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    A train ride

    by , 09-28-2016 at 09:18 PM (634 Views)
    I'm walking through a party full of sleeping people on couches, looking for a free space to lie down. This place belongs to my family, but at the moment I'm a guest like any other. One of my sisters notices me and gets up from her space, leaving it to me; the man she'd been sleeping with gradually curls up around me in her place. It's comfortable. The part of me that's aware this is a dream appreciates how realistic he feels.

    Outside a window, the scenery is moving. I decide this is because we're on a train, but I'm aware of the rationalization. I become semi-lucid and enjoy the scenery for a while. There's a great cloud funnel something like a tornado, but rolling along the ground like a great wheel stretching between heaven and earth. It's very beautiful. But now that I've thought of it as a tornado, it stops behaving like a wheel and behaves like a tornado instead - which is less interesting, but still very beautiful.

    I watch one tornado after another moving in the distance, growing closer, passing in front of the train, until it starts to feel like a danger, and I'm aware this could become a nightmare. I speak a prayer to a goddess until it stops feeling like a nightmare. This causes the man who'd been sleeping to take notice of me; he's aware I don't belong in his dream.

    He starts talking, asking me questions which I don't answer. He's pleasant to listen to, and I'm a little annoyed because I know I'm not going to remember anything he's saying to me once I wake up. I make the effort to focus on his words to try to memorize something, but I only end up hearing the sounds instead of the meaning behind them. Eventually he stops speaking. He's left; his body's still here, but nobody's home, and I believe the dream will get rid of it at the next opportunity. The train passes through a tunnel, going dark, and when the room lights up again his body is gone.
    I leave the train and continue with non-lucid dreams.
    Dreammouse likes this.

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