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    First Lucid Dream

    by , 07-17-2012 at 01:20 PM (567 Views)
    I had my first lucid dream this morning! I was in my house; everything was normal. I was playing something on the computer. I got up and went into the kitchen. When I went past the sliding door to the deck, a sound played from my computer, and it caused snow to appear outside.

    That didn't seem right, so I looked at my hand and counted my fingers. I had six, but it was hard for me to focus on counting, so I only counted five. Something just looked a bit off about my hand, though, so I counted again - six!

    "Oh my gosh, I'm dreaming!" I shouted, getting really excited. As the dream began to destabilize, I remembered that I had to remain calm and control my excitement. It was too late, though; I knew I was about to wake up.

    I woke up on the couch at thirteen minutes past midnight (despite having fallen asleep in bed at six-something AM). Nothing around me actually changed, so it was barely even a false awakening. Excited, I told my mom I'd finally had an LD and held up my hand, telling her I'd become lucid after counting six fingers. I still had six, but I didn't notice because I didn't actually count them this time. I woke up a couple minutes later.

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    lucid , false awakening


    1. Camo's Avatar
      Wow congradulation~~!!! You are a fast learner ^_^
      fennecgirl likes this.
    2. fennecgirl's Avatar
    3. starburst's Avatar
      That's awesome! I've never counted fingers as a reality check, I've always just done the nose plug check...I might just have to try your way, it sounds really cool. Awesome avatar, by the way. Doctor Who is my favorite. c: