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    Trial and Error

    I am the kind of person who just tries to have fun and get by whether I am dreaming or not.

    1. My leg just fell off

      by , 06-07-2011 at 10:59 PM (Trial and Error)
      I was in a boat what seemed like a pond (not 100% sure) with a friend/coworker from school Jacquie.
      I looked down at my leg and realized that there was a large gash about the length of a pencil in my left calf. In the gash I could see all the way to my bone with ligaments scattered around. My ligaments were kind of like the thin rectangle plastic twine that is used to bind boxes, only it was green. It was almost like my leg was hollow, and there was no blood.

      I was like "ah....maybe I should call a doctor."
      Jacquie looks down and is like "Yeah, you should."
      I get on the phone which is attached to a large, square, metal machine sitting behind us in the boat. I keep getting transferred and by the time I get a doctor on the phone the gash has extended up to my knee and almost around my entire leg.

      They ask me what the problem is and I explain what is happening with my leg and ask if an ambulance can be sent to my old high school (I guess that is where I was). As I do my (where my tibia and fibula would be was just one bone) calf bone snaps off my femur and ligaments snap and bounce around. I quickly grab it and hold it in place so that it doesn't get so mixed up that I don't know where things go anymore.

      "My leg just fell off." I tell the doctor
      She asks "Are you sure this is a serious issue?"

      I honestly wonder if it is. Am I over reacting? I think. I begin to mumble and tell the doctor that I would like to come in anyway, just as a precaution.

      She says "Well, call back when you are sure what you want to do." and then transfers me to a machine that gives me facts about the hospital. I hang up angry, and decide to go to the hospital by myself.

      I go to stand up, having to use my broken off leg to hoist myself onto my good leg. As the bones scrape together I feel the first pain in the dream. I let out an exhale of pain as I wobble to my feet. I start walking, and Jaquie is suddenly someone else. We enter a courtyard area and I suddenly nabbed by a guy with a gun looking for an easy hostage. He at first grabs my friend, but quickly lets her go and grabs me after seeing my leg.

      We are quickly surrounded by a SWAT team with all guns aimed in this direction. They had been chasing him for awhile and I was annoyed that I was about to be the reason he got away. I wasn't scared as much as I was annoyed that I could not get away on my leg.

      The SWAT team goes to move in and he shows off my leg my forcing me to stand up. (I am somehow sitting again) I do, and writhe in pain as my bones scrape together again. I try to hold my leg straight up to keep myself stable. Everyone lets out a gasp full of pity and I am really annoyed. I think to myself, "I don't care if you feel bad for me, it would be great however if you guys would actually help me. I need a hospital more than a childish groan."

      My condition was however enough to get the SWAT team to back off. One of them for whatever reason seemed injured I go up to him and ask him if he is ok. I am pretty sure he had a moment of "she is asking me if I am ok". He says yes and slips me a gun, I nod in recognition and take it. My captor came up and pushed me away from him, resulting in me stumbling awkwardly backwards.

      As soon as I gain my balance, I take the gun, aim it at his head, and pull the trigger. Nothing happens. I realize I did not cock it and that I am an idiot. I reach to cock the gun with my thumb but it doesn't feel like it is there. He raises his gun and aims it at my head. I see that my gun does not have a cock but two buttons in its place. He fires, luckily it does not work, and his gun beings to smoke. I hit the button on the left. (I somehow realized duh! I didn't hit the button.) and proceed to shoot him in the head.

      He falls down dead and I am on to the next step of getting to the hospital. Everyone begins to cheer, and I thought, crap...now they are distracted and I will never get there. It calms down quickly however and they get me there.

      I am checking in to the hospital as I wake up.
    2. Not withough my hard drive!

      by , 05-03-2011 at 05:29 PM (Trial and Error)
      I started out doing what I was doing before I fell asleep, which was working on homework for school on my roommates computer. Only I am on her computer in what looks like an elementary school classroom. With a whole bunch of desks you can put things in. My boss (irl) Charlene and friend from school (irl) La La are randomly there too.

      Suddenly Larry C. (friend from school irl) runs into the door way armed with some kind of weapon that looks like a taser, Charlene and La La seem to know exactly what is going on and start running for the door. Before they can get there Larry fires hitting all of us with some kind of medical suction cup and begins electrocuting us.

      I fall instantly to the floor in horrible pain, writhing as the jolts go in waves through my body. I the suction cup begin to get warm, hot, and then start burning. Soon my whole back is hot, and my muscles are so tense they feel like they are going to snap. La La begins to say how she can not believe that a "Burn-y" is so intense. I figure she has been shocked more than once, and that this is not even the worse of it.

      It seems to go on for minuets but finally subsides, leaving me as an exhausted, fried heap. Charlene is up in an instant and grabs me saying "Get up we gotta GO!" I can barely move my body at all but force myself to my feet. She begins to put me towards the door but I resist saying "No I have to eject my hard drive first! I can't leave yet!" She lets me go to the computer and eject my drive. They keep giggling at me in almost a mocking way. I realize they are laughing at me because I am white.

