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    Trial and Error

    I am the kind of person who just tries to have fun and get by whether I am dreaming or not.

    1. Giraffes and dogs and tigers Oh My! Fragments ahoy!

      by , 06-20-2011 at 05:47 AM (Trial and Error)
      Fragment #1:
      I was sitting in an old room of my mothers watching tv with no pants on when a guy that I don't know randomly walks in. I am surprised and begin to cover myself frantically asking "Who are you? What are you doing here?" He doesn't have time to answer before my mom walks in angry at me. She asks "How can you just let guys walk in here when you are indecent? Do you want him to see you?" I start to explain that I do not know who this is and did not let him in when he intersects with the reason he is here. I forget exactly what he said, but it somehow cleared him of any wrongs and my mom leaves. He begins to investigate the furniture and I ask him what he is doing, and he says that he is just "looking for the giraffes" I think "Oh duh!" (dream logic gotta love it) I start helping and almost immediately stumble upon a tiny giraffe, about the size of a small dog. The giraffe is frightened and runs under the dresser. I think in the dream of a friend irl who loves giraffes and honestly think of updating my facebook status to "found tiny giraffe under my dresser today" (I am WAY to addicted!! ) I try to coax it out and the dream shifts.

      Fragment #2
      I am trying to get to bed and my mom is telling me that I need to be killed by tigers. I disagree saying that I do not I just need to go to bed (made WAY more sense in the dream, seemed rather matter of fact). There were three tigers, but they loved me. I thought about what she said and after a long while realized she was right. I did not want to live any way. I begin to bother the tigers, but they still only lightly bite me in a playful way. I lay on my stomach and put my arms down so they can cut my wrists. I begin to agitate them further and they begin to really start attacking me when I am forced awake.

      Fragment #3
      I fall back asleep. I am releasing a dog and some other unknown creature into a large body of water. We know the currents will take them where they need to be. (In the dream it did not seem like they were going to drown, but like we were releasing them into the wild.) They did not want to go and were sad to leave. A friend from school irl JJ goes out into the water and takes the dog. She says she will take care of it. She wraps it in a towel and news reporters ask her what she is going to do. She gives some sort of heartfelt speech about how she will take care of it and give it a home. I remember thinking that she was so nice and such a great person to do that. i wake up.

      Not sure what order they came in at this point, but they all happened in the same night.
    2. My leg just fell off

      by , 06-07-2011 at 10:59 PM (Trial and Error)
      I was in a boat what seemed like a pond (not 100% sure) with a friend/coworker from school Jacquie.
      I looked down at my leg and realized that there was a large gash about the length of a pencil in my left calf. In the gash I could see all the way to my bone with ligaments scattered around. My ligaments were kind of like the thin rectangle plastic twine that is used to bind boxes, only it was green. It was almost like my leg was hollow, and there was no blood.

      I was like "ah....maybe I should call a doctor."
      Jacquie looks down and is like "Yeah, you should."
      I get on the phone which is attached to a large, square, metal machine sitting behind us in the boat. I keep getting transferred and by the time I get a doctor on the phone the gash has extended up to my knee and almost around my entire leg.

      They ask me what the problem is and I explain what is happening with my leg and ask if an ambulance can be sent to my old high school (I guess that is where I was). As I do my (where my tibia and fibula would be was just one bone) calf bone snaps off my femur and ligaments snap and bounce around. I quickly grab it and hold it in place so that it doesn't get so mixed up that I don't know where things go anymore.

      "My leg just fell off." I tell the doctor
      She asks "Are you sure this is a serious issue?"

      I honestly wonder if it is. Am I over reacting? I think. I begin to mumble and tell the doctor that I would like to come in anyway, just as a precaution.

      She says "Well, call back when you are sure what you want to do." and then transfers me to a machine that gives me facts about the hospital. I hang up angry, and decide to go to the hospital by myself.

      I go to stand up, having to use my broken off leg to hoist myself onto my good leg. As the bones scrape together I feel the first pain in the dream. I let out an exhale of pain as I wobble to my feet. I start walking, and Jaquie is suddenly someone else. We enter a courtyard area and I suddenly nabbed by a guy with a gun looking for an easy hostage. He at first grabs my friend, but quickly lets her go and grabs me after seeing my leg.

      We are quickly surrounded by a SWAT team with all guns aimed in this direction. They had been chasing him for awhile and I was annoyed that I was about to be the reason he got away. I wasn't scared as much as I was annoyed that I could not get away on my leg.

      The SWAT team goes to move in and he shows off my leg my forcing me to stand up. (I am somehow sitting again) I do, and writhe in pain as my bones scrape together again. I try to hold my leg straight up to keep myself stable. Everyone lets out a gasp full of pity and I am really annoyed. I think to myself, "I don't care if you feel bad for me, it would be great however if you guys would actually help me. I need a hospital more than a childish groan."

      My condition was however enough to get the SWAT team to back off. One of them for whatever reason seemed injured I go up to him and ask him if he is ok. I am pretty sure he had a moment of "she is asking me if I am ok". He says yes and slips me a gun, I nod in recognition and take it. My captor came up and pushed me away from him, resulting in me stumbling awkwardly backwards.

      As soon as I gain my balance, I take the gun, aim it at his head, and pull the trigger. Nothing happens. I realize I did not cock it and that I am an idiot. I reach to cock the gun with my thumb but it doesn't feel like it is there. He raises his gun and aims it at my head. I see that my gun does not have a cock but two buttons in its place. He fires, luckily it does not work, and his gun beings to smoke. I hit the button on the left. (I somehow realized duh! I didn't hit the button.) and proceed to shoot him in the head.

      He falls down dead and I am on to the next step of getting to the hospital. Everyone begins to cheer, and I thought, crap...now they are distracted and I will never get there. It calms down quickly however and they get me there.

      I am checking in to the hospital as I wake up.
    3. My Wedding Day

      by , 06-06-2011 at 02:34 PM (Trial and Error)
      It cut around a bunch but stayed within the same time frame of one day, and the same story line.

      In the dream I was a man and it was the day of my wedding and started out going very well. The setting was never in a church or anything, it was just that me and everyone else knew it was my wedding day. I felt a sense of my life finally coming together, like for a moment everything was going to turn out fine.

      It happened slowly, but everyone who was involved in my wedding began to turn on me.

      Randomly I was in a futuristic jet plane with someone I didn't know. She began to tell me how I did not care about her and how she was disappointed. She let her hair down and I was surprised to see it was one of my best friends (in the dream, I also think she was my best man). She begins to talk to me about how she wanted to go into the military but she could not pass and psychological exam.

      She begins to drift into la la land and I am extremely frightened for I have never seen her in such a state of anxiety. She tells me basically that she loves me and how could I not see that she was the choice. I explain to her that she is my best friend and that it was something I didn't want to loose. She began loosing her mind, and I hit her to bring her back to reality.

      We ended up falling out of the plane and onto the inside ledge of a broken sign. We are suddenly in different clothes. I am wearing an open white collar shirt with pants, and she a pink night gown. I try to keep us from falling off but she is determined to get me to fall. I finally do and I hear myself hit the ground, but am ok. I end up being blamed for the whole ordeal since the only story people heard was that I hit her and tried to throw her off a building.

      Some kind of dream skip. I walk up to this crowd of men and ask "best man?" to one of them. I am not sure what I thought would come out of it. The man replied "You want me to be your best man?" He continued talking about he would be honored and then switched emotions and said something I don't remember. His son walks up to me and explains that his dad has Alzheimer's and to please leave. I do.

      I am on some sort of film set. I am sad about others that are now not going to my wedding. People want me to cancel, but I insist to go on for the friends I have left, although I know that most people had bailed on my wedding and hate me now.

      There was a shotgun mic tangled in a xlr cable and it swung hitting my cat in the face. I began to yell to leave my cat alone, but they would not. I grab their DVD spindle in anger and pull the top two DVDs off. It turns into a cat, and I begin to suffocate it. (It was like the cat was on the DVDs but was still real). The people there begin to watch and assure others around them that I will stop before 100sec are up (apparently that is how long it will take for the cat to die). But they all stand around watching and laughing, ready to run off and tell the police after it is over.

      I am disgusted that no one was trying to stop me. They did not care for the cat at all, just what the repercussions of that would do to me. They were using me and the cat just to hurt me, and I could never do anything to hurt them back because their is nothing that they care about enough to hurt them. They had cared nothing for me from the very beginning but I was to stupid and exited to realize that they were liars.

