in an aqueduct; girlfriend in diaper

      by , 10-22-2011 at 03:52 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in an eye doctor's office, probably with my mom. The office kind of looked like a house. We were in a front room, and I was right on the threshold to a back room.

      The eye doctor, an older, kind of pretty woman wearing a white labcoat and eyeglasses, was telling me about contact lenses. I told the woman that I've always been afraid of contacts. My body is always so sensitive to contact with stuff that I've always thought that if I wore contacts, my eyes would get all infected.

      The eye doctor told me these contacts were new. They were disposable. So sensitive skin was far less likely to be infected by them.

      I looked down at a paper on the counter. The paper advertised the contact lenses. The paper actually reminded me of the Heimlich maneuver posters seen in restaurants. I wasn't very assured by it.

      I was now riding down the street on a bike. I was heading back home. It was a really sunny, clear day, and I was riding on an open road, with open fields on either side of me. It was really easy for me to bike -- I was just coating along, but going really fast.

      Eventually I came to more populated parts of town. I was riding alongside some cars. I stopped with the cars at an intersection stoplight. I thought I must almost be home by now. I was surprised. I was almost home. I had never taken this way home before. But it was really quick. I'd have to take it from now on.

      At the intersection, a maroon-colored van with "my family" in it pulled up to my right. A dad, kind of fat, with shaggy, curly, dark hair and a bit of shadow of stubble was driving. Somehow I was now "inside" the van -- even though I was still outside, on my bike. But now that I was "inside" the van, the van would control where I went.

      I was disappointed. I really didn't like this father and I really didn't want to be in the van with him. Besides, I'd been going my own way and doing well. Why did I suddenly need this father to control where I was going?

      Dream #2

      I was out walking along the street in something like a residential neighborhood. It was a clear, sunny day. I was walking on the right side of the street. To my right was probably an open field. The street, on my left, was pretty wide.

      There were blocks of houses on the other side of the street. The block forked off a bit farther up, so that one of the streets wound off and drifted off to the left, while another of the streets went kind of straight and up a slope.

      There were two people walking along the street parallel with me. There were another two people walking down the slope, coming in the opposite direction from me. I needed to cross the street.

      I began to cross the street. But when I saw the two people walking parallel with me, I thought they looked a little weird. I was about to cross back over to the right side. But I just decided I'd cross all the way over to the left side, figuring I didn't want the two people to think I was afraid of them.

      The two people were a man and a woman. The man was tall, pale white, slightly muscly, with a mustache and pale, blue eyes. He may have been wearing a pale, yellow hoodie. The woman was shorter than me, pale, with brownish hair. She wore a black, leather jacket, a white shirt, and blue jeans.

      The guy, as I passed him, said, "Hey! Hey, you!" as if he needed my help with something. I looked over at him. But then he looked up ahead and saw the other two guys approaching. He told me, "Oh, nevermind."

      I kept walking, and the two guys passed me. They were both probably black. One wore a brown hoodie and brown pants. The hoodie may have had some orange lettering on it.

      The sloped street was now something like an aqueduct -- a little concrete channel like an empty, man-made river -- instead of a street. Some of its sides may have been grafitti'd. It was already walking up it.

      I could hear the man and the woman hurrying up at me now. I thought I should turn around and go a different way, so I wouldn't be walking up the aqueduct with these two people following me. But I didn't.

      Right as I got into the part of the aqueduct that sloped up and a bit to the left, the man pushed me down to the ground. He had me pressed with my back to the ground. I don't know if he was kneeling on me, but he wasn't bent down very much. He wasn't holding me down very hard, but I didn't struggle, becaused I couldn't tell if he had a weapon.

      The woman darted her hand into my right pocket and pulled out my wallet. She stood back up. She began going through my wallet, saying, "I got your wallet from you faster than an illegal immigrant going through customs."

      I didn't know why the woman would make her remark. I figured she was trying to insult me, as if I were somehow an illegal immigrant.

      I really didn't want the woman to go through my wallet. I didn't have much money as it was, and if she managed to screw around with my cards, I wouldn't have anything.

      The guy wasn't holding me down that hard at all. So I figured I'd struggle to break free. Then I'd head at the woman. If I had to fight the man after I broke free of him, that would be fine.

      Dream #3

      I was walking out onto a beach from some kind of residential neighborhood. A lot of people were out on the beach, all looking out at the ocean, as if some kind of special event were going on. But the beach wasn't really crowded, and everybody was pretty evenly spaced.

      Near the back of the crowd was a woman on a bike. She half-stood and half-sat on her bike, with probably only her right foot touching the sand. She wore a red and white helmet and a blue one-piece shorts and blouse outfit, the leggings of which looked a little too short.

      The woman was attractive, and I was looking at her bottom. But I noticed her bottom had a weird kind of puffed out shape to it instead of a panty line, like she was wearing a diaper. So I walked up to her and touched her bottom. She was wearing a diaper.

      For some reason this really turned me on. So I whispered in the woman's ear, "I could tell you're wearing a diaper. I love girls who wear diapers. And I love wearing diapers, too. Take me home, and we can wear diapers together."

      The girl got turned on by me, and we went back to her house. The girl had two or three female roommates. Time seemed to pass, at least a night, but maybe a few days.

      The roommates were all talking to somebody, another girl, they'd brought to the house. They said, "Yeah, it was just really lucky for her. He just walked up to her and said he liked girls like her. And they've been together ever since."

      The woman and I now had to go out somewhere. We were probably going to be gone for a couple days. We were getting ready to go. We were about to head out, when I told the girl, "Wait. Shouldn't we bring diapers?"

      The woman was now lying on the bed. I threw a diaper onto her stomach. I may also have set a whole pack of Pampers diapers on some counter somewhere.
    7. razor to eyebrow and throat

      by , 10-19-2011 at 02:22 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a house with a few other people. I may have been walking through a dim hallway. There were doorways open to rooms, some of which may have had turquoise walls. The rooms were all slightly dim, lit by greyish natural light coming in through the windows.

