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    Wandering in Dream Debris.

    You aren't real! Wait, I didn't mean it like that!

    by , 02-01-2011 at 11:35 PM (1000 Views)
    This took place a few days ago, but I forgot to record it. I had an interesting WILD experience that took me in and out of the dream world as I struggled to stay lucid, it went like this:

    I wake up and look around my room with a great sense of heavy sleepiness. I decide I'll try to WILD, so I close my eyes and in seconds I feel a huge rush and hear a loud wave of white noise consume me.

    I see nothing but darkness but know I've entered the dreamworld, so I breathe gently and relax and wait for the dream to form. I hear my dad in the distance, he's calling on my brother and his wife to come over to the living room because dinner was ready.

    I begin to feel the dream... space... but I try to open my dream eyes, because it feels like I have them closed.
    I open my actual eyes very slowly and see my room and quickly shut them. I try again but again I keep opening my real eyes, so I decide to keep them closed again.

    His wife says "aren't you coming?" and he says "no not yet, I'm waiting". He didn't specify he was waiting for me but I knew that's what he meant. She leaves the room, not that I can see anything, I just hear them and feel their presence.

    I decide to try one more time to open my eyes and suddenly visuals come in and my brother sees me, "Hey there you are!" he says. I'm stunned at how this is unfolding, because although I was lucid, it was odd to see how he reacted to my entering into the world.

    "Hey! I'm lucid dreaming, how cool is this?!" I say, and he just nods his head agreeing with me, but doesn't seem entirely convinced. I describe further "I mean, you aren't real! This is just a dream, but man it feels real" I remember to try to enhance my lucidity by touching the carpet and feeling the walls, to enhance my senses.

    When I look up at my brother he looks disappointed, and I know why. "Wait, I didn't mean it like that! You're still real... I mean you have a real version of you in waking life, but you're like a duplicate! We can still fly around and stuff!" I was saddened a bit too that I hurt my brother's feelings even though I knew he was a DC, it made me upset because he was the one who told me about LDing in the first place.

    The more I try to explain to him he just seems to lose interest and become more and more depressed of his only virtual existence. And before I know it my words begin to slur and mix up, while he barely seems to be listening, and the dream fades
    and I wake up.

    It was very interesting going in and out of the dream and waking reality, it's a fascinating feeling. I'm glad for once I tried a new technique to stabilize the dream, but was quickly outwitted by my subconscious to spend too much time convincing DC's that I was in a dream. Oh well, good experience all around.

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    Updated 02-16-2011 at 10:51 PM by 37090



    1. LostOnTrains's Avatar
      I liked the way you described the feeling on going into the dream. I've never experienced this, being fully aware of entering a dream. It must be cool.
      I always found the reactions of dream characters to me going lucid is very strange. I mean, they are from our subconcious so they should react to us saying "hey, im lucid" in a way we expect...but they always seem to respond in a very disarming way. Its as if they know some deeper truth to it all, and you getting lucid is somehow cheapening the experience...that how it always came across to me....
    2. astralpixels's Avatar
      It's definitely an odd sensation. I've only felt it a few times before and had it successfully go into a WILD. Other times I wake up in the middle of the night and get the rush and hear the white noise, but then just lay around in bed and nothing happens. I'll just eventually fall asleep and carry on with non lucid dreams, it's odd.

      Yeah I'd imagine they'd be ecstatic that you've become lucid but that's never been the case for me. I know what you mean about it seeming like they know something deeper than we do, it's a very creepy feeling. At least my DC's aren't hostile when I've become lucid as I've read some people here on DV have experienced, mine are usually just aloof and confused.