      By the time I escaped my thoughts and intense feelings of sadness and anger, I had killed the cat. I drop it in shock, having somehow not realized that I was still killing it. (I was aware to an extent, but was distracted by my thoughts to the point where I convinced myself it wasn't really happening) I quickly dropped him gasping, and as he hit the ground transformed back into two DVDs.

      I turned and fell into a bed shaking and hyperventilating. I was so ashamed that I would kill a cat that I could not get control of myself. They people left laughing that I had done it, so they could get me arrested, but I did not care about them. The cat had done nothing to me, but I took my anger out on it anyway. I could not handle that I actually did it, and I woke up and the same position I ended up lying in.
    4. Haunted Lost House

      by , 05-26-2011 at 04:53 AM (Trial and Error)
      It started in a field with a group of people.

      I see a door and a porch sitting in the field not attached to anything. I am the only one who can see it, and I can not see it very clearly. I go and open the door and as I enter it seems as though I am walking into nothingness to everyone. As I enter, the inside is clearly a house made completely of hard wood. The door closes behind me and I feel the room begin to shake. I assume the house does not want me there.

      I turn and look out the widows to see a vision of the past the house is giving me. I see a car wreck with a school bus in a terrible rain storm. People begin running the injured, bleeding teens inside the house in a frenzy, but it seems like none of them survived.

      The world returns to how it was, and I understand that the house is sad about the tragedy that occurred there. I let more people into the house (for reasons I don't remember). One of them ends up being a crazy ghost hunter that continually tries to get the house to react.

      He has a large, shallow, yellow, rectangular, wooden tub filled with water. He starts to flick the water onto the floor, and draw pictures of rain that he hangs all over the house. The house begins to shake more and more violently and I try to stop the ghost hunter. I tell him that he is freaking out the house by reminding it of the rainstorm the kids died in and he should stop before the house turns on us. He didn't believe me. I try to reason with him about how he should listen to me since I was the only one who could see the house and I soon start yelling.

      That's when I wake up.
    5. Lucid and ladders

      by , 03-20-2011 at 08:48 PM (Trial and Error)
      I was a young boy, and I believe it started on a bus. Me and a teacher, or just adult helping out, were the last two people on the bus. He either threaten to attack me, or attacked me, the beginning of the dream is a bit fuzzy. In any case I spent the whole dream trying to not find myself alone, because I knew he would kill me. I thought about telling someone else, but I figured he would just kill them to.

      For whatever reason, the group I was in spent a ton of time on ladders. Putting stuff on shelves, changing lightbulbs and what not. (probably because I am a facilities worker irl.) Some ladders were really tall, none of them were a normal size.

      He tried to push me off a few ladders sending me crashing into (luckily) random piles of non-lethal things. I finally refused to go up a ladder without someone else with me. One of the teachers began to realize I was acting strange and got me to tell her what was going on. She decides that we should go and confront him.

      We go to his house and knock on the door. He opens the door and without another thought shoots me in the chest. I go tumbling backwards. It was then that I realized that guns and shot were two of my dream themes, and that I must be dreaming.

      I suddenly was the teacher, and began to walk towards the guy all terminator style. He continued to shoot, but they just ricocheted off of me. I said "this is a dream, you can't hurt me."

      I forget exactally what happened, but I destroyed him.
    6. Security Breach

      by , 03-19-2011 at 10:06 AM (Trial and Error)
      Another old dream. I write them out as I remember.

      It started with me and my mom in some sort of military bunker. We are being led through, and seem to know where we are and why we were there.

      Suddenly an alarm goes off and and everyone in the base starts running around getting ready for some sort of invasion. We pass a section where there are a bunch of baby's and some soldiers begin to hide them. It is only then that I realize all the soldiers are women.

      I am given a gun and a helmet and I take position with them in the entry way everyone aiming at the large double doors. Everyone seemed so trained, and I was a bit floppy holding a gun, but got in position with them despite.

      I wondered what could possibly be coming for the entire base to be up in arms. I ask the person next to me "who is coming?" or something along those lines. She turns to me and says "it's him". I have even less understanding and just turn to the doors which are now rattling.

      The doors suddenly burst open letting light engulf the room, three silhouettes coming into view. A few of the girls gasp, some flinch. The men walk in, in the middle stands my dad. He scans the room causing everyone to shiver with fear. They had been so prepared, and were now frozen, unable to act.

