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    Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self"

    Important notes
    Ordinary dream

    1. Tube crash / Baking trays & theater performance "Questions"

      by , 01-15-2011 at 09:35 PM (Tomas's DJ - "Exploration of the inner Self")
      My friend MandM and I are sitting in the tube that is just going outside from the underground. I look out from the window and see a highway running along the train line. Suddenly, the train slows down significantly. We look outside of the window, to see what is happening as I have the feeling that always when the train slows down like this, it is because of some accident. Outside we see parts of another tube train. It's all torn apart. I see many people picking up all those parts. We are chattering about it. It raises anxiety feelings in me.

      Guys (MandM) and Pia decided to go to see some performance.
      The theatre is somewhere far. I tell them that I will get the tickets. I take baking trays (!!!) which i think we need for it. I filled the washing basin with water and put the trays into it. (:-D) Pia's tray is all messed up and greasy! I get a little bit angry as the water for washing gets all messed up. Because of this we are running late. As soon as I am finished, I run to buy those tickets. Now I am in a camp, with loads of tents and stools. I know where to go. I come to one of them, where I see some notice boards with writing on it. The writing is saying "if you buy the tickets within 34 minutes, you are still going to make it" (this is very strange, as usually numbers and writing in dreams are impossible to read!). I got the tickets. These are also train tickets to get to the place where the theater is.
      The train station is right next to the camp. It is a massive final station. I can see many super fast trains there. I look at the tickets to see what platform we are going from. I see that the performance is called "Questions" (reading again). I remember trying to find the best date and time for us to go. With the girl who sold me the tickets we agreed on Friday the fifth. We run to get our train. It is Easy Jet train as I can see the colors and logos on it. However, as we get close to the train, the door shuts and the train departures very fast. I see us standing there at the station, feeling confused and surprised as the train was not supposed to leave yet. I realized that we could get there by some other train that goes the same way. I run to a group of the people who clearly work at the station. I'm telling them that I am not happy with the service as we still had 34 minutes. Firstly, I argue with a nice young girl, but she doesn't know what to do. So now, quite a big buy with ginger hair comes to deal with it. He tries to sneak out of the situation. Finally, as I lose my patience, I ask him if we can use the ticket in another train, because they are useless.

      Then we all are at some arena or stadium to watch UFC fight. Even though we are sitting pretty close we cannot see much. The fighters are fighting like girls and even of it I am not able to see much. I feel disappointed.
      Tags: banking, theater, tube