      I saw two people, each of whom had something wrong with them. The second person actually had his left eyebrow shaved off. But his skin had been shaved off as well, and there was just a big, bloody wound where the guy's eyebrow had been.

      The guy either told me or looked at me in a way that implied that this wound over his eye meant that I was in physical danger. I would die, possibly through my throat being cut, either by myself or by someone else.

      I seemed resigned to my fate. I walked into and then out of a bedroom. I had a Bic razor in my hand. I was shaving myself. But I seemed to nick myself just under my left ear. Something about the razor was bad. So I threw it on the ground and got a second razor.

      The second razor was cracked halfway along its head. It looked pretty dangerous to use. But I used it anwyay. I seemed to be make the wound on my neck even worse. I was pretty sure now that I was going to bleed to death.

      I walked into the kitchen and stood before the sink. Suddenly a stream of blood was flowing down my throat. It seemed to be getting worse and worse. I felt like soon I wouldn't be able to breathe.

      I now got panicked. I realized I was finally going to die, and in a way that was kind of gross-feeling and uncomfortable. I thought my mind would probably fade out before things got really bad. But I didn't want to have to deal with the chance.

      In my panic I called out, "Mom! Mom!"
    8. killer updates

      by , 09-28-2011 at 12:22 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a dark bedroom with my mom and my sister. The room seemed to have cinder block walls and concrete floors. The only light in the room seemed to be a blue glow from somewhere along the walls. The room was really big, almost empty, with a big bed off on the right wall.

      I held something like an iPad in my hands. It was playing some sort of news show. Below the news show there was a little yellow strip that ran horizontally across the screen. In this strip would be shown little squares that were like stills frome video news stories.

      The news story playing in the main part of the screen was interrupted at one point by an announcer informing people that updates had been made on a man who had been wanted by the police.

      I looked down to see the updated videos. At first there were strings of black text. As well as the wanted man, there had been a missing man. One string of text said, "MISSING MAN FOUND DEAD." Another string of text said, "WANTED MAN FOUND KILLING MISSING MAN."

      I now pressed on one of the stills, to play one of the video news updates. In my mind's eye, I saw a video image of the wanted man being caught doing something like sawing the missing man's head off while he was still alive.

      While I had been wathing the original news story and reading the lines of text, I had been sitting out on the floor, in the middle of the room. Now I was laying on the bed, possibly with my sister.

      The still I had pressed played a video history of the two men, up to the most updated news reports. The shots showed various photos of the men in some living room. There was often also a woman in the room. The woman was one of the men's wife. I'm not sure which man.

      The men's appearances changed throughout the photos. Sometimes the men looked young, almost 1970s-like. They had huge hair and wore dark sweaters and jeans. At other times, they looked like kind of clean-cut college guys.

      But most of the time the two guys looked almost identical: long hair pulled back in a ponytail, the hair mostly brown, with grey streaks in it, and a big grey streak in the center, full, but not huge, beards, and blue eyes.

      The two men had had something to do with a cult. It was like one of the men had been the cult leader, while another of the men had been a member of the cult, then gone on either to join another cult or try to make a cult of his own.

      Either both men or just the cult leader became militantly angry. There were possibly even groups sent out with weapons. Finally the cult leader had caught up with the other guy and killed him.
    9. obama and rubia; high-performance request; accounting and racing; grandma's food; lesbian library

      by , 09-21-2011 at 01:26 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in some kind of auditorium, which also felt like a huge, modern church sanctuary. I sat up in a balcony. The balcony curved all the way around the sanctuary, which had an odd shape, like an octagon. Farther to my left there was another balcony over this balcony. The church was well-lit, almost like the inside of a big-box club store like Sam's Club. The place was packed. We were all here watching President Obama give a speech.

      President Obama wasn't at the front of the church, on the stage. Instead, he stood on a small podium in the middle of the crowd. But then he was standing on some little platform hooked to the balcony, so that he wad just a bit lower than eye-level with the top of the balcony's barrier.

      Obama gave his speech, which was about all the good things he was doing. One of the things had to do with fostering positive relationships between the US and the Middle East. One of the proofs he gave of this was some partnership being formed between Chile and a supposed Middle Eastern country called Rubia.

      Now Obama was taking questions from the audience. I raised my hand to ask a question. But a woman off to my left got to ask her question. After she asked her question, Obama may have said, "Okay. Now who has another question?"

      The woman had a mic, so I not only raised my hand, but stood up and walked over to the woman so I could get the mic from her. A lot of other people raised their hands to ask questions. I thought for sure one of them would get to ask, rather than me. But my old boss, DR, was sitting off to the girl's left. He said, "Let ----- ask his question first."

      So I got the mic. I was walking back to my seat with the mic. In the meantime, Obama was probably answering the first question. His response had something to do with taxes. But then he also mentioned interest. A white man with blonde hair, a blonde mustache, blue eyes, and a trucker cap, asked me, "How does the government make money doing the kind of stuff Obama's talking about?"

      I said, "Well, the government makes money through revenue, which is what they call taxes. And then they also make money through charging on debt ..."

      The man and I together said, "... which is interest!"

      The man now seemed to understand pretty well.

      It was now my turn to ask a question. Obama was now up on the balcony, on some maroon-colored steps between two aisles. I was also standing on the steps, a few steps up from Obama. I asked my question. At first the mic was really quiet.

      I asked Obama, "You say you're doing a lot of stuff to make relationships positive in the Middle East. But beyond the example you gave with Chile, which is a country in South America, not the US, and Rubia, which I've never heard of before--"

      A young, pretty, blonde man wearing a black windbreaker came up to me as if to take the mic away. I flinched away from him. But he made a poking motion at the mic with a thin, pen-like instrument. I saw a little orange light on the mic. I understood that the man just wanted to turn the volume up on the mic. So I let him do so.

      With the volume up, I asked Obama, "So there are a lot of countries I can think of in the Middle East and North Africa. Out of all these countries, when you talk about good relationships with the US --"

      The crowd began clapping and cheering loudly.

      "-- Where is this?"

