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    WAR - Weaponized Armor Regime.

    by , 10-08-2010 at 05:26 PM (518 Views)
    I was a child soldier. I'd been blown up in battle, though I don't know it happened or why. My primary caretaker, a man I'd known for years, was hovering over me as I woke up. IVs and tubes were stuck into my arms, and it hurt to even turn my head to look at him.

    "You've been out for a while," He said softly, "How are you feeling?"

    I grunted in acknowledgement. Of course I wasn't feeling good. I'd probably been shot and blown up to kingdom come.

    "Here. I have to adjust the medicine. You're going to be out of it for a while, okay?" He did, and instantly I felt pain shooting down my arm. I hiccupped in agony for a moment, but then I relaxed and the pain died off. Another doctor entered my field of vision - my doctor's colleage.

    "So she's the child soldier I've been hearing about, huh?" He said, brushing some of my hair out of my face.

    "Yes. She's the only one to have survived the conditioning and training. She's WAR's Patient Zero."

    "I bet she's a sight to see in battle. Elegance and grace and all that."

    "If you're into watching children murder, then sure."

    The other doctor scoffed lightly, and my primary doctor looked down at me before patting me on the shoulder gently, "It'll be a while before you're back in action. Just rest now, okay? I've got to go fill out some paperwork."

    Then he left, and I laid against the bed, silently willing the pain to go away. The other doctor was back in my line of sight again in no time. He placed a mask over my face.

    "Some people just can't appreciate a good power when they see one. Don't worry, dear. I'll make sure you're put to good use."

    He gassed me, then, and I dozed off, unable to help myself. I felt strong arms lifting me out of the bed and unplugging the IVs and needles. But by then I was too asleep to care.

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