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    DF of Dot Courson

    by , 10-13-2013 at 04:42 AM (417 Views)
    *** Note: My Art II class was assigned to research a Mississippi artist so that we could give a ten-minute presentation on him or her, and I chose a woman named Dot Courson. Funny to note that my teacher told us that if we could get the artist to come to the school and speak in front of our class we did not have to speak at all. After taking a public speaking class during my freshman year, I'm no longer very terrified of giving presentations, but I really didn't care for the project itself at all and so I was the least prepared out of all of my classmates. Considering this, even I didn't want to give a presentation.

    Happy ending: My PowerPoint got lost among all of the others and so my teacher couldn't find it! I don't have to give the presentation, but I do have to go to her class as soon as I get free time to take a test.

    Here's Dot Courson's profile, if you're curious: http://dotcourson.com/


    Friday, October 11, 2013

    Dot Courson comes to visit me in my home in Ucon. Apparently Mrs. Tucci had contacted her and told her that I would be doing the presentation, and so Mrs. Courson would present herself for me.

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