      Obama seemed like he was about to answer my question. I handed the mic to someone else so they could ask their question. As I did, I thought I'd tell Obama that I was also concerned with Sub-Saharan Africa, although nobody else seemed to care too much.

      Dream #2

      I was in a car at night, pulling into a parking space before a building. A woman came out and greeted me. She said my hotel was ready. I got out of my car and went up to the hotel room with her. The hotel room was kind of small. It felt like it was a few floors up and inside the building. It felt kind of stuffy.

      At some point, perhaps in an elevator, I was -- somehow -- putting myself into a baby's diaper (???). It fit really terribly. I -- somehow -- saw it wedging up into my rear end and sliding halfway off one of my legs. I'm not sure how I did or saw all this, as I was still fully clothed.

      I was laying back on the bed, with my arms behind my head, looking up at the ceiling. The woman told me, "Well, then, I'll give you a call and let you know what I can do about your request."

      I was kind of surprised by the woman's statement. I didn't remember asking her anything. But I figured I could have been experiencing missing time. So I asked the woman (as if I thought this was a clever way to hide the fact I didn't know what she was talking about), "Sometimes I have trouble remembering the things I just said. Could you tell me what I asked you?"

      The woman, standing in the doorway, said, "Sure. You said you were a little disappointed with this room. You had made a reservation for something different. So you asked me if I could find you a more 'high-performance' room."

      I remembered having made a reservation for something bigger. In fact, in my mind's eye, I had the view of something more like a small townhouse. And here I was in this dinky, little hotel room. So I guess I was disappointed.

      I told the woman, "Thanks. That sounds right. Just give me a call when you figure out where I can be moved."

      The woman left the room. I stood up. I walked out of the bedroom and into a second room (???). This room was like another bedroom. But it was totally dark. I walked through the room and into a bathroom. I turned on the lights.

      I looked at myself in the mirror. I was naked except for a pair of panties over a pair of diapers (???). I took off the panties. The diapers had a yellow and blue color scheme. There was something like a Mickey Mouse pattern on them. They seemed a bit loose and baggy on me.

      I thought I should probably go to the bathroom in my diaper and change it before the woman called me. But I also thought that I'd wait until the woman came back before I changed back into my clothes, so I could see how she'd react to me in just a diaper.

      So I walked back to my bedroom. I was kind of surprised. I thought the woman would have called me by now to let me know if I could get moved into a "high-performance" hotel room. I thought it would have been pretty immediate. I was wondering if she had gone to look at all.

      Now I thought maybe there were secret cameras in my room. Maybe the woman was watching me walk around like this. Maybe she thought she would wait until I was fully dressed before she got in contact with me.

      But I also thought that maybe there was something wrong with my credit card. Maybe there wasn't enough money on my card to charge a different room for all the nights I wanted to stay. I thought that was possible.

      Dream #3

      I was in a living room, laying on the couch. I was possibly getting ready to play a video game. My mom came in and asked me, "So did you finish that accounting stuff?"

      I knew what my mom was talking about. In another room there was a computer system that looked a lot like a video game system. The screen had a bunch of red numbers on it. I had to do accounting with all these numbers. It was a real pain in the neck. But I knew I hadn't done it, and that I should just do it.

      I sighed in annoyance and stood up. My mom, a little taken aback at my annoyance said, "Well, you don't have to do it right now, if you'd rather relax."

      I said, "Nah... f**k it," and shrugge my shoulders.

      I went into the room and set up the system. Apparently I controlled the accounting system by using Super Nintendo joysticks.

      The scene kind of faded into me standing at the right end of a huge flat-screen TV. The TV had a really glossy surface. The screen must have been a few meters tall. My mom, sister, and maybe a couple other family members stood in front of the screen.

      I watched the screen from my side view. At first it scrolled through all the red numbers that were part of the accounting system. Then it shifted to some kind of video game, like a racing game.

      My family started talking about the game, how fun it was to play. Suddenly I was standing in front of the video game, playing it. It was like a racing game. It was set in the mountains, and you raced things like mini-hovercrafts. It was kind of like F-Zero for Super Nintendo, except all the figures were really small. The graphics were sometimes more like 8-bit graphics.

      Now I was suddenly in the game, on the hovercraft, racing around as Claus Valca, my avatar for the DV website. The view was now like reality, not like video games. I remembered some words of wisdom a really beautiful and busty woman in a maroon-and-black, Victorian-style dress had given me about safety.

      I came around a curve in the road. I was driving the wrong way. A bunch of Indy cars came driving around the curve. But they were all invisible. I could only see very faint phantoms of them as they got very close to me. A few of them actually hit me. It didn't hurt me very much. But I knew if too many hit me, my vehicle would be damaged. So I pulled off to the side of the road to let all the invisible Indy cars pass.

      Off to the left of the shoulder of the road was a small cliff that led down to a wide, green valley. I drove along the shoulder of the road for a bit, then, possibly accidentally, drifted off the cliff.

      I descended quickly toward the valley. I found the valley really beautiful, and I really wanted to see it, although I was pretty sure I'd die if I hit the ground at this speed. I even commented to my family on the beauty of the scene, as if I were still standing somewhere with them, playing the video game.

      Then, suddenly, a huge cushion of air propelled me up from the valley. The valley sunk below me, and the air rushed all around me. I felt very elated. I even shouted out with happiness. The view was incredible from this height. I may even have wondered whether I was having an out-of-body experience.

      Dream #4

      I walked into the living room of "my family's house." The room was really big, and only one side of it was lit. The room seemed to be divided in half by a blue couch. There didn't seem to be much stuff at all on the dark side of the room, in front of the couch. Directly behind the couch there was a table, or maybe an air hockey table, covered and cluttered with all kinds of stuff, a total mess.

      My mom sat on the couch, kind of sideways, her left arm resting against the top of the back end of the couch. My brother and sister may have been somewhere as well. It was like I was here, visiting for the holidays. My mom's mom came to visit and drop off some food for me for Christmas.

