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    DJ#5: Planes, movies and explosions

    by , 07-10-2013 at 10:29 PM (493 Views)
    Last night was really good for me, in total I had either 3 or 4 dreams, as I'm not sure whether two of them are part of the same dream, but I will treat it as four. None were lucid unfortunately but I'm just starting up again so I didn't really expect one this soon. Without further ado...
    DREAM 1:
    Fragment: I dreamed something wrestling and a rivalry or something, I don't really remember this one.

    DREAM 2:
    Fairly detailed: I was in the bedroom of a house which my dream mind thought was one of my old houses, and seemed to be a combination of my past houses. I think it jumped there and I remember being in a car, being chased by another car through suburban streets in the middle of the night. The car was gaining on us and then my mum pulled out a kind of grenade from the glovebox and went to throw it out the window to the car. She threw it but it bounced off the window and back inside the car (), so I picked it up and threw it out of the car. It rolled along the ground and exploded just when the other car swerved on top of it. There was a great plume of white smoke and the other car was blown to pieces. Once again the dream cuts and it's now day. I am on a kind of pier-side market place, walking along after having got out of the car. I start running when I hear loud vices and running and crashes, as I think people are still after me, so I duck inside a little warehouse type of building. I hold my breath as someone comes inside, but its just a girl who is in my class. We then go outside and look at the market and stuff. I think this dream was pretty good, and it was quite realistic at times.

    DREAM 3:
    Very detailed: In this dream I was in a random city in the evening with someone else, and we were walking down a street. I think we were heading to a festival or something, and we eventually got close to the bright lights and music. When we got close however, I remember calling my mum but finding her standing right next to me, strangely enough. We walked a bit together, then I can't really remember what happened but I remember kind of waking up on a little plane. We three are the only passengers apart from some stewards, and I soon find out that I am strapped down into my seat. I have this gut feeling that this plane is going to crash deliberately and this whole voyage was to try and kill us. I struggle and try to get free. My memory gets a bit hazy here, but I do remember us getting free and kind of taking over the plan, and I'm pretty sure we made it out safely. I can't really remember this one too well, but the feeling of realism and detail in teh dream was a lot higher than normal, and my emotions were dragged strongly into it.

    DREAM 4:
    Fairly detailed: In this dream I remember going to a kind of deserty gulch, which I'm pretty sure was just a set, and being the main actor in a film. I was playing a girls role but for some reason they made the script work around me instead. I remember shooting some shots, I can't really remember what I said or did or anything really. Afterwards I went out of the gulch into the city in the evening, and this is why I think that this dream might be the first part of DREAM 3. Once again I can't really recall this dream to well, as I made the mistake of not writing my dream down straight away, so bits of them have leaked away I think. However the last 3 dreams were are higher than average in their quality and detail, and the quantity is above what I have done before, so I am really quite happy with this.
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