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    1. Going to another world through mirrors!

      by , 01-16-2011 at 11:58 AM
      Lat night i had some crazy dreams, to start off with i was with some mates having this meal at a restauraunt outside, there was an issue with coffee, there wasnt enough to go around so we was waiting for ages and then one of the waitresses dropped some coffee mugs twice which ruined everything and she got sacked she started crying and ran to her freinds for comfort, strange thing was we all felt extremaly sorry for her and we all had tears building up like we was about to cry.

      I got up turned left and there was a mirror i could see me but then it rippled and i could see another world there was a moon and there was a few shipwrecks, i walked through and was in not so much of a nice place, derelict buildings and burnt down houses, was basically a waste land, i was walking around and some mutated humans started coming after me then i woke up, i then fell back to sleep and was back in the world i was previously, i started talking to my mate about this planet and he didnt beleive me so i found this box and it had loads of small mirrors, i showed him and you could see the world on the other side, he was like wow, we then focused on it and got sucked into the mirror, we appeard at this old derelict hotel we went in and somone gave me a task to search rooms number 9 and 30, we went into number 9 and was routing through the draws, finding lighters old chocolate and weird things which i cant remember, unfortunatly parents being so loud in the morning showing no respect woke me up and the dream ended :'( never got to go to Number 30 which would of been last door i reckon, i probably would of met my Anima who i really want to meet again Piece out