• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
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      I'm the only person in the room and there's a pumpkin in the middle of every short little table. Yes, conditions are perfect for removing my own head.
      You know, taken out of context, that's pretty damn funny

      But seriously, it's extraordinarily boss that you removed your head. Well done!!
    2. Chimpertainment's Avatar
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      That is pretty awesome! this dream is epic :)
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Ha ha, thanks! Yeah, that's the second LD that I hit by talking with R. Homeboy's a dream sign!

      The height-fright really took me by surprise. I got this sudden rush of doubt in the form of, "OMG, that wind! Am I totally completely 100% sure that this is an LD??" I had this picture of Wife shaking her head at my stupidity if I managed to kill myself this way, lol. It's not like I actually became non-lucid but more like suddenly very interested in being 100% sure this was a dream.
    4. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
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      Lmao "Drumstick". I laughed at this whole dream. And I love how cooperative your friend R was as a DC.

      Too bad the building height atthe end was so scary. I think if it was vivid enough, I would be to scared to jump or fly. Cool dream though still, I love your DCs in this one especially.
    5. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Hey, that's awesome!

      No, the confrontational DC was a late 40s Caucasian who was balding on top. Sort of like a tall, crazed, overweight Steve Ballmer.

      If my adversary had been an enormous Korean, I'm afraid it might have been this fellow:

    6. <s><span class='glow_0000FF'>MasterMind</span></s>'s Avatar
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      Seoul! South Korea! - The city and country I was borned in.

      By the way do you remember if the DC who wanted a fight was Korean looking?
    7. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Unbelievable! Julia Roberts pulled you and yours out of hot water, too? That's so funny.

      Thanks for the compliment on the request for help. I hadn't planned this idea, so if I had to guess, this was inspired by RareCola holding onto a DC's hand in order to stabilize a major scene transition. (He appeared to call this an "anchor", so I guess it's a thing!)

      I tell you, I get so much out of reading Dream Journal entries!
    8. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
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      Wow! That's cool that a DC helped you out like that. I'm going to have to remember that one. That was quick thinking, asking for help like that. I had a nonlucid once where my son got lost on the train and Julia Roberts rescued him lol so weird. Gonna comment in your workbook now about what I think.
    9. Xanous's Avatar
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      They tend to do what I say but sometimes they become kind of robotic and get this thousand-yard stare. I could live without that creepiness. The appointment thing is cool because it sounds like it elicits cooperation without turning them into drones.
      Exactly. I noticed that. It was a little odd.
    10. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Hey, I like that "appointment" idea. Come to think of it, any time I've wanted specific help from a DC, I usually command them verbally or exert control over them. I'm so worried about having my lucid time wasted that I am a little pushy, ha ha. They tend to do what I say but sometimes they become kind of robotic and get this thousand-yard stare. I could live without that creepiness. The appointment thing is cool because it sounds like it elicits cooperation without turning them into drones.

      I also worry that exerting control over them is more likely to destabilize a dream, but I'm too newbie to know whether this is really the case. I also don't like being bossy.
    11. Xanous's Avatar
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      LOL yeah that's cool. I think for me its just my fear of being called crazy for doing this kind of stuff with dreams.

      I heard on a podcast from some guys in the UK that if you go to a DC like you already have some sort of agreement they will play along. So like I should have just said hey sorry I'm late are you ready to go into the teleporter now? Supposedly they just play along like ok sure lets go. idk I think I will try it next time. crazy stuff lol.
    12. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      For me DCs seem to break down like this: first,I've got DCs representing friends and loved ones, who tend to act really similar to the people I know IWL. If I'm lucky, Wife will sometimes tag along with me.

      "Stranger" DCs, while almost never hostile, sometimes love to be an uncooperative pain in the ass. One tried to convince me that lucid dreaming would lead to loss of circulation, limb necrosis and amputation.

      Still never had one lie to me and try to convince me to drink random junk from her medicine cabinet, though, ha ha... after you'd been through that nightmare/false awakening carousel, she should have just helped a brother out! It's funny that the subconscious likes to play these kinds of games.
    13. Xanous's Avatar
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      Nice dream man. I gave up on my DC loved ones long ago. They never cooperate. I just tell my wife to shut up now because she is always gripping at me for trying to LD (only in dreams. She is sweet and lovable in real life) But DC are just jerks to me. Idk why. I wanted to slap that lady for lying to me in mine. LOL.

      Arm licking... hmmm. I may try that. Beats licking the carpet.
    14. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      Thanks! Yeah, you know, I even wondered what was up with the arm lick after I did it! I usually just rub my hands together and stare at them, letting the detail crystallize until I am done congratulating myself on how much clarity I've achieved.

      I know what you mean about the DCs that represent loved ones! They are so realistic sometimes, particularly the people that we know well. Normally I'm just like you and have a powerful urge to bring her and any other "precious" DCs along. But I had a fear that the Cretaceous of my subconscious would give me some real nightmare material if I brought her along to mingle with the Mosasaurs. That made it pretty easy to decide she wasn't coming.
    15. OpheliaBlue's Avatar
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      Great attempt! I gotta hand it to you though, most people would have given up after the first nose-pinch failed. But you gave it a 2nd go and ended up in a lucid dream. Reality checks can be tricky like that sometimes, so points to you for not letting it slip you up.

      The arm lick was interesting... did you come up with that just then, or is that a common stabilization technique for you? Also, I sometimes feel a tiny pang of guilt if I have to leave Chris at the house in an LD. I end up taking the DC versions of my loved ones flying with me if it's too much to bear lol. Gotta break that and remind myself that it's NOT the real them. Anyway, blah blah COOL DREAM!
    16. CanisLucidus's Avatar
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      lmao,i HAVE to do this in my next lucid dream.
      Ha ha, most definitely! And try to do better than I did and actually remember the song your subconscious produces.
    17. Kaenthem's Avatar
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      As we run along, Wife hands me her iPod and tells me to listen. It's playing some catchy pop number with a female vocalist. It's not my style but it's got this great hook that I can't resist humming along to. As I hum, Wife and all of the other dream characters that we pass start singing as well. The sort of thing that only happens on cheesy television programs and my lucid dreams, I think.
      lmao,i HAVE to do this in my next lucid dream.
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