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    1. <span class='glow_FF1493'>DawnEye11</span>'s Avatar
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      Ultimately, I rationalized it as “a way for kitten genes to spread out into the ocean.”*
      Funny. Also, I like the turtles part. I recently saw a cute video of turtles trying to eat fish and snatch a bag.
    2. KaliCo's Avatar
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      I write all my dreams down in a notebook. Then I know that I will never lose them, and it also helps when ur waking up for like wbtb or something and being able to use a dim flashlight instead of blinding yourself with ur computer XD
    3. GenghisKhan's Avatar
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      Ahah lol that's really bad

      I have a DJ.txt I write down the entry in it, then just copy-paste it online
    4. atramentis's Avatar
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      Thanks guys <3

      I agree, I think names of places that have actual descriptors of the mood there would be quite nice...

      The thing is, I've had fully lucid dreams before... ones where I was able to recognize that I could do anything if I could just trick my own mind into accepting it as possible. I've also had times where I was able to use lucid powers, but wasn't actually lucid, and I would categorize those as simply being dreams of lucid powers (since one can dream of anything). I do think that my attempt at lucidity here was... pretty good? But not great. I'm craving that feeling of power when I really know that I'm awake while asleep and can turn my dream into whatever I want it to be.
    5. RelaxAndDream's Avatar
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      hey there good progress i think!
      all i can remember i never had a dream of lucidity where i was not lucid. i often had this "oh is this a dream [failed dreamcontrol]" and keep on non lucid but i always asked myself how it would be to dream of beeing lucid instead of beeing lucid^^

      i would call your dream semi lucid too
    6. Verre's Avatar
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      When I first saw the title I thought "Sad Stone Harbor" was the name of a place, until I read further and saw that you were using "sad" as an adjective. But "Sad Stone Harbor" is such a wonderfully evocative name! I want it to be a real place... or at least a dream place.

      And while it can be frustrating to not quite recognize that one is dreaming, it sounds like you're almost all the way there! Moreover, I think it is valuable to practice analyzing your mental states so carefully. Your standards are high, which is a good thing, but lucidity often comes in shades or layers, and there's probably always room for improvement, so it sounds like you were semi-lucid at the very least. In your second encounter, when you told yourself "I'm dreaming," it sounds like you really did recognize it on some level, even if you didn't realize the different ways that would enable you to deal with the situation.
    7. atramentis's Avatar
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      I find it very interesting that you describe the lizard man as yourself and the main character. I often dream that I am the main character in a story and am visualizing the story. The mechanics of this are often explained away in dream that I am inside of some type of virtual reality or live TV show where the other actors are trained to play along with whatever I decide to do, henceforth I can have a dream about a zombie apocalypse or something and be able to offer up a vaguely reasonable explanation for why I might not be dreaming. I often find this 'dream that I am a character in a story' both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because often the stories and dreams it lends to are among the most interesting nonlucid dreams I have. But a curse because It hinders getting lucid in the dream.
      Wait so, you both create the story and experience it? For me the story gets created unconsciously, but a lot of the time it's something I would enjoy anyway, which is nice. Though sometimes, if I'm a little bit lucid I try to influence where the story's going, but sometimes this just breaks the whole dream.

      This is making me think that I shouldn't differentiate so strongly between the part of me that unconsciously creates the dream and the part of me that consciously experiences it. I mean, they're both me, and maybe if I recognize that I'll be able to recognize my own unconscious influence on my dreams. For instance, last night I almost recognized a dreamsign, but it seemed that as soon as the dream realized I was about to recognize it, it changed the dreamsign and gave me a plausible explanation for why it wasn't a dreamsign. So, from this I could reason that perhaps I don't fully want to become lucid, for whatever reason? I could probably make a list of "Reasons why becoming lucid is an undesired thing" and see what I come up with...
    8. JadeGreen's Avatar
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      This means that if I happen to wonder if I'm dreaming, just that is enough for me to go "Oh yes, duh, of course I am," and start doing lucid things... but it's rare for me to have enough awareness even for that.
      I often find this to be the problem with my dreams. I often find I have this sort of lack of investment in situations that would otherwise be emotionally difficult to deal with. Like I dream that a close relative or friend dies and I'm like "That sucks... oh well..." It's really because of lower level lucidity working its way into your mind. You somehow know that there are no long term consequences or whatever happened doesn't really matter, but you can't figure out why.

