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    by , 06-03-2012 at 02:06 PM (475 Views)
    Dream One (Fragment): I'm in a room with a lot of tables and a bunch of guys that I can only call modern geek. Video Game tee's and hats and pins galore, my kind of people, lol. We're getting ready to play some sort of game. It reminds me of Warcraft in the way that there are little figurines that represent monsters. But, it we're pretending like the monsters are attacking us. At one point in the game I am on top of a table and the others are piling all these little zombie figures at my feet as though the figurines are attacking me and the guys are repeating over and over again, "Many! Many! Many!" as in there are many zombies all over the place.

    Dream Two (Fragment): I'm spending the night with my kids at the church I attended when I was a kid. (I'm not actually Christian... I follow my own path that veers more to the pagan side though I at times attend church with my husband and kids) I recognize some of the people who are probably dead by now as I haven't been to that church in nearly twenty years and they were getting pretty old when I was a kid. At one point I went upstairs into the sanctuary and saw candles, then went back downstairs to the fellowship hall where there were other kids besides just mine.

    Dream Three: I'm with a guy with long flowing white hair, he reminds me of how Kitsune are depicted in Manga and Anime.

    We're in a big building that looks like a hotel or ritzy apartment complex. He's giving me a tour of the place, showing me the pool and amenities. He goes on to tell me all about how much money he spent on building this place. There are also two guys in black suits and sunglasses nearby, standing behind us like body guards or something. He pulls me close to him and tells me that it's all for me. Then, there's an explosion behind us, and another beside us and another in front. The building is blowing up around us, but because we're at the pool on the outside we're not in the path of the bombs or debris. Though everything is falling and burning around us. The guy smiles wickedly, and pulls me through the burning frame work of the building and out to a fancy car. He tells me to hop in and we'll go home, but I don't want to go. I'm worried about the people who might be living in the building. He tells me that if I can find him he'll tell me if the building was occupied or not, then drives off in his fancy red car. I start walking in the direction that the car drove off in, just to find that all the blocks around the big building are in poor repair and have no lights on or anything. I realize they have no power and the money spent on the opulent complex I had just been next to would have been better spent fixing these building and helping the people who livid in them. I see another big opulent building, and go inside. The Kitsune like man is in there, and he's lounging on a couch. There's a woman in a business suit nearby (the kind with a skirt not pants). She's got short hair and reminds me of the woman in the Dinosaur dream a couple days back. She's laughing with a cruel smile when she sees me walk in. She says something about how I won't enjoy the complex now that he's torn it down, and she feels sorry for me having something so pretty just to have the gift torn apart by the giver. The Man gets up and walks off before I can even say anything to him, as if he doesn't even care that I've found him and he promised to give me answers. The woman calls out to me and I stop following him to see what she wants. She tells me that He's going to fix the place back up for me and it will be just like it was before he blew it up. He's had his fun, and now he really does want me to have it. I start to run off towards the guy now, I want to tell him not to fix it, to fix the other buildings around it instead, but I see him in his fancy red car speeding off. I also hear the woman behind me talking on the phone, she's telling who I can only assume to be him that he needs to fix the complex if he really loves me, because that's what a good boyfriend would do. I don't bother to correct her and tell her I'd never have feelings for someone who would do all these crazy things, I just run towards the building hoping to catch him before he fixes it. I reach the building only to find that I'm too late, the place is fixed now. I find that my dad is moving into the building, and the kitsune man says something that leaves me thinking he's moving all my family in and if I don't do what he wants he'll blow them all up with the building.

    Dream Four: I'm at an anime convention with my BFF. I'm not wearing any costumes or anything, just carrying my usual over sized purse with anime pins on it. Someone asks me if I can stop and let them take a picture of my bag because it's so awesome. I say sure, and they take a picture. My BFF and i go back to our hotel, and turn the TV on. The news is playing and their showing the picture of me holding my bag on the news and talking about the convention and it's lack of properly dressed people. I realize that somehow in the picture my shirt's gotten pulled up and my belly is showing. I'm relieved to see none of my stretch marks are showing, and I really don't look too bad in the picture at all. I look skinnier than I normally do! But then the news anchors go on to talk about how fat people are showing their bellies at the convention like in this photo... and I'm looking at my photo thinking I don't even look fat in that picture! I go back to the convention to complain, but everyone at the convention is throwing things at me and yelling that I ruined the cons image by being so fat and showing my fat belly on camera for the news crews. I wake up, feeling really negative about myself, and I'm really not fat. I'm in the healthy BMI range for my height and weight. :/

    Dream Five (fragment): First I'm looking at a park thinking about how I could change it in buy mode in the Sims and give it a different theme. The current these is space and aliens but I want to make it an under the sea theme instead. Then I'm at a picnic by a pool in the park, but we're having to pack up and leave in a hurry for some reason.

