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    by , 02-07-2015 at 02:30 PM (625 Views)
    DILD #1

    I don't remember this one that well, it happened very early on in the night. I just remember being lucid and having a sex dream with Dreamer. I remember stretching her limbs to ridiculous lengths like she was Mister Incredible.

    DILD #2

    I repeated this dream a few times. It started with me eating roast beef, thinking it was vegan. I realized it wasn't and was a little grossed out by what I had just eaten.
    I became lucid from that and went on a journey with Dreamer in some strange shopping mall. I actually repeated the dream a couple times. When I didn't like how it went, I would restart it from the roast beef decision.

    In one of the restarts we were exploring some staircases when I saw an abomination.

    He threw his hook at me but I ran at super speed and dodged all of his attacks while jumping super high as well. I restarted that one when a few more abominations appeared.

    In another one we were exploring the same staircases when I summoned Percylucid. He started talking about some dream stuff, I don't remember anything that he said though. I think we kind of went on exploring without him and eventually got to some place that looked like an insane asylum. There were straight jackets and those Hannibal Lecter style masks everywhere. I could hear doctors and nurses rushing in to restrain us. I decided to try a teleportation technique that I had read in Percylucid's DJ. I closed my eyes, visually imagined and felt where I wanted to be, then jumped in the air. It worked, sort of. I got out of there but I ended up in the bedroom again with Dreamer. I forgot that I was dreaming and I don't remember what happened after that.

    DILD #3

    I was having a stress dream where I was in a shuttle bus with a bunch of old people. It was taking us all to the airport. I took the wheel at some point then dissociated from my body and realized that I was actually sitting down next to another version of me that was driving.
    I became lucid from that and told myself to make us fly into the air super fast and do crazy flying moves like spins and dives and rolls. He pulled it off effortlessly. He then crashed the car into the ground, but I wasn't injured at all despite the brutality of it. I asked Dreamy #2 to summon a microwave that was big enough for me to get into, one instantly appeared in front of me. I opened it with my mind and tried to climb into it, but it was just a little bit too small for me to fit inside of. I remembered what Dreamer did and I made the microwave start to suck me in while my body simultaneously shrunk. I eventually fit into it but with my limbs all tightly compacted in a very uncomfortable cube. The dream started to end so I quickly turned the microwave on and the last thing I saw was a 3rd person image of my legs and arms and face all smushed up against the side of the microwave window.

    DILD #4

    I became lucid in a shopping mall/amusement park. There were little food stands and small rides everywhere. I couldn't think of anything that I wanted to do, so I just relaxed while calmly walking through the dream and admiring the beauty of the world around me. These two old, blind women walked up to me, I think they were attached to each other. They told me that they could teleport me to any place that I wanted! I really liked the idea of that, so I asked them to send me to D.R.

    They said sure then started summoning portals while running around. Right as I would run up to them, the portals would disappear. The two blind women thought this was hilarious and they kept summoning portals for me to run into them making them disappear right as I got to them. After trying that about 4-5 times, I gave up and decided to just try to get there by myself. I closed my eyes and jumped in the air. I ended up in a void then woke up shortly after.

    DILD #5

    I became lucid while in a fight with some guy. I became lucid from it because his punches weren't really hurting. I then took him to the ground and used my super dream wrestling skills and thought to myself that I wish I was that good at wrestling outside of dreams.

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    Updated 02-07-2015 at 02:49 PM by 66732

    lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , task of the month , dream fragment