      I was curious as to how this would all turn out. As far as I knew, my mom and grandma were no longer talking with each other. But my grandmother was here, right in front of the couch, as if she were talking with my mom, as I came into the living room. Now that I was here, my grandma could leave. She said something to my mom then headed for the door, which was behind the couch.

      My mom didn't seem to be answering my grandma at all. I was a little upset at my mom for not talking to my grandma. But I needed to catch my grandma before she left the house. I headed for the door.

      As I reached the door -- my grandma already stood half in and half out -- I looked at the table. Amid all the mess were two containers of food. One was a clear, cylindrical container of some kind of green food, like a casserole made out of spinach. The other container had some kind of fruit stuff in it. Both containers, even though they'd only been on the table a few moments, were all messy and gross.

      My mom finally spoke to my grandma. She said something completely irrelevant to what my grandma had said. She said something kind of weird that was supposed to prove she was taking care of something very business-like with my oldest nephew or all my nephews.

      My grandma didn't respond to my mom. My grandma was wearing a blue, cotton dress with tiny, white, paisley designs on it. The collar may have been a bit elastic, slightly bunchy. The sleeves may have been the same. My grandma also wore eyeglasses that looked extremely clean, but also very, very thick. My grandma alos looked a bit younger than IWL.

      My grandma said, "Well, -----, Merry Christmas. I'm glad I got to see you. And I love you." And now she was leaving. I felt terrible that I only got to see my grandma for this very short amount of time. And I really didn't even get to speak to her!

      Dream #5

      I was walking in front of "the New York Public Library," even though the building looked more like the Metropolitan Museum of Art, out on a wide, cobblestone walkway, like where Trinity Church and the Public Library are in Boston. There were a lot of makeshift stands outside, selling all kinds of art and souvenirs.

      There were a lot of women heading toward the library. I heard a couple women talking behind me. One of them said, "Yeah, I'm only coming to the library because they're having that speech for lesbian empowerment."

      I wondered about the event the woman was talking about. I was hoping it wouldn't be too big. It could make getting around in the library a huge chore, with all kinds of crowds of people in there.

      Updated 09-22-2011 at 12:03 AM by 37466 (spelling)

    10. pink lemonade for mom; dog friend in park; sex isn't so great

      by , 09-19-2011 at 12:19 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in a dark room that was kind of like a living room mixed with a small, cafeteria-style restaurant. The room was lit on the outer edges by dim, but vividly-colored, lights, like weak LEDs. But the lights barely lit anything at all, so the room was mostly dark. There a few other people in the room, mostly my family members.

      My mom was sitting on one of the sides of the room. She asked me to get her a drink. She may have asked me to "go out" and get her a drink. I may have been planning to go outside, to some store, to get my mom a drink.

      But I went to a small drinks case that sat on a counter. The drinks case (unlit) had a few Red Bull-shaped cans of pink lemonade in it. I may have thought that I would take one of these cans of pink lemonade to give me energy on my errand to pick up whatever drink it was my mom wanted me to get her from the outside.

      There were two different flavors of pink lemonade (i.e. another flavor added in with the pink lemonade flavor). I saw one flavor that I knew my mom liked. I figured that was the drink she wanted. The other flavor I thought I would take for myself. But I didn't really like the flavor. I wanted to see if my favorite flavor was available, but I couldn't remember what it was.

      I was then coming back from or finally going out on my errand. But some of my family members, particularly my brother, thought I was an old man and that I wouldn't be able to make the trip. For some reason, I took a pair of black socks with me to prove I was strong enough to make the trip. But the socks had holes in their heels.

      I was now feeling old and very tired. I kind of collapsed on the ground in the middle of the room, laying on my side. I figured I just needed a bit of a rest, and then I could get up and run my errand.

      Dream #2

      I was walking through a neighborhood that was like the neighborhood where my cousins lived when we were kids. But something about the feeling of the place was much larger and lonelier. It was like all the houses were twice their size, and the neighborhood was hidden away in a series of winding streets. The sky may have been grey, and the day a little damp and chilly, like it was going to rain.

      I knew that if I walked up one of the side blocks I could go see my cousins' old house. But I didn't want to risk going up that block and running into my aunt. So I decided not to go up that way.

      The road I was walking on ended up turning into a park. It was slightly secluded, but it was a nice, wide, long lawn with some rolling hills and some trees. I was walking on an asphalt path on the lawn. After a while, a dog came running up from behind me.

      I recognized the dog. It was a dog I liked quite a bit. I thought it was my aunt's dog. I saw a figure sitting in a bench far back in the park. I thought that was my aunt. She (?) May have been wearing an orange shirt. I didn't want to acknowledge the dog because I didn't want my aunt coming over and talking to me.

      But the dog seemed really happy to see me. We ran over to the right side of the park. We began playing and rough-housing a little bit.

      Dream #3

      A pretty, blonde girl, maybe about eleven to thirteen years old, with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, said, "Everybody says p***y is so great. They act like it tastes and smells like the greatest thing in the world. Well, I'm a lesbian. So I know. And I don't think p***y is that great at all. It doesn't taste that great. And it doesn't smell good."
    11. who crapped all over the house?; vietnamese bands

      by , 09-17-2011 at 02:19 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was coming up toward a house. It seemed like something bad must have happened there. I came up to a black iron fence surrounding the house. It was only a few meters away from the door.

      Just inside the gate, on some kind of stone walkway up to the front door, were the remains of a squirrel that had been killed. I thought the squirrel had been killed by a human. The squirrel had probably been beheaded and then sliced up the middle, on its underside, like a fish being gutted.

      Just in front of the door was a mailbox. The mailbox either stood alone or stood out against the wall. The mailbox itself was really thick and wide.

      On top of the mailbox were parts of the killed squirrel. It was probably the squirrel's head, but the head seemed really skinny, and it seemed to be attached to a long, bony thing, covered in fur, and which I thought of as an arm.

      I was a little scared by the sight, as if the squirrel pieces meant that some bad scene of carnage was inside, maybe even a human murder scene. But I also thought that perhaps the scene of carnage was what I was here for -- what I was here to see.

