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    Stop and go gunfight into a FA LD

    , 02-04-2014 at 02:44 AM (440 Views)
    So before this one I had another non lucid dream that I got up and took notes on around 4. Went back to bed, had this and woke up 3 minutes before my alarm at 5.

    It started as me watching a gun fight out side, there was green grass around and it was a little hilly. Somehow it morphed into me in a gun fight and the background was now a convenience store. I had a hand gun and was taking people out left and right. I wound up getting an uzi from one of them and took some more out. Again I had a hand gun and there was a guy with a plastic badge hanging from his pocket with glasses. He was suspicious so I took him out. It didn't seem like my bullets were doing much to him but they took him down regardless. I got a box of ammunition off of him and was going to reload my gun. I ejected the clip and looked at it. It was a strange clip that went from small to big and back to small to big again. I wasn't sure how to get the bigger bullets past the smaller opening. I realized that if I put the clip back in my gun and pulled it out again that I could will it to the size of the bullet that I had in the box. I had to find out what size the bullet was in the box so I looked at the box to read the size. As I was focusing on the letters on the box (which were very out of focus), instantly I was in a bed reading a tag on a pillow I believe. This was a sort of false awakening but I already knew it was a dream at this point. I did a RC (hand check) here and realized it was a dream. LUCID: It was very dark in the room and trying to stabilize on my hand was pretty hard. I felt kind of stable in the dream. I got up out of bed after some fighting with the darn covers. To the right was a small window and I contemplated going out that but decided to explore the house to see what house I was in. I went toward the door and opened it. I looked at my hand again to try to get more stable but it was still really dark. There was a hallway to my right and a banister in front of me. I tried to go right but was frozen in place, I couldn't move. After a little stress I woke up. This has happened to me before while I was flying in the dark I couldn't control where I was going. I think that I wasn't stable enough. I totally spaced out on using vocal commands and tactile stabilization techniques. Pretty sucky for my first lucid in about 10 days.

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