      After I get my drive we run out of the room and down a hallway. I start hearing small beeping noises as we are walking, and think that there must be motion detectors along the floor. So I jump and begin to glide through the hall way using my arms to keep myself buoyant and to steer.

      We leave the building to see the entire "gang" (or whatever) that is trying to attack us. I jump again and try to gain distance above them, but I can't get enough air. I am high enough to stay out of reach as everyone grabs at me but I am sinking in the air.

      I end us where the leader is. He is much larger that everyone else and quickly snatches me out of the air. He holds me up by my wrist and gives me a look. I know he wants to break my fingers so I begin to try and wiggle away.

      That is when I wake up.
    3. Phones are to complicated D:

      by , 04-14-2011 at 04:22 AM (Trial and Error)
      There was more to the beginning but I do not remember what it is.

      The first part I remember was standing in front of a table with strange displays of different types of dirt in large amounts. We were told to find these worm-like things in the dirt. I saw one sticking out of one of the clumps of dirt and grabbed it. I showed it to whoever was asking us to search for them and he told me that it was the wrong kind and that I was holding a leech. I quickly threw it to the center of the table and began searching again. The worms he was looking for where about half the size and were thicker on one end. There was suddenly (a zelda esk) radar on the left part of the "screen" that showed the leeches as blue dots and the worm things as white dots. I continued gathering until the dream changed.

      I was trying to talk to someone (all I remember is that she was a mother) when I had a bad taste in my mouth or something and turned to spit. I spit and spit but it still tasted bad and I felt nauseous. Slowly the spit was getting bigger until it was a stream of liquid, like I was barfing with out hacking, it was just leaking out of me.

      The dream shifted, but continued, to me talking on the phone with one of the mothers kids. I forget what she said, but she told me something that made me realize who was the murderer in a current mystery. It was her mother that I had talked to earlier, and her little sister. I run out of the room to a group of people and tell them who the murderer is, but no one is listening. One motions to a little girl, and I know it is the little sister, but she is 3 years old. I am confused and put the phone back to my ear to talk to the girl again, but the line is dead, no static, nothing. I know that she is dead and become frantic, yelling at people to call the police, that she just got killed. No one listens. I tell them that I do not know her address and have no information to tell the police, but I know they do. I beg them to help her but I am ignored again.

      I try to go into the settings of my phone to find the address but I can't figure out how to get to the menu. (I am horrible with phones irl) I try to get someone to help me find it an write it down for the police, so I can tell them where she lives. One person gets me a piece of paper and a pencil, but no one helps me with the phone.

      I am freaking out because I don't know what happened to her, and what the killer is doing.
      I gun shot rings out, a bullet flying past me, and I take off down the hallway, the girls dad in pursuit. I go into the first door I see, close it, and sit against the inside of it. There is a thin window the same height of the door connected to the side of the door frame closer to the door knob. I am sure that it is enough room for him to aim his gun at me and shoot through the glass, but I can not move because he could get in.

      I hold still and close my eyes, hoping for him to shoot and for me to die quickly and painlessly, so it could all be over. He does not use his gun but pushes on the door, bending it in like it was elastic, and walks in the door bending back in place.

      I am terrified. He stands still and motions to the other room. I know it is a bedroom and I know he plans to rape me. I sit in shock saying "no" over and over to myself.

      Luckily I was able to forcibly wake myself up somehow before anything happened.
    4. Ants

      by , 03-31-2011 at 05:53 AM (Trial and Error)
      A dream from 2001 or so...
      I had this a little while after I moved away from a bunch of my friends to a different state.

      Me and by old friend (irl) B are standing in nothingness. It is just white that extends forever, and we are confused as to how we got there.
      Suddenly a wall begins to build itself around us. It starts out translucent and slowly builds to full opacity, and is made out of bricks. It is a lot like a video game.

      We notice quickly that the wall is trapping us and we begin to run toward one end of the wall, each of us taking different directions. We are to slow and are just behind where it is becoming solid. We end up meeting each other as the square fortress becomes complete and I tell him to leave first. He jumps out, and I follow, but the wall becomes solid on my arm that had not cleared where the wall was appearing.

      B grabs my legs and begins to pull, and for some reason I don't understand I bend my arm so that it is hooked on the other side of the wall and I can not get out, even though there was enough space for me to slide my arm out. I tell him to make a break for it, he hesitates, but then runs.

      It is like there is suddenly a society inside the wall, and there is a giant docking station. A humongous arc floats into the docking station, one driven by huge ants. I am terrified since I have no idea what they will do to me, but I still remain where I am. They shoot me in the leg with a dart and I feel my body slowly go numb and I loose consciousness.

      I know they take me into the fortress and that I am kept there for a long time, but I forget the details of the middle.

      They are trying to force me to go to part of the city I don't want to go when B returns swinging on something to swoop in for a final save.

      Updated 03-31-2011 at 05:53 AM by 41531 (add catagory)

    5. Lucid and ladders

      by , 03-20-2011 at 08:48 PM (Trial and Error)
      I was a young boy, and I believe it started on a bus. Me and a teacher, or just adult helping out, were the last two people on the bus. He either threaten to attack me, or attacked me, the beginning of the dream is a bit fuzzy. In any case I spent the whole dream trying to not find myself alone, because I knew he would kill me. I thought about telling someone else, but I figured he would just kill them to.