      I went into the house. The door was a side door, and it opened directly into a side hallway of the house. The floor of the hallway was made of white linoleum tile. I passed a couple rooms that seemed half-finished, kind of like laundry rooms. The hallway was shaped like an upside-down "L," with the base of the "L" turning off to my right.

      At the intersection there was a huge pile of crap. The pile itself was huge, but the pieces of crap themselves were enormous. I thought that only an animal would crap on the floor like this. But the crap looked too huge for any domestic animal to make. So I thought maybe a human -- a big human -- crapped on the floor.

      I walked into the living room and saw a smaller pile of crap on the pale beige carpet. But the pieces of crap were still so huge that I thought only a human could have made them. I walked around a coffee table and stood in between the coffee table and a couch. An old, clunky TV stood on a TV stand off to my left.

      Suddenly a big, black poodle (!) jumped at me, to attack me. It got good height as it jumped over the coffee table, and it would have bitten me in the face. But I slapped it away, knocking it to the carpet, in between the coffee table and the TV stand.

      The poodle was no longer vicious. It was like it was my friend, or my own dog. I considered that this dog may have made all the crap that was all over the floor. The dog was huge, especially for a poodle, and it had a kind of fat body. So maybe it could have made huge pieces of crap.

      I tapped the dog sharply on its flank with some kind of stick -- maybe a dried, tan bamboo stick? I said, "Turn around!" I wanted to get a look at the dog's anus. If the dog's anus had crap all over it, I'd know that the dog had crapped all over the house.

      The dog turned around. I noticed that a lot of the fur all over the dog's body was grey as well as black, as if the dog were getting older.

      I spent a couple seconds looking at the dog's anus. It was completely naked, barren of fur, so I saw it alright. It looked totally clean, and pretty small. I thought there was no way the dog could have crapped all over the floor. It's anus was too clean -- and too small. So I still didn't know what -- or who -- had crapped all over the house.

      Dream #2

      I was possibly watching some sort of television show. There were three Vietnamese or Vietnamese-American children. They stood in some strange, half-indoor, half-outdoor area.

      The space felt like a living room somehow, but it also felt like the corridors of some kind of shopping area in a big, Asian city. There was a lot of warm, orange, red, and pink light glowing into the atmosphere.

      The children themselves stood behind some kind of wooden bars, like the bars of a nice crib or playpen for babies. The bars met a carpet floor, which stood up on a tiny step, maybe 20cm high. The floor before the step was possibly also carpeted.

      The children were a musical group. They had won some kind of singing contest on a Vietnamese talent program. They now had to go to some further kind of televised championship.

      But the children were all worried, and they called out, "No! Wait! We can't do it yet!" It was like they'd forgotten their song, or gotten stage fright. They felt like if they went to the championship (which may have only been down the hall) at this moment, they'd screw up their luck and totally ruin their chances.

      I was half in the scene and half watching the scene on TV. I wanted to tell the kids that there was no need to worry, that plenty of groups had felt the same way before they'd gone on to their championship performance, but that they'd done just fine.

      In fact, I could remember one specific group that was actually Vietnamese as well and had gone through the same emotional difficulties as the children were going through right now. But I couldn't remember the group's name. I tried really hard, but I couldn't remember.

      I was now in a big room with my mom. The room was like a living room, but the floor was white, linoleum tile, like in a kitchen. The light was bright and white. The room was huge, and there was barely anything in it except a couch, a TV stand, a TV, and some random clutter, like blankets, so that the place felt very barren.

      My mom stood in front of the TV, messing around with something, like she was trying to run a tape in a VCR. I told my mom, "You tell those kids there's nothing to worry about. I know another Vietnamese girl that had the same kind of worries. But she ended up winning. She actually had a great song. I'll show it to you."

      I couldn't remember the Vietnamese singer's name. But I pulled my phone out of my pocket, as if I could find her on YouTube and show her to my mom. I thought that, if I just looked for the singer in some random way, I'd probably find her. I could remember the singer's song, and the video, which had a lot of pink, orange, and red atmosphere.
    12. face-girl, heart-boy, train search, mustache, topless little girl; pointillist painting

      by , 08-10-2011 at 12:13 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      There was a girl who hung out with some extremely fashionable people, possibly Andy Warhol's entourage. She had either darkly tanned or copper-brown skin. Her body was lovely. But her head was very strange.

      From her forehead back, her head was like a flat disk, like a plate. It was hairless and a little bit mottled. On either side of this disk, almost at the sides of the woman's cheeks, were eyes. The eyes were quite wide, pale, with very tiny pupils.

      I saw the woman in two scenes. In the first scene, which I can't remember very well, the woman was indoors, in some place like a fashionable club. In the second scene, the woman was walking on some brick path beside a house, drinking some can of juice or soda. In this second scene, the girl was wearing a long, stylish, but very summery, green dress.

      I noticed that the girl's mouth and chin were both very small. Her mouth was almost all the way down to her chin. I thought the girl must have had some kind of disease that had deformed her face.

      I now heard the woman talk, as if in narration. She had been an orphan, but it had been very hard for her to find a home, due to her deformity.

      Another female narrator now explained that her situation had been similar with that of a boy. I now saw the boy laying in the back of a car. He was little, maybe eight years old. He had shaggy, brown hair, and he wore a white t-shirt and khaki shorts. He told the camera (?), "I've been to a number of different homes. But nobody's wanted me -- because of my problem."

      I wondered what the boy's problem was. He didn't look deformed. But I suddenly saw his chest, for just an instant. The boy had a healed-over puncture wound, very deep, in his chest, just up and to the right of his colar plexus. The wound looked just like somebody had stabbed a sign-post into the boy's chest. I took this wound to mean that the boy had heart problems.

      The boy continued, "I went to the libraries to do research on my disease. But they didn't have much about it. But I studied whatever I could find."

      I had a view of the boy in the library, typing at a computer. It looked like he was on some kind of black and white, text-only page on the internet. But it was just the library catalog. I thought to myself, It's a real sign of the times that, whenever this documentary was made, all you could do on a computer at a library was look up what books they had at that specific library. But nowadays, if you have the right keywords, you can do tons of research on just about anything.

