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The experience I had is nearly impossible to explain. The sky was orange. Everything was tinted with orange light. And there were hundreds of worlds, scenarios, that I passed through, one after the other, like a cascade of orange. Sometimes going to a new one, sometimes going to one I had seen before, but always orange. One was a cubicle room with a section of the floor rising and falling like a level in a video game. Another was a place filled with monsters. One time I was on the side of a very small planet, so small that the curve was easily visible. Or maybe it was a hill? I do not know, but what I do know is that beyond my direct vision there was no horizon, there was no "in the distance", just orange. Orange light. Many of the scenes are not possible to explain. They had elements impossible in reality, impossible even to imagine with my awake mind. It was like they had many facets, many ... features, that were confusing. Like reality itself had been cracked. During the final scene, out of hundreds, possibly thousands, I was at a family wedding. At some point there were migrants walking by. They had nothing but rags, and I followed them, along with several other people from the orange world. PART 2: We followed them, and appeared in a futuristic city. There were thousands of migrants and refugees walking through the city, running from some distant war. I stole a bike, and rode it over a rooftop until I fell off, and the bike broke. As I was about to steal another one, I saw two cops patrolling. I decided I needed to tell them a story so they would go away, and I told them two kids were going to hunt down some murderer. They were clearly going to get killed and the police needed to act now. They told me to get in their car, and I did. We drove in the direction I had pointed at high speeds while they asked me questions. Eventually we reached some airport/mall facility, and we got out. There was only one officer now, I don't know what happened to the other one. His car had folded into a suitcase, which I was now holding. He was walking quickly away from me, and I was trying to give the suitcase back to him. He reached a balcony, and jumped off, plummeting downwards. It wasn't like suicide, it was something cops could do to get around more quickly I guess. I somehow knew that. I decided he didn't need his car anymore and took it for myself. I picked up a friend on the way, because we were both going home (and we live nearby). On the drive home random people would appear in the car. They didn't really "appear"; they were just suddenly there. They would distract me, saying things that made me lose focus and swerve around on the road. I eventually pulled off the highway. And then I woke up.
This was the same night as http://www.dreamviews.com/blogs/avia...t-world-62421/. I lost lucidity when I woke up, but I think I retained some of it. I was in a post-apocalyptic (zombies + nuclear war) world, and I think it was many years after it happened. I wasn't sure how I got there, but I knew I hadn't lived through the years since the apocalypse. Maybe I was in a coma or time travelled or something, but I decided that wasn't important and focused on surviving. I killed some zombies, and found a group in a huge field. The leader was a bit of a dick, but they had supplies and over-all were pretty nice. It was still sunset, as it had been for several dreams, and I think throughout the night. A plane flew over. We all took cover in the trees, but when no bombs came down, I thought it was safe. Some lady told me to look into the distance. There was a massive explosion coming towards us. It was probably over 100 miles away, but it was moving quickly. The army had been bombing huge stretches of land they considered lost cases. They had this new bomb, which they had invented between the year in real life (2014) and present day in the dream. The leader told me it was derived from napalm or some kind of incendiary we already had. The explosion was miles high, and it was like a mix between a dust storm and a nuclear blast, only way bigger. We put on heat suits, which apparently would help.
I was on a river trip with some family and friends; we were canoeing down a river in Africa, I think. I remember I was talking to some monkeys and they were telling me some interesting climbing tips. Everything was going well until one night there was an attack on our camp. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but I know the next minute we had formed a militia. My uncle was tossing guns to everyone (somehow we now had a ton of people) and I got a super nice one with over 6000 bullets, which is fairly unrealistic. It was also really light. We charged down the enemy airstrip and a gigantic tank-like vehicle was approaching us and driving up the side of the airstrip. It started to point its gun at us but someone hit it with an anti-tank missile and it exploded. We passed several other enemy units and vehicles and when I wanted to stop and take them out someone said that wasn't part of the plan so we kept running. Then mortars started falling and a lot of people died, including some of my friends, and some of my family. I was enraged so I started shooting a ton of stuff and I became the hero of the group because I killed so many people. I shot down a helicopter with my machine gun. A B52 bomber flew overhead and I was well within the blast radius of some of the bombs but somehow I didn't die. I think I eventually got killed.