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    1. House Arrest, Sylar (Heroes), weird animals and more

      by , 04-01-2012 at 05:07 AM
      So my dream starts off at Walmart (Thing about my dreams is that i have many "Dream Locations" When I'm at Walmart in my dreams it's always the same over sized Walmart) Anyway, everything is normal until this evil dude come's from nowhere with a black sword. I here a voice and it's generic like and says "You must take the sword. You are the chosen one." In front of me is a golden silver sword stuck in the ground. The sword is between me and the evil dude( He is about 17 and wearing all black. He has black hair and brown eyes) I run at the sword and everything goes into slow motion. I grab the sword and pull it from the ground. The second i pulled it from the ground i saw a smile cross the guys face and I knew I had made a mistake. He then swung out with his sword in a sweeping motion. This created a wave that knocked me back and threw me into the shelves behind me, but it didn't stop there. The one slash cut into the ground and roof destroying any thing in it's path. It brought up a giant wave of smoke and debris. I couldn't see anything but i could feel the earth quaking under my feet. Then all the smoke cleared and i did a 360 but the guy couldn't be found anywhere. I stand up and apparently am uninjured. Then I notice i crowd is forming around me and they do not look happy. I then realize I'm standing right smack where all the damage begins and...I'm still hold the sword. I begin to see why all the people are giving me bad looks. I start to try and explain but no one will here me and next thing i know i'm in court

      The court is basically The People Vs Me and i lose. the judge lets me of easy for some reason and i get house arrest until "He sees fit" I go home which is just like my house only the furniture is different and my room is weird( Of course i don't think so until i wake up) I have a huge bathroom all too myself and i have a roommate and apparently I'm rich and half a lot of stuff. The scene reminds me of something out of a Miyazaki movie. The room looks bright and happy with bright colored clothes everywhere( My roommate is a designer or something) Me bed is round and has lots of quilts on it and is surrounded buy wall dividers. It looks quite cozy. Anyway my parents are pissed and they don't believe me about not destroying Walmart. They, along with my roommate, go some where and I end up alone in the house i cannot leave. I'm not even allowed to go in the yard.

      So I'm siting in my room and looking out the window. I see this gigantic hole or cave in the ground. on the inside walls of the hole are thousands of smaller holes. Inside each of the smaller holes are bird nests. The birds are all different shapes, sizes and colors. There are even rainbow colored ones. The whole time I'm thinking " I remember that being there" But at the same time I'm so entranced but how beautiful they are to care. Then I see these big trucks pull up and guys come out and start spraying this purple smoke into the hole. Al the birds start freaking out and i think they are killing them. I can't sit there and watch this so even though I'm not allowed to I jump up and run outside. I yell at them to stop and they give my funny looks and explain they are only trying to get the birds out because the hole is going to collapse. Feeling stupid I head back inside. I get to the back door and see that right beside it is a large aquarium. In this tank is strange looking frogs and turtles of odd color. I was thinking out loud and said "How weird.." One of the turtle turned to me and replied "HOW RUDE!" I was like I turned to go the other way forgetting i was trying to go back inside and saw this black car pull up. Some how I knew whoever was inside was here because I had left the house. I step for and start to say it was all a misunderstanding but stop mid-sentence when I see that the man getting out of the car is none-other than Sylar (From the show Heroes).

      First if you don't know who Sylar is then go watch Heroes, He is my favorite bad guy other than Freddy Krueger ( I'm not including Anime villains ) until then the small explanation is he has super powers and he kills people
      Second I completely froze when i saw him but only for a moment then turned and rad inside utterly scared for my life. I slam the door behind me and run and hide in the bathroom and lock the door. There is a little slit in the door that you can slide open and see out side for some unknown reason. I look through and watch as my back door flys off it's hinges and hit the wall. The only though that runs through my mind at this point is "shit shit shit Shit Shit SHIT SHIT SHIT" Then he turns and looks straight at the bathroom door and i slam the slit door I'm looking through shut and back way too fast tripping and falling to the ground. The door to the bathroom moves but won't open because it's locked then the door is busted in half. I watch in shock and Sylar enters the room. Then I jump up and run for the window hope to escape but Sylar is to fast and grabs the back of my shirt and throws me to the ground HARD. This knocks the breath out of me and a struggle to get to my feet but he kicks me back down. Using his ability to move things with his mind he flips me and makes it were i can't move and smiles saying "I would say any last words but you don't get any...goodbye" He raises his hand in the oh to familiar motion about to finish me off ( In the show he slices the tops of people heads off with his power by pointing and making a slicing motion) I slam my eyes shut.

      That were I wake up...guess i died.