      He walked in slowly and deliberately singing some creepy version of the ABCs. No one can even mutter a word they are so frightened. I can not believe that they can not defend their own bunker.

      My mom, from across the way yells to me "Kill him! Just kill him!"
      I say "No I can't just kill him."
      She just repeats "Kill him!"

      I raise my gun and aim it for his head. Right when I get a shot he turns and looks me in the eye. His gaze scares me and I shoot. It impacts his temple and he swings around but does not even loose balance. I shoot him in the head again, he flings around again, ending up facing me again. He looks into my eyes and says "I love you" and falls to the ground dead.

      I begin shaking and drop my gun in shock. I am traumatized and having a meltdown.
      Everyone begins to cheer. A few gather around me patting me on the back, congratulating me. My mom says "good job" and I just brush her off. They keep coming to congratulate me but I am just trying to get away, ashamed at what I had done.
    7. Spilled fish

      by , 03-11-2011 at 07:53 AM (Trial and Error)
      (a dream I remembered from a few years ago)

      Me and my mom had apparently just moved into a new place. There were boxes everywhere, no furniture, just boxes everywhere.
      We were trying to gather up our pet fish had begun to swim out of the tank. Some flopped around on the floor, and we had trouble getting them since they were to slimy and smooth. Some were swimming around in tiny patches of water around the house. We kept trying to grab them out of the strange self sustaining hunks of water (only strange after awakening) but we could never seem to grasp them.

      After a while we had got some it, but were freaking out because we knew the others were going to die. I notice my mom is not in the room anymore, and I hear a shriek come from the neighboring room.
      I yell to her to ask her what happened.
      She walks out holding two dead hands of a man. They were greenish blue, decaying slowly, and ripped up.
      She says "You don't want to know."

      The shock from the randomness of what had happened collapsed the dream at that point.
    8. Oblivious Party

      by , 01-27-2011 at 07:22 AM (Trial and Error)
      (in the same week as Golden Gate Death, a previous dream)

      It starts off as a school stress dream. Me and one of my friends from my class have our final (during finals week) and we can't find a place to print our papers. etc.

      The dream shifts

      My friend is still there, I am pretty sure he is just a carry over from the previous dream.

      We are taken hostage, by a man with a gun. He is wearing a white shirt and has black hair. He is having small talk with my friend about something. I tell him something like "you wont get away with this."

      In the distance I can hear a fancy party going on. All I can see are shadows, and hear feint music and talking. I say something like "you can fire that gun because they'll hear you." He says something like "oh yeah..."
      He shoots me in the stomach. I don't feel the pain but I feel wet, and I feel it extend as a bleed.
      The party continues to go on with no one noticing. I am confused on how they could not hear something so loud.

      I try to get their attention, and yell "Help!" I feel myself become weaker.
      No response. I feel my body being drained, I am getting tired, but I know if I fall asleep I'll die.
      "help.." I yell noticeably quieter. The gunman mocks me. "You can never reach them now"

      I know I am going to die no matter what now, it is to late to save me. But I can at least not let that asshole get away with just shooting me and going on his merry way.

      I take a deep breath and prepare myself "HELP!!" I scream until the fabric of the dream fades and I wake up saying "help"

      I felt empty all day...
      non-lucid , nightmare
    9. Golden Gate Death

      by , 01-27-2011 at 07:03 AM (Trial and Error)
      (From middle of last year, more or less)

      I started off looking at a cage full of crazy rabid monkeys. Clearly something wrong with them. Suddenly, guards walk in and begin to shove a bunch of people into the cage. They scream as the monkeys jump all over them tearing at their skin and beating them.

      Dream jumps

      One of the guards carries a girl toward golden gate bridge and the bay bridge. (they are right next to each other and small maybe 20ft high 40 feet across or so) The bridges are covered with long spikes, most of the spikes holding a dead bled out body. There is a clear empty space on golden gate. The girl is scared but not fighting back, just seems to be hoping she will live while thinking she would die.

      I realize my presence in the space (not as a dream, just in the area) and become frantic wanting to help the girl but realizing that I do not exist on the same realm. I have the thought "what if the girl is me." I watch as the guard lifts the girl in position in front of a spike. She hyperventilates but is unable to fight back. He thrusts her into the spike, and she bleeds to death with the other bodies.