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    1. Crystal Power :D

      by , 01-11-2011 at 07:31 PM
      i had this whole entire dream about crystals mainly me buying them or moving them around my room. BUT there was this particular moment where there was a clear quartz crystal i could put both hand on it. When i put my hands on i felt a very powerful vibrations and blue energy almost like lightning went into my hands. i let go and my hands felt so poweful when i put both hands close together i could see the energy passing through my finger tips and palm of my hand it was like i was given a power to take back into reality. This has strongly lead me to Believe i should start Doing Reiki. Iv always had a feeling to do healing.

      next part of dream i was washing pots and putting them on the drainage board and then they dissapeard and i was like ghosts theres a ghost!! and it was putting my stuff away for me haha quite funny but then i heard a cockatiel and i made these funny noises and it mimicked me then it came in the room and it was my Cockatiel called gizmo that died a few years ago was nice to see again hehe even though it wasnt real.

      Next part of dream i created a tree i made the shape and i was now put the leafs on indivually was awsome and thats it for todays dream recall
    2. Light beings and other beings

      by , 01-10-2011 at 04:28 PM
      Hi there heres 2 lucid dreams i had

      First lucid dream i call it the Beings of light and the crystal: I became Lucid in this room. i dont reckognise where i am so i go out side and see this big fountain and behind it therewas a path way and at either sides of the long path were what looked like Silver birches. I decided i would try and fly and succeeded after assuring my self after 3 when i run i will fly and i did i went straight up and i then went through the clouds and on the other side it was night time and the moon looked so beautiful and i could see the Moon shining on the clouds and could feel the lovely breez and hear the wind, it was an amazing feeling i then looked down and 4 lights appeard below me and one decided to break from the others and fly towards me it looked so beautiful was shining with this lovely colour of light it was like a ball of light. I put my hands out and the light went through my hand and placed this cristal and then the light faded and the dream world went Black i then had a false awakening, i checked my pocket and there it was the same crystal this being of light placed in my hands, i looked into the crystal and some words appeard in it and said Use this crystal to return to this world. The world was called Kreenus.i was then like wow ran in my parents room and showed them the crystal and told them about the dream i had then went back to bed. It felt very spiritual to me and i would like to find out more about this light being and why it gave me the crystal any ideas?

      my next dream this is a short one: I became lucid and walked out of this elavator into this roomi turned to my left and there was a man in chair dressed in a white robe, i said hi and asked him if i was dreaming he replied yes so i then asked him another question Why do we dream why is it important he then hesitated and i had this feeling he didnt want to tell me but then he looked seriously into y eyes and said Its so we can see your FUTURE!!! then everything froze and i woke up Going WOA!!! has anyone else had this type of experience and answer
    3. I Had my First OBE and i Know i DID!!

      by , 01-06-2011 at 12:40 PM
      I had a dream at first talking to my friends at night and my dog appeared and it had crystals coming out of her back and i was like woa they were calcite i think the person in me said and that they came from atlantis i could feel the vibrations from the crystals then i said im going to meditate.I actually woke up in sleep paralasys and could feel the vibrations and hear them i just relaxed and after a while the vibrationes went and i could hear a harmonic crystal sort of vibration it was beautiful sound,i then felt my non physical body move out to the left i then started moving in a slow circular motion i could now see my room as it is for real and i started to circle the whole room expanding i then the room to outside my house by going through the wall and once i was out i stopped and then suddenly still in my lying down position shot off into the sky i was going so fast i was like wow!! i could defenatly tell i was in another dimension i could see a trail of asteral colours behind like purple bluey and the sky was soo spiritual i then shot down and went through this hole like i was being warped as i came through the other side i could still see the other side. the warp was the sea i think with whirlpool i came through it then closed and i was heading into wat looked liked to be honest another dimension like i went through 3 layers of dimensions. i then lost control and woke up with wat seemed me having my first breath of life again it was so nice. would of gone somewhere more but my brother and his gf got up for college which made me loose connection and shot back into my body.

      I know this was an outer body experience not a dream. some will say it was sleep paralasys well yh it was untill i went past that stage

      i woke up feeling so happy and energetic and also feeling like i was going to cry

      pls feel free to comment and share your experiences

      this was my very first OBE ever and was not expecting it either until i got the vibrations
    4. Dream OBE :) even though its a dream :)

      by , 01-05-2011 at 08:07 PM
      I had a dream OBE was weird i was in a hospital bed i felt the vibrations and could hear them i then rolled out of my dream body and fell on the floor i got up and saw my body in the hospital bed i started to walk around the place it was dark but i opened a door and was in the secretary area and no one could see me i went out of the hospital and started to fly around was good fun then i went back into the hospital and met this lady who was a soul like i was at the time but she said the next time you see me you will be disconnected entirely from your body and she dissapeard and then i woke up ino this was only a dream but it was a DREAM OBE
    5. Learning Wizardry in a lucid dream was great fun made me laff no wonder i shifted into another dream

      by , 01-05-2011 at 07:57 PM
      Hihi i had this dream last night i became lucid and my bro had a wand in his hand and he was summoning clothes haha so i was like hey teach me how to do it so he gave me the wand and i just flicked it alittle and totally smoked the carpet and he was like no thats not how you summon youve got to think what you would like to summon and do the nice swish and they should appear well i couldnt do it so i said you do it then and i said summon me some chineese warrior armour i swear i was thinking of a past life of mine thats why i said well anyway he couldnt do it instead he was summoning those kawaski Ninja full piece suits and i said hold on give it to me i then summoned a different colour pair this started to get hilarious cause all wat started to happen was me and him making all of these clothes appear i then shifted to another dream accept wasnt lucid but sort of was this girl ino gave me a letter to read she really liked me and wanted me and we was in a shed i was talking and that then these ppl started ripping the shed apart and the windows and grabbed me was freaky well anyway people appeard from everyone i knew everyon from school and i hit a few but then they started being nice to me then the dream faded
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