      For whatever reason, the group I was in spent a ton of time on ladders. Putting stuff on shelves, changing lightbulbs and what not. (probably because I am a facilities worker irl.) Some ladders were really tall, none of them were a normal size.

      He tried to push me off a few ladders sending me crashing into (luckily) random piles of non-lethal things. I finally refused to go up a ladder without someone else with me. One of the teachers began to realize I was acting strange and got me to tell her what was going on. She decides that we should go and confront him.

      We go to his house and knock on the door. He opens the door and without another thought shoots me in the chest. I go tumbling backwards. It was then that I realized that guns and shot were two of my dream themes, and that I must be dreaming.

      I suddenly was the teacher, and began to walk towards the guy all terminator style. He continued to shoot, but they just ricocheted off of me. I said "this is a dream, you can't hurt me."

      I forget exactally what happened, but I destroyed him.
    6. I hate Justin Bieber

      by , 03-17-2011 at 05:34 PM (Trial and Error)
      The dream started off with me and my roommates (dream roommates) having a clean house.
      For no reason Justin Bieber shows up (I got a strong urge to tell him that I could kill 28 Biebers if a swarm of them attacked me according to a quiz online ). He has his whole team of security making sure that everything goes smoothly while he stays with us, but nobody knows why he is there, and none of us like him.

      As the dream progresses our dogs (some I have had irl some that I haven't) begin to mess up the house. They were jumping on things and breaking things, until the house was a wreck.
      The Bieber security showed up and got us basically arrested.

      There was somewhat of a dream skip but it kept going.

      We were outside of this facility where we had been taken and the same guys that had dragged us out of the house were behind this strange wall (we could see through it , but it was a wall) aiming firearms at us. There were four of us standing in a square. We seemed to know what is happening, but I was still confused.

      They shot one of the people in front with some kind of dart, causing them to collapse on the ground, and proceeded until all of us were shot and paralyzed. My body was so heavy that I could only move my neck a little. I watched as they, starting with the same person, shot a different dart. The first person shot was still for a moment, but then began seizing violently. My heart started going as I realized that my turn was coming up. They shot the second person, the same pause, then seizing. I began to hyperventilate, but was still unable to move as they laid their sights on me, and fired. I knew what was coming, but and began seizing.

      A majority of the dream was many more darts in the same fashion, each one aching as it stuck into my body, each one with a strange side effect.

      After a while they took us into a room, some kind of rest room to keep us until it started again. I tried to walk around, but was unable to keep myself erect, all my limbs seeming heaving, and my vision failing me. I could not keep my balance so I sat down, continuously complaining about our treatment and how it was to severe. No one was listening.

      Some kind of dream skip, but it continued. I think there was an inferred few more cycles of the shootings and the rest room.

      I don't know if we escaped, but I want to say we were released. We exited the strange room through some kind of tube into a system of tubes and chambers unknown to us. (They were somewhat of a mix between the tube transports from the show "futurama" and play places at Mcdonalds, only made out of several different materials) The two of us (don't know what happened to the other two) began climbing randomly through, still feeling horrible, and being extremely disoriented.

      We finally find an exit and find ourselves in a world we do not recognize. A futuristic world, were we seem out of place. We suspect we have actually been held for several years and that the world has changed during our captivity.

      I then have a false awakening in my bed at home and begin seizing again. I freak out thinking my dream was trying to wake me up before it happened. I calm myself down enough to sit up, by body still pulsating. I see my laptop siting in my bed showing research of the strange technology that I had seen in the dream.

      I think to myself "Oh my God, the technology is real." and then I wake up for real.
    7. Oblivious Party

      by , 01-27-2011 at 07:22 AM (Trial and Error)
      (in the same week as Golden Gate Death, a previous dream)

      It starts off as a school stress dream. Me and one of my friends from my class have our final (during finals week) and we can't find a place to print our papers. etc.

      The dream shifts

      My friend is still there, I am pretty sure he is just a carry over from the previous dream.

      We are taken hostage, by a man with a gun. He is wearing a white shirt and has black hair. He is having small talk with my friend about something. I tell him something like "you wont get away with this."

      In the distance I can hear a fancy party going on. All I can see are shadows, and hear feint music and talking. I say something like "you can fire that gun because they'll hear you." He says something like "oh yeah..."
      He shoots me in the stomach. I don't feel the pain but I feel wet, and I feel it extend as a bleed.
      The party continues to go on with no one noticing. I am confused on how they could not hear something so loud.

      I try to get their attention, and yell "Help!" I feel myself become weaker.
      No response. I feel my body being drained, I am getting tired, but I know if I fall asleep I'll die.
      "help.." I yell noticeably quieter. The gunman mocks me. "You can never reach them now"

      I know I am going to die no matter what now, it is to late to save me. But I can at least not let that asshole get away with just shooting me and going on his merry way.

      I take a deep breath and prepare myself "HELP!!" I scream until the fabric of the dream fades and I wake up saying "help"

      I felt empty all day...
      non-lucid , nightmare