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    BlairBros' Adventures

    DJ#104: Soccer and Dota

    by , 03-05-2016 at 09:59 PM (325 Views)
    (To try and stretch and improve my recall I will be going for as much detail as I can to make that extra level of detail come naturally)
    Dream 1: I was at an assembly in a school hall, it seemed like a catholic school to me for some reason. The floor was dark polished wood and there were about 15 rows of those black folding chairs we were sitting on with a gap in the middle with people at the front speaking at a lectern. The speeches finished and I got up along with everybody else and started walking outside. On the way outside I bumped into a girl I hadn't seen in a while. We were both happy to meet each other and she hugged me, which was a little embarrassing in front of everyone in but never mind that. We started talking for a bit and walking out together; once we got outside I was going a different way so I had to say goodbye and we went our separate ways.

    Dream 2: I was at a soccer game in the stands, full of green seats and screaming fans. I didn't know who was playing or anything and almost all of the seats were full. I eventually found a spare seat next to a middle aged guy who said I could sit there as long as I barracked for his team. I told him I didn't know either of the teams playing so I would barrack for whoever he wanted. He laughed at that and I sat down. He told me he barracked for Cardiff, the orange team, and I think they were playing Hull (I don't know lol). so I started cheering for Cardiff as the ball was run up and down the pitch.

    Dream 3: I was part of a Dota 2 tournament in a stadium similar to soccer match. I'm not sure if I was meant to be a pro player of if I was a randomly selected player or something but I was going to be part of some big game in front of thousands of fans. I walked through a lounge where players and officials were resting and I sat down and watched the end of the game before mine, can't remember what happened in it really. I could see through a big glass window the fans sitting below me and the stage where the players were in front of them. I then remembered something my brother told me about leaving my computer with the casters for them to upgrade it with all sorts of cool stuff, so I walked over to the casters booth and knocked on the door. The opened the door and LD and someone else was there, commentating on the result of the last game. I left my laptop on the desk next to LD, who looked quizzically at me but then an official scurried over and took the laptop. I walked out and then went into my game.

    (Warning unnecessary dota specifics )I was playing Nyx Assassin, and while I was playing alright some of my teammates where being really stupid. One of them tried to tp back to base in plain sight of a pudge, who hooked and killed him, and others were just feeding and getting ganked. From what I could remember I had arcane boots, a magic wand, bkb, orchid and some other item, maybe aghanims. I know I was trying to get refresher orb so I had a staff of wizadry. I went invis at top lane for a gank and travelled through the jungle to the middle lane and killed one of their heroes, however the rest of them came through and killed me, which was bad as it was a bad trade and I was very important to my team. They came pushing in for the rax and I was contemplating whether to buy back or buy the refresher orb, I think the dream ended before I decided hehe.

    Fragment about walking through a forest a bit like around Orthanc before Saruman went crazy.

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    Tags: non - lucid
