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    1. Tuesday, March 3

      by , 03-09-2020 at 03:33 AM
      I am outside somewhere. I almost feel like I’m at the end of a road or a path, possibly through a neighborhood and/or the outlying area. There are a few trees and a single, smaller wood building. Outside the building there is a trampoline with a bungee system. I watch a few kids of different ages take turns jumping and doing flips and tricks. Now, I am hooked up and jumping. I try to jump high but it proves difficult now matter how I keep trying. There’s a guy - an employee?- standing, watching. He offers no form of help and really looks like he’d rather be elsewhere. After a bit, I think I manage a front flip.
    2. Wednesday, December 18

      by , 12-20-2019 at 07:40 AM
      I am outside somewhere in what looks like a marsh. The water brilliantly reflects the sky, making it hard to tell how deep it is. It’s also hard to tell what/where the land is, as the plants are lush and thick. I am walking through this, giving in to the inevitability of my feet sinking into the water at some point. I still try to avoid it as much as I can, and at one point I am jumping higher, farther, and slower than is humanly possible. This marshland is really peaceful and beautiful. Now, I’ve ended up on the edge of a forest, traveling inward. It’s gotten darker quicker than I expected, and I feel a brief pang of fear as I don’t have a light or a sense of direction.

      I’m in an unfamiliar college building and walk into Mike Holmes’ class (different than his real class), finding it full when I thought it would be over. I see my empty seat at the high desks and take it. Now, I am presenting a model - a plain, rectangular, multi-floor shopping mall. I don't think I've ever actually seen this model until now, and I'm only talking about its simplicity as if it is its biggest asset. He seems to like it.