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    February 20, 2023 10:32 am

    by , 02-20-2023 at 10:57 AM (196 Views)
    I have rehearsals for a theatre play. During lunch break, one of my cast mates shows a video on her phone of a rental bike getting hit to pieces by a car. She's laughing going "Who's bike is this?!" It was mine. The cast members let me join their carpool to get to the station. It's a car without a rooftop.

    During the car ride home, we drive past some tourists, one of them tries to cut a piece from my hair with scissors. I keep a pair of scissors close for defense. Another tourist comes by asking of we can take a pic where it looks like I hit him with a mallet. One of the cast members falls asleep on my lap.
    We seem to be riding through a desert road with buildings with colourful lights in the background.

    The car arrives in Utrecht, we take the subway which exists there in my dream to Utrecht Central station. After carrying the sleeping cast member there, they all leave the train without saying goodbye.

    As I exit the station, I get my phone and ask my cast mate of she can send the video of my rental bike getting ran over to me. In the meantime, I come across an old classmate from 5th grade who enjoys singing at the train station. He's upset because the bike he had since he was little has been stolen, I suggest the idea making a Facebook post, but he refuses.

    We go to his student flat and I join in on all the banter. Apparently they stuffed their toilet with cotton balls and haven't been able to flush it since. They hold a contest who can flip the chairs the coolest. Everyone finally goes to sleep and I sleep in the guest bed next to the clogged toilet which still got used in the meantime and I could smell it. I fall asleep there and woke up for real as if I just transferred worlds.

    Even at the end of the dream, I was still trying to reach that girl regarding the rental bike video, glad to see that even in my dreams, I got my priorities straight.

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