    Dream Six: I'm in the car driving somewhere, when I see something in the road and swerve to miss it. It looks like a red mixing bowl, and I think it's one of ours and wonder how it got in the road. I tell myself it someone else's that just looks like ours, then I pass a red pot and I KNOW it's ours. I Pull over and find all these dishes that are our with food in the on the side of the road. I wonder why it's all there, and my mom who was apparently in the car with me tells me that they're the food from the picnic. She had handed the food to my husband and he was supposed to put it in the car. My husband pulls up in his car behind us and asks whats wrong. I confront him about the food and he says he must have set it on top of the car and forgotten about it. I start trying to gather all the dishes, and I find a watermelon and there are big bugs crawling in it so I throw it back down and scream EWWWWW! Then I find a chocolate cake, and my husband swears it's still good because it's in a plastic container. I don't trust it, but he opens it to prove there are no bugs inside. Then He grabs the watermelon. I tell him it's got bugs in it, but he doesn't believe me. We argue over it, then a bug crawls on his finger and he drops it. It smashes when it hits the pavement and bugs that are like 6 inches long come crawling out of it, yuck yuck yuck! Then we all get back in the cars, and my mom is telling me that at the picnic everyone figured out a way to cheat the system and win the lottery and they're going to split the pot evenly. She wants me to join in, but I refuse because I tell her it's dishonest and I don't want any part in cheating anyone out of anything.

    Most of my dreams last night were on the unhappy and stressful side. Probably because I finally took some NyQuil for my cold because I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able sleep at all without it.
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    Updated 06-03-2012 at 02:40 PM by 53224



    1. Dreamprofesser's Avatar
      Dream number one, sounds like fun! =D

      Dream number two, good for you following your own path to spirituality Mydera. =) That is what most people need to be doing. I myself follow my own spiritual path, that will lead me to the true truth of spiritual enlightenment. I believe that we each have our own quest towards finding out who we truly are.

      Dream number three, That guy with the long flowing white hair sounds bad ass! =D And you have such a good heart Mydera, wanting to go back and check and see if anyone was in that building that exploded. That kitsune guy seems to have a very bad motive going. Perhaps when you become lucid, you should challenge him to a duel.

      Dream number four, Sounds like parts of your subconscious is throwing negative emotions at you. Im sure you don't really think you must be fat right? Because if you truly start thinking it, your subconscious will tear you apart by showing you. Don't have such negative thoughts about yourself Mydera, im sure you are fine. You just need to start training your subconscious with more positive thoughts thruout the day. =)

      Dream number six, Im sorry, but i lol at the bug part! Hahahahahaha! Especially when you and your husband were arguing about the bugs being in the watermelon, and he did'nt believe you. XD But i bet they were some creepy looking bugs though. >.<

      Great dreams like always Mydera. =)
      Mydera likes this.
    2. Mydera's Avatar
      Dream number three, That guy with the long flowing white hair sounds bad ass! =D And you have such a good heart Mydera, wanting to go back and check and see if anyone was in that building that exploded. That kitsune guy seems to have a very bad motive going. Perhaps when you become lucid, you should challenge him to a duel.
      Meeting a Kitsune while Lucid is actually one of my goals Real Kitsune legends usual portray them as females who seduce men... they also can supposedly enter your dreams, so meeting one in a dream seems very fitting. They're supposed to be very cleaver and fond of outsmarting people. I'd need to get much better at fighting before challenging him to a duel though!

      I kind of wondered about this dream, because the woman looked so much like the woman in the Dinosaur lucid dream I had a few days ago. Both dreams seemed like challenges to me. The Dinosaur one seemed test my ability to keep my cool in a dream, even though my child was hurt. This dream seemed like a challenge the way he was like, "If you want to know, find me." and then when I found him he left again so I had to prove I was really worried by trying to find him again rather than just giving up and accepting the woman's words. I wish the dream would have continued so I could have seen if I would have done as I was told or rebelled, lol.
      Dreamprofesser likes this.