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    BlairBros' Adventures

    DJ#92: Planes & Fiji

    by , 02-23-2016 at 12:08 AM (299 Views)
    Dream 1: I was helping a guy getting married online. I gave him some advice about it and then travelled with him to Fiji for the wedding. Before the event I was standing with him outside of a building and he was vaping.

    Dream 2: I was with a group of schoolmates on an island of some sort. We were involved in some massive competition that I think involved building and then flying a plane, like formula SAE but for planes. I helped construct it for a bit, and then the competition began. I drove a little cart thingy towing the plane through huge hallways on the way to the competition hall. I drove in there slowly and there was a huge hangar like stage where I drove the plane to, on the side there were huge rows of chairs where competitors, judges and spectators were seated. I then followed my group to sit down on the side, but then I got up and went to hop into the plane to fly it in the competition. I think I woke up before I started flying.

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    Tags: non - lucid
