Mysterious Magical Man
, 09-20-2018 at 05:55 PM (425 Views)
I'm watching a scene unfold from a third-person perspective. A small group of people is walking through the desert-mountains. The leader of this group is a mysterious figure to everyone in the region. He is a small person, only the height of a one or two year old, and his legs are malformed but uses magic to walk. He is clad in dark clothes including a mask over his face (colors maybe not the best decision in the desert?). His group is stopped by a large force of armed men, demanding to know who he is. The guy slowly removes his mask, and everyone on the other side is surprised by the reveal, saying his name which I forget. The mysterious person doesn't plan on leaving them alive to tell the story, though, and begins dispatching the men through magic, throwing them left and right with the wave of his hand. Some have already gotten back into a vehicle and are heading back into town situated down the plateau, where we are at currently, and into a narrow valley. The guy uses magic to slice away half the mountainside causing a landslide of sand and rock to ensue. I am now viewing events through his eyes. He jumps high into the air, almost flying, towards the landslide area. He sees a few men still running, having narrowly escaped the landslide. He drops down to the ground in front of them immediately throwing them with magic. Another car comes up from the town and stops after seeing the guy. He ends up throwing the car as well. I feel this one a lot more clearly as I am now in place of the person. I make a fist and punch the air causing the car to be flung backwards with great speed. After everyone is gone I start to walk back. I have to pass through a gate which appears to be electrically charged. Knowing that I can take the electricity, I grab on to the top and hurl myself over with no problems.