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    by , 12-17-2013 at 11:26 PM (807 Views)
    This one is from the morning of 12/15/2013.

    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #174: Android

    I’m sitting on the floor of an apartment talking to a guy who I think is Oneironaut Zero. I don’t really know OZ, so I think this is a little unusual, but I’m happy to be talking about lucid dreaming.

    As we’re chatting, Wife walks into the room with a young woman in her early 20s, blonde, petite and with a slightly vacant look in her eye. Wife explains that this is a new model of android that they’re selling now very inexpensively and can act almost like a real person.

    We greet the android and she responds with a shy wave and a slightly stilted “Hi.” With that, she crouches down on the floor and starts tracing her finger through the carpet. Wife leaves the room and, as I try to say something to the android, Wife yells from down the hall, “The kids are trying to sleep! Keep it down!” I feel annoyed that I can’t talk but she’s allowed to yell.

    “Did you just roll your eyes at me?” says Wife from down the hall and storms back into the room, looking irritated. I know that I didn’t and as I wonder why she thinks so,
    I soon realize that I’m dreaming. I get to my feet and the scene shifts. Wife disappears, Oneironaut Zero disappears, and the android’s hair goes from blonde to brown and her skin becomes paler.

    I grab the android’s hand and charge for the apartment window, phasing straight through into what looks like an unfinished street scene. The street seems to draw itself in chunks as we run along. I see a few buildings against the blank sky but they seem to raise up lazily just as I look in their direction.

    We run along like this for a while before the dream seems to stop rebuilding and finally sags into the void. The android is still here and seems determined to stay in the scene. She says something like, “I want to go too” and starts grabbing onto my arms and head. At one point it feels like she’s trying to stand on my head.

    Eventually the android settles down a bit, shifts herself next to me, and we make out for a little bit. After about 15-20 seconds, though, she becomes non-responsive and just sort of stops moving. This takes the fun out of it, so I start thinking about where to take the dream next, but
    it soon ends.

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    1. Highlander's Avatar
      I always find it interesting when I see a DC's facial features change in front of me. It can be a bit spooky sometimes.

      Congrats on the fascinating LD BTW.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks, Highlander! It's such a strange thing to see. I get that strong feeling of "that's not supposed to happen!", but happen it does in spite of what I think.

      And it's a dream, so doing a double take doesn't help. Reality has actually shifted around you. Takes a lot of getting used to!
      Highlander likes this.
    3. fogelbise's Avatar
      Eventually the android settles down a bit, shifts herself next to me, and we make out for a little bit. After about 15-20 seconds, though, she becomes non-responsive and just sort of stops moving.
      Ah yes, the programming for "bliss!" Cool lucid and it feels like you go to see some of the dream forming process live, both the android changing and the street being drawn on the fly while running.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      You know, you're right, it did feel like the dream was kind of forming on the fly, perhaps not quite quickly enough to keep me "naturally" locked in. That may be why it was easier to fall into the void.
      fogelbise likes this.
    5. NyxCC's Avatar
      The non-ld parts of your dreams always start so cool. You really have to consider giving a script idea or two to your movie making friend.

      The part with the rebuilding dream was awesome. I often try to take it slow to allow the dream to form wherever I am going - don't move faster than your expectations
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks, Nyx, nice of you to say! It's cool to see what we come up with when our conscious minds aren't interfering, editing, and generally getting in the way of the creative process!

      That is a good idea... taking it slow, noticing the details that are already there to immerse yourself and give them time to build up the way that they should. That seems like exactly the right way to handle things.
      NyxCC likes this.
    7. ~Dreamer~'s Avatar
      There are so many cool elements to this dream! Have you and OZ gotten to know each other since?

      You write so nicely, I'll have to read your DJ more often.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
      Updated 06-11-2014 at 03:38 AM by ~Dreamer~
    8. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks, I appreciate you saying that! It's funny but no, I still haven't really gotten to know him. Seemed cool enough in the dream though.
      ~Dreamer~ likes this.