      The woman narrator now spoke about how she went to the library the boy had gone to, so she could see for herself how little information the library had regarding the boy's disease.

      I was now far out in a big town, which I may have thought of as Brooklyn. I was way out at the end of town, but I needed to get back home. It was daytime, and the streets were really packed. I was looking for a subway station. I kept zig-zagging through various crowded streets, hearing people's conversations. I kept finding subway stations, but they were never the right ones.

      One subway station was elevated maybe five or six meters above ground. It was set into a concrete stairway which had shrub-filled planters all along it. This appeared to be a station for one of the green trains (4, 5, or 6 line in New York). But it also seemed like the station was closed, even taped off with yellow police tape.

      I wandered down a straight road filled with people and cars and tall buildings. There was noise and rushing everywhere. I may have done more zig-zagging through the streets, looking for a police station.

      I was now in a quiet, suburban neighborhood, walking up to a driveway on the right side of a house, coming from the front of the house. As I did, a 12- or 13-year-old girl came walking up beside me. She was only wearing a pair of yellow briefs-style panties. She had pale skin and brown hair down to just above her shoulders.

      I was in some bathroom. I had a huge mustache, and maybe a huge goatee. I was trimming my hair. I realized that the more I cut off, the better I looked. I wondered what would happen if I just cut the whole thing off.

      I was back out in front of the house. In my memory, I heard a black man telling me how it would be bad if I kept thinking about the little girl whom I'd seen topless. He said that something like that was bound to get me in trouble.

      I was now walking back over to the driveway. At the curb, the driveway had something over it, like a gate of garlands, through which a new bride might walk on her way up the aisle at an outdoor wedding.

      Just coming through the gate was what appeared to be some kind of creepy guy. It looked like the guy was trying to catch up to me and elbow in front of me for some reason. So I sped up my walking to get to the house's side door before the creepy guy could get to me.

      But then the person called out to me, not by name, just something like, "Hey!" I looked at the person and realized it was just the girl again. She was naked, again, except for her yellow briefs. The girl held a white, terry-cloth summer dress in her hands. But she didn't look like she was going to put it on.

      The girl's body was a little weird to me. She was pretty thin, but her bottom was a little bigger than would seem to be proportional with her torso. The girl also had two "breasts," which were more like two little nubs of flesh with nipples on top, very close to each other at the center of her chest.

      The girl seemed to be pretty interested in me. She said, "Yeah, I'm studying -----." (I forgot what she was studying.) We got in the house. We were in a hallway. At the far end of the hallway I saw a room off to the left, with orange walls, where my mom was sleeping on a low mattress or couch.

      The girl and I walked into a room near the front of the hallway and off to the right. The room was small and plain, with just a mattress on the floor and a white sheet draped against the back wall. There may also have been a loose door or a long wood board leaning against the wall near or under the sheet.

      The girl was continuing to talk about her study project. Apparently it was all a real pain in the neck. Now she needed to use a computer for some research. So she'd come back here, apparently to use my mom's desktop.

      But we were apparently in this room because the little girl wanted me to have sex with her here. I was thinking it probably wasn't a good idea, because I didn't want my mom to wake up and discover us. But I also felt like if I wouldn't get in trouble, I should probably just have sex with the little girl. She seemed to be really curious. I thought I should help satisfy her curiosity.

      Dream #2

      (I had fallen asleep while "rehearsing" the memories of my first dream.)

      I stood in a dark room of a museum with a woman and possibly another person, maybe a man. The woman was very business-like, professional looking. The walls of the museum were either black or not lit at all.

      The woman and I stood before a painting of some dramatic scene, like a Redcoat soldier on a hill during the Revolutionary War. But it was done in a very realistic style, like that of Millet (?), except more watery. The sky was a slushy blue, and the hill was like washy waves of green, dotted with white flowers. The Redcoat seemed to be collapsing. He may already have been down on one knee.

      The style struck me as very dramatic and beautiful. But suddenly I realized the painting was a pointillist painting -- a style of painting I generally don't like very much.

      I told the woman that this might be one of the very few pointillist paintings I actually like. I gave a description of the painting. As I did, I suddenly thought, Wait a minute! This isn't a memory from one of my dreams! What the heck am I doing here?

      The painting seemed to start changing, a black, comic-book style painting "burning" out from underneath it, from the middle outwards.
    13. earth and cars; robot girl; detergent; maid's complaints; TV show; the dead speak

      by , 08-05-2011 at 01:00 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      There was a view of outer space, as if part of some documentary. The view swept between a bright star and, probably, two planets which were very close to each other. As it did, a narrator spoke about how the earth was in danger and how people should work to save the environment. But everything the narrator said seemed wrong. She seemed to mistake all the problems and come up with really silly solutions.

      As the narrator began talking about the problems on Earth regarding our water supply, the view swept down to "Earth," one of the two close-together planets. The planet was dark from high up in space. It looked like it was mostly dark, barren land with only a few wisps of clouds floating over it.

      The narrator's comments again seemed to annoy me with being so off-track. The view now seemed to sweep under some wispy cloud, possibly near a small, sharp mountain. I understood that I was supposed to be watching a space ship taking off somewhere.

      I was now on earth, at some place like an air base, looking up into the sky. It may have been late afternoon. The sky was cool, pale, tinged with pink. I seemed to have just finished watching a space ship or an airplane launching into the sky. I now turned my gaze back toward the ground.

      I was with two other "people." One of them was actually a computer-graphics car, like the red car from the movie Cars. The other person, and even I myself, may also have been CG cars.

      We headed across a stretch of concrete, over to a pick-up truck, which was not CG and not alive. We (cars) were apparently going to ride this pick-up truck away from the base. As we headed over to the pick-up truck, we talked about the environment, as if continuing the narrator's speech. I think I disagreed with everything said, but I spoke and laughed as if I agreed.

