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    Duality and Kitty Power!

    by , 12-16-2013 at 06:59 PM (660 Views)
    fragment 1:

    The earliest part I remember is sitting in a classroom, very similar to the one from last night despite never having been in it before. I was supposed to read this paper with my group that talked about everything coming in pairs. The teacher wanted us to explain why reality was like that, why did everything come in pairs of 2. I thought she was talking about everything having its opposite but she told me that it wasn't opposites, but the pairs were all very nearly the same. They only seemed different to me. So I was reading through this paper, and I turned one page and there was a music video on the paper. One guy with a mullet was standing in some industrial yard on a metallic structure, spraying water in the air. The water started to fall on my buddies at the table and I apologized, because they weren't ready for it. Half the classroom faded into the industrial yard with this guy. Red Rain, by Peter Gabriel, started playing as this guy was spraying us all with the water coming out of this hose. I thought it was nice. Then I woke up.

    fragment 2:

    This one is a little blurrier. My sister and I were driving on some road trip with the 2 kitties when she wanted to stop at a gas station. The gas station was filled with over the counter drugs, but they were in powder form, weird. That's all they sold there too, so I was sad. Then when I was leaving the gas station I noticed that the kitties had escaped. My sister caught the girl cat pretty easily, but the boy had some kind of inhuman strength. He kept running from me and he ran into the arms of some old lady. She handed him to me and then he started to run away. He was dragging me along the ground as I held onto him. All I could think at this point was, Yes! Our daily trainings have finally started to pay off! Then we drove to some place where there was a person with frosting for hair - I tasted it and it tasted just like raspberries, delicious.

    dream 1:

    At this point, it was very close to my wake-up time. I had about 30 minutes left and I was getting very frustrated that I hadn't had a lucid yet, so I decided to go all in and try an old-style WILD like I used to do. I focused on the auditory hallucinations and controlled them so that it became part of a dream, then I paired them with the pictures in my head until it became more and more vivid. Eventually I opened my dream eyes and I was confused because I was still in my room, so I checked to make sure it was a dream and it was! I got out of bed and started to transform myself into a dragon on the floor. I did it fully, sort of, I was more like a baby dragon. I guess I didn't want to destroy my room with too large of a dragon transformation. I started to flap my little baby dragon wings and fly around the room. I was extremely excited at this point and I woke up with a burst of adrenaline, no more dream-time left for me.
    StephL and Scionox like this.

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    lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment


    1. StephL's Avatar
      A baby dragon - this is so lovely!!

      Had to post the above - I think, it is okay, since the copyright-sign is in/over the picture..?
      But I guess, you didnīt have to break out of an egg ..hehe.

      And good to hear somebody else not trying his best to ignore HHs - but concentrating on them.
      I have a nagging feeling I should do this as well - try to get them once more and them use them.
      AnotherDreamer and Scionox like this.
    2. AnotherDreamer's Avatar
      Yes! that's exactly what I looked like!

      I have always done WILD this way, so it's a little bit easier for me. But I find the method that Sageous outlined very interesting as well. I hope I can do that method too someday
      StephL likes this.
    3. StephL's Avatar
      Niice - you looked truly lovely that means!
      Which colour(s)?
    4. AnotherDreamer's Avatar
      I wasn't too fond of the colors, they were alright I guess. Green belly and the rest was purple