• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Autumn23 - nights 3-6

      by , 09-06-2023 at 09:54 PM
      Night 3

      - Two non-lucid fragments [+2]
      - WBTB [+2]

      Night 4
      - Two non-lucid fragments [+2]
      - WBTB [+2]

      Night 5
      - Lucid
      I don’t remember much, but I got lucid [+10] in a parking lot, I forgot to do basically anything and woke up quickly
      - WBTB [+2]

      Night 6
      - Lucid
      I was in a dark area in a car, and it almost drove off a cliff, causing me to realize I’m dreaming [+10], then I must’ve lost lucidity later
      - WBTB [+2]