      We all got in the truck. I got in the bed of the truck, which was covered by a little shell. I got in by swinging myself under a horizontal bar placed just unde the roof of the shell. I'm pretty sure at this point I was a car. Even in the back of the truck I was continuing my talk with the other two people about the environment.

      Dream #2

      I was in a cluttered living room with two other people. I may have been kneeling before a couch piled with papers and other stuff, possibly including some kind of sheer or lacy blanket.

      One of the people, who I never saw, was my friend. I'd come to this place with my friend to plan some kind of party. The house bellonged to the other person, a tall, kind of skinny man with olive-colored skin, longish, frizzy, black hair, and plastic-rimmed glasses.

      We were looking through piles of photos or headshots. We were trying to match something about the headshots with something about the attitude of the party, to decide how to make the party and who to invite.

      I ran across a kind of strange photo of a girl. She was maybe ten or eleven years old, and she had a kind of nerdly look. But something else about her made her look like a robot. It was like I could see that under her short skirt there was a bunch of gears and machinery.

      My friend (a woman?) saw that I found the photo a little strange. She snatched the photo out of my hands. Something about the girl was a secret, and the woman figured I was just about to ask what that secret was. The woman said, "This little girl was his (the man's) daughter."

      The man seemed to understand that I had caught on that the girl looked like a robot. The man, kind of as a confession, told me that the girl had been a robot. She had been like a daughter to him. But apparently she was no longer alive.

      Dream #3

      I was in some strange, small space with my brother and sister and my mom's ex-boyfriend, TV. The place was supposed to be like a store. It looked like a mix between a sidewalk newsstand and an unfinished basement. The counter and front shelf were really small. The shelf area and the back area, behind the counter were lit with a kind of yellowy, fluorescent light. But evertyhing else was dark.

      TV stood behind the counter. My brother and sister stood before it. They were both little kids again. I stood off to their left, in shadows. I may have been a little kid, too.

      The shelves were all lined with detergent. TV had told us that he was looking for detergent so he could do our laundry. But, he said, the detergent he usually used was all gone. There were a lot of different kinds, but most of them were so different, they wouldn't work at all. It was like they weren't even detergent.

      TV really seemed to wish he could find the old kind of detergent. We kids were all hoping that TV could do our laundry. My brother handed TV a few different types of detergent. But TV rejected them. One of the detergents looked like a drink pouch with a big, thick, orange cap. Most of the boxes of detergent were yellow and orange.

      I was starting to think our laundry would never get done. But finally my brother found an old-fashioned looking box of detergent. The box was plain and yellow, and it had small writing, in a kind of old-fashioned font, all over each of its sides. This detergent was apparently the generic version of the kind that had run out.

      My brother handed this box to TV. TV accepted it, possibly a little reluctantly. It was good enough. So he'd be able to do our laundry. But TV still seemed like he'd rather wait until he got the kind of detergent he actually liked.

      Dream #4

      I was living with my family. We had just gotten a maid.

      I had just come back from something like work. I was kind of excited to see how well the maid had cleaned the house. I may also have had a little bit of an arrogant feeling that the maid would say my room had been the cleanest to begin with.

      But my mom told me that the maid said I needed to clean my room better before she came to clean it. My mom said that the space under the bed had stuff under it, so she wasn't able to clean it.

      I seemed to be going up a stairwell to my bedroom. I was holding onto the straps of a backpack I was wearing. I slowly entered the room and looked under my bed. The carpet was really dusty. A crumpled pair of khaki slacks lay on the carpet.

      There was also a strange coffee cup which appeared to be either styrofoam or paper. But also seemed to be made of glass or ceramic. It had a white base, which faded up into a watercolory blue and green. There was a glass or ceramic flower with green petals and a pink center attached to its side.

      I could see how this stuff could have blocked the maid from cleaning under my bed. I was a little ashamed for not having realized I'd left this stuff here.

      Dream #5

      The opening credits for some TV show were playing. The TV show was about some kind of normal American town, where all the characters were really normal and plain, except that they all seemed to have some sort of magic power or another. Each person had a different magic power.

      The opening credits gave a screen shot to each of the main characters, giving the actors name, the character's name, and a short description of the character. Most of the characters have escaped my memory.

      There seemed to be one blonde woman who looked like an average young mom. She wore a green cardigan sweater with a cherry-tree-branch design on it in black and white. She also wore skinny, black slacks. During her screen shot, she was doing something like shifting a pile of clothes from one place to another.

      The final person also caught my attention. He was by far the gaudiest person in the town. He may have been gay. He worked at some department store, like the store in the British sitcom "Are You Being Served." He had feathery, platinum blonde hair and tan skin. He wore some kind of flowing white shirt and a black vest. He also seemed to be adorned with huge, cubic, shimmering crystals.

      As well as being gay, he may have been the most "out" about having magic powers. His screen shot showed him in his department store, throwing his arms up in the air in some dramatic, magic gesture.

      The show now began. There were two women and one man in a very stage-like setting. The space was supposed to be a beauty salon. But it was just a huge stage with a polished white floor. One the right side was some scenery like neon cut-outs of trees and vegetation. But this was supposed to be the real outdoors. The man stood out near this area, wearing a white terry cloth robe and sipping some kind of fruit drink.

      The two women were near the center of the stage, by two chairs like dentist chairs. These were for beauty salon customers.

      There was some kind of contest. Whoever won would get a free treatment at the beauty salon. One of the women was the worker at the beauty salon. The other woman went to the salon all the time.

      The man began to mock the contest a little. He said, "Well, what happens if I win and I get to go to the beauty salon? What do you do to me?"

      The man was suddenly in one of the chairs, naked. As if he were asking if this would happen, his body was suddenly slathered in a bunch of white, painty material. The man was wiggling back and forth, making throaty "Agh!" sounds, as if he were digusted, but also acting like he loved whatever it was he was going through. He asked, "Is this what you would do to me if I won the contest."

      The customer woman now stood where the man had previously stood, by the neon paper vegetation. The man asked, "Is this what you do to her when she comes here?"