      In much the same way, I sometimes find these moments occur (more and more as I've gotten more advanced.) in where upon getting lucid I say or think. "I should become lucid now!", and come to the realization that I was already aware but just didn't have the drive to fully recognize that and take control of the dream.

      I wonder how many other people have this problem.

      Still the funniest one was "I know I'm dreaming, but why can't I get lucid?"

      I was thinking that my dreamsigns could be things like "a change in context," since that happens almost every time in my dreams, but on the other hand I think my mind simply accepts changes in context without thinking about them at all, and maybe I should pick something a bit more specific that I tend to notice more, such as my dead grandmother, having fully recovered from dementia, making an appearance.
      One thing I've always wondered about is moving. Changing schools or jobs can be nice lucid triggers for as soon as you quit a job, it's pretty easy to get yourself in the mode of thinking. "If I'm ever back at my old job at McDonald's I'm probably dreaming." Moving would work the same way too. If you ever dream of your old house, you can program yourself to become aware right away.

      But it is true, your mind does seem to accept some pretty absurd things. It's often funny to me how sometimes you can be having the most fantastical dream and never question your reality, but in another, much more benign dream, one small inconsistency or unusual happening can trigger lucidity. Come to think of it, almost none of my lucidity ever gets triggered in a "normal" way. I can't think of too many recent lucid dreams that were triggered via reality check or recognizing something out of place in waking life. Quite often I find that I 'discover' my ability to float or run really fast or that I look different. Other times I become lucid because I see or interact with one of my regular dream characters and become lucid through them.

      I meditated on this idea recently. Lucid dreaming seems more and more like breathing. You breathe all the time, just like you dream every night. Most people don't pay attention to their breathing. In the same way, most people aren't observant and controlling of their thoughts and dreams, and instead just allow their mind to wander wherever it pleases. You are in relative control of your mind. You can visualize whatever you want in your minds eye right now, conjure an amount of some emotion, recall a memory of your choosing. But more often than not we do not utilize this control, and allow our mind to wander freely.

      First of all, the main character was a sort of humanoid lizard. And the servants were also animal-themed, I believe, and quite powerful. The lizardman (me) met some of them in the tower and might have been captured by them? And then they might have started putting him through the various tasks that one must pass in order to be one of the castle servants. I'M NOT SURE. IT'S ALL SO HARD TO EXPLAIN. WHATEVER.
      I find it very interesting that you describe the lizard man as yourself and the main character. I often dream that I am the main character in a story and am visualizing the story. The mechanics of this are often explained away in dream that I am inside of some type of virtual reality or live TV show where the other actors are trained to play along with whatever I decide to do, henceforth I can have a dream about a zombie apocalypse or something and be able to offer up a vaguely reasonable explanation for why I might not be dreaming. I often find this 'dream that I am a character in a story' both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because often the stories and dreams it lends to are among the most interesting nonlucid dreams I have. But a curse because It hinders getting lucid in the dream.
    9. atramentis's Avatar
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      ahaha thank you so much, must be all my years of journaling :3
    10. RedKali's Avatar
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      Then a Metro lady approached me while I was looking at the Metro map and talked all about what working at Metro was like and p much offered me a job on the spot because she liked me so much and THANKS BRAIN BUT WE'RE NOT WORRYING ABOUT THE JOBHUNT RIGHT NOW SO SHUT UP.
      Lol. I really enjoy the way you write; your voice is so clear making it really easy to understand you through your writing.
    11. atramentis's Avatar
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      Oh thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it It's nice to be writing dreams down again.

      I actually prefer dark dreams 'cause they're more exciting, and I don't get stressed out by dark stuff unless my mind randomly decides it's a nightmare. But yeah, the library one was nice. It seemed... unusually calm and consistent, for one of my dreams.
    12. <span style='color: #9900CC'>~Dreamer~</span>'s Avatar
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      Nice recall! And I like the way your write your journal.
      I had a dream about terrorists myself a couple of nights ago which was similarly dark. I hope you have nicer dreams tonight! I like the one about chilling in the library.
    13. <span class='glow_FF1493'>DawnEye11</span>'s Avatar
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      That's one good lesson...XD
    14. <span class='glow_FF1493'>DawnEye11</span>'s Avatar
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      So..much..violence...owo haha It was still kind of funny how the dcs didn't seem to care though.
    15. Bharmo's Avatar
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      Congrats on the nice and long lucid!
      Wow, if we both had another decent lucid we might get a good position in the competition.
      BTW, I wish I had lucids where I could do so many things as you did in this one...