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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Museum Night

      by , 05-09-2014 at 04:35 AM
      In a cafeteria sitting at the lunch tables senior year with Jackie and Danielle, it doesn't look like our school its different. We were talking about burgers/cheese and how the burger bun would just end up tasting like cheese…Kaitlyn M was sitting to my left. Someone does something to piss the teacher off and they get hauled away. The teacher tries to catch us as well but we hide behind a pole as she walks up the stairs.

      I was with Lee at first but he turned into Shane and we had gone to a museum, in the dream it was our special place. When we got our tickets they were recording us and we were excited because we would be able to keep the tape and it would be a nice memory, I remember he was wearing a tie, blue. I don't think anyone else was in the building and we saw turtles and for some reason I know I have dreamt about those turtles before... and termites..or something.

      At Shanes apartment and watching him change into a blue checkered shirt and knowing that I was mad at him in waking life but I remember thinking, this is a dream. No reason to be angry. Jeff was there.

      I was in a room doing yoga with women and I took off my top and had a red sports bra on underneath. I was doing a headstand, the room was very small.
      lucid , non-lucid
    2. My first WILD? or OBE..Not sure

      by , 04-30-2014 at 10:52 PM
      I just experienced my first WILD or OBE. I was trying to take a nap for about an hour when I suddenly had those scary vibrations running through my body. iI kept myself cam and instead of fighting them like I always do I felt my body go into paralysis. It was not as scary as I thought it would be, just letting go. Not a long time after that , I felt as though I were being pulled by my right hand up towards the ceiling. I couldn't open my eyes at this point (throughout the entire experience I could barely open them, I felt very weak) but I knew I was still laying on my side. As my arm was being pulled upwards I had the sensation of being picked up under the shoulders and I was placed in the opposite direction on the bed. It all had a very muddled quality to it, I remember opening my eyes and, my knees were on the floor and my upper body was laying on the bed, it turned into some kind of dream within a dream and my lucidity was momentarily lost to a dream.

      My room essentially looked the same but there were things on the side of my bed that crackled like a plastic bag when i stepped on it. The dream I fell into was babysitting Elliot and I was throwing him up in the air and suddenly a man was behind me putting duct tape on my and his mouth. I remember then being back in my room not yet awake, though I thought I was, and trying to remember how to write this down, I was in front of my closet and I had what felt like tunnel vision, I could barely see anything and I had the sensation at one point that someone/ something else was in the room with me and that did end up scaring me into trying to move my physical body. I think thats when I realized I was still in bed and tried to really wake myself up. It is very difficult trying to pull your body out of the paralysis stage, I know it is nothing to be scared of but I'm not sure if I will ever feel completed at ease in that state. It was a very interesting experience..I'm not sure what I was expecting but that certainly was not it.