      The customer woman was really pretty. She was blonde, heavily made up and dressed in the style of a 1990s business woman, with a red dress exposing a V of chest. But now she was naked. She walked to the chair to the man's right. She got in the chair upside down and facing in toward the chair, so that her really nice rear end just kind of stuck way up in the air.

      I was hoping that the worker woman (red-haired, pale-skinned, with glasses, done up partly like a 1990s business woman and partly like Diane Keaton in the movie Manhattan) would start rubbing the naked customer woman down with whatever kind of white gunk the man seemed to be coated in. It felt like it would easily turn into some kind of erotic lesbian scene, which I would love.

      Dream #6

      I was in a morgue, which looked a bit more like some kind of crafts workshop, or theatre's backstage construction area. The place was full of tables and equipment, most of which seemed suited to a factory. There was a mortician somewhere for a little while. But after a while, he was gone.

      I stood surrounded by a few work tables, like for cloth cutting or some other kind of craft. Across the way from me, though, a line of bodies were laid out on tables. The tables were all low, maybe knee-height. They all looked like work tables, and they were all separated from each other by kind of bulky pieces of equipment or machinery.

      I saw four or five bodies in the line. Two bodies to my right were of men wearing soccer outfits, as if they had been soccer fans or soccer players. One of the men wore a green uniform. The other wore a yellow one. Both men were short, a little stout, and Latino. They had slightly cut up faces.

      A woman's body was just off to my left. She was white, middle-aged, pale skinned, a little overweight. She had shoulder-length, red-brown-dyed hair. She lay on her back and seemed to be frozen in the position of taking a picture with her phone, which she held with both hands.

      Something like narration ran through my head about how every person dies frozen in the position of whatever they were doing the instant they died. The woman now turned her head toward me and said, "Yes. That's true."

      I was surprised that this dead woman had just spoken to me. But the narration said, "The dead can come alive to speak to the living when they have questions."

      The woman was struggling to sit up, but she seemed more like she was sliding off the table. But, still, she was cheerfully confirming what the narrator had just said. She told me she could stay alive long enough to answer my questions.

      I felt like it was really important to ask good questions and to focus on what was being told to me, because you don't get to talk to dead people every day.
    14. missing an airplane

      by , 07-29-2011 at 11:59 AM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      I was in an airport with my mom and a man, probably my mom's old boyfriend, JT. The airport was large, with huge, tall corridors, and it seemed pretty empty. We were trying to get my mom to one flight and me to another flight. J and possibly my mom (or I?) were dragging along one of those pull-type suitcases on wheels.

      We went through one corridor with a tall, wide window wall. Off to the left, at the far end of that corridor, was a smaller hallway that was apparently an actual terminal. We then went through another large area that somehow reminded me of a mall, even though I can't remember any stores being there.

      We then got to an area that looked like a back area somehow. It was huge, multi-leveled, with an escalator going down to a lower level, and it had polished, beige, marble walls. I felt like we had to be close to where my mom's flight was taking off. It seemed like a relief to me. I knew that once I had gotten my mom onto her flight, I could get onto mine.

      But now my mom left me and J. She walked to the far end of the area and up to something that looked like a customer service or returns counter in a department store. She told us to wait a second, that she had to take care of something.

      I knew that my mom was going to take forever doing what she was doing. So I just left her and J. I ran away from them, looking over my shoulder and waving as I told them that I wished I could wait for them, but that my flight was leaving.

      I ran through the area with the glass wall and the smaller hallway. I had a feeling my specific gate was far away from here. I wasn't actually quite sure where it was. I looked at the clock on my phone. It gave some time around 4 PM. I thought that was fine. I didn't need to catch my flight until 4:30.

      But then I thought it over. I was really far away from my gate, I didn't know where my gate was, and I was already within half an hour of my departure time. That's when you start getting cut out of your flight! I looked at my watch twice more. First it said 4:08, then it said 4:13. I realized that I was in trouble, even if I found my gate right now.

      I took my phone down from my face. I was now actually running outside. The airport was like a mall, or more like an agglomeration of big-box stores. There were different airlines indicated outside of different buildings. Some airlines had their own buildings.

      I was up on some kind of asphalt slope, looking down to the buildings. I ran around the corner of the airport and then for a certain distance more. I then looked at the building closest to me. It had signs for a number of different airlines. But I was looking for Continental.

      I knew that if I had gotten to this building, I had gone way past the building with Continental in it. I even looked down at a ticket or card I held, which was red and said "Continental Airlines" on it in blue lettering.

      I turned around and began running again. I was pretty sure that there was absolutely no chance that I could catch this flight. But I figured that I might as well keep trying. I looked up at the sky, which was a kind of gentle blue, tinged with a pale, golden yellow. I may have seen a bird or an airplane flying through the sky.
    15. car crash and burnt body

      by , 07-22-2011 at 12:19 PM
      Good morning, everybody.

      Dream #1

      It was night. I was in a car with either my mom or my sister. We were going through some mountainy area, probably just outside town. My mom or sister was probably the one driving. We were winding up some hill on a wide road.

      We passed a car crash, which was just to my right. The car looked pretty huge, like a van, but maybe twice the size. It was completely wrecked, smashed, and burnt. It may even have been upside down. I may have thought that it was smashed almost completely flat. The car was surrounded by huge police or medical vehicles.

      As we passed the front of the vehicle, I tried to see inside. I couldn't see any bodies, so I assued that the police had pulled the people, living or dead, out of the car by now.

      But then I saw a body with its top half laying out of the driver's side (?) of the car. The body was burnt beyond recognition. It looked all skinny, dry, and featureless. It had a greenish-brown color, and its skin was more like ashy rock than skin. Its eyes were just slits, and its mouth was a gaping hole. The body was probably still smouldering and smoking.

      I felt like we had known the person in the car crash. The person may even have been a family member. I felt like we should have determined whether this was the person I'd thought it was. But we kept on driving.

      We were probably heading toward some kind of suburban neighborhood or residential complex in a small town in the hills just beyond us. We may actually have pulled into this neighborhood.
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