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    Xanous' Dream Journal

    OBE card experiment #2

    by , 06-07-2013 at 02:06 PM (675 Views)
    I woke around 4:30AM and since it was too late for a WBTB tried falling asleep with SSILD. I was more tired than I thought and didn't get past the visual stage. Sometime later I had a brief awakening and I went for DEILD. I've had a playing card that I blindly placed face up on top of the china cabinet in my house. I finally hit an OBE this morning and was able to take a look.

    #189 - 5:23AM - DEILD/OBE

    I waited and I got that special feeling that made me realize I was close. I remember Monroe's tech but since I was so close I skipped a few steps. I went straight to focusing 6 feet off the top of my head and pulling energy in. The vibrations started. I concentrated on it for a bit noting the frequency and intensity.

    I tentatively and slowly moved upper body just to check. Every felt right and my physical body seemed locked in so I went for it. I took off and phased through the bedroom door without a thought and went straight for the playing card. I reached the top of the cabinet and pulled thinking I would float up but instead it feels like I tipped it over. There was a strange brief vertigo and I'm not sure if I actually floated or I tipped it over. Doesn't matter.

    I look around and see various scraps of paper but no playing card. Everything seems a little blurry and I think I just need to look harder. I say, "It IS here. I WILL find it." Then I see a card pop up in my face. It is the queen of clubs. I study it to remember but then it fans out into many cards all laying on top of the china cabinet. I see a couple of aces and a jack and I think a 9 and a 10. I decide that since I saw the queen first that I'll go with this one. I try memorizing the rest just in case but when I look a the jack it some how seems red with a black suit. I call it a red black jack. Then I realize all the other cards are doing the same except for the Queen. It's clearly queen of clubs. This HAS to be it! All this thinking and studying quickly causes me to wake up. I try to lay still for DEILD but it doesn't come and I have to pee.

    The actual card was the nine of hearts. The entire experience was probably only a minute or two.

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    Updated 06-30-2013 at 10:25 PM by 5967

    Tags: card, obe


    1. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Oh nice, you finally got to do the card experiment! That's great, man. I remember that one from way back! So now I'm dying to know... what was the card?? Or are you going to wait to check until later?

      Hey when you say that you fell asleep during the visual stage of SSILD, do you mean on your first slow cycle? Or did you not even make it through the fast cycles? I had huge sleepiness issues last night and I didn't even properly make it to the slow cycles before nodding off. I tried to meditate during WBTB, too, and nodded off there as well. Just kind of dozed face-first forward onto a chair.
      Xanous likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      Oh you may have missed my edit. It was the nine of hearts. I was waaaay off. But that's ok. I'm just glad I saw anything at all. That first time was just a blank card I think.

      Well I forgot about fast cycles. Lol. I started seeing some HI right off and my WILD side kicked in. I forgot to cycle after that. I was really hoping to jump in a dream but I lost focus.

      I've totally fell asleep during meditation at WBTB. That's really why I stopped but I'm planning to start again after reading some of the comments in your DJ. I forgot how important it was. Really I'm just getting back to basics to get my frequency back up.
      CanisLucidus and NyxCC like this.
    3. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Oops, you're right, I missed the edit! Kept the DJ entry up in a tab for too long I guess. That's cool that you actually saw something this time. Doesn't matter that it's not a match -- just the fun in the attempt is the whole goal anyway. None of us think we're going to be picking stocks or the winning lotto number in the dream. Although my LD hobby would become very self-sustaining if it could net me a multi-million dollar jackpot every so often.

      Heh, yeah, the sleepiness thing can really get me sometimes. Guess I'm not alone. It's hard to address the sleepiness issue without getting dangerously close to insomnia. I've been considering doing my SSILD cycles sitting up and then trying to fall right to sleep once I'd finished. Still a little scared of insomnia, though.

      Hey, tonight's G night for me. You too maybe, huh? Good luck to the both of us then!
      NyxCC and Xanous like this.
    4. NyxCC's Avatar
      Hey Xanous, well done with the OBE! Very creative idea to use the card as a check. I wonder if the mind changes the card even if it is real life. Maybe you could try asking someone to place a random object in a drawer and then check back during OBE?

      @ CL, Xanous I was planning on trying out SSILD both before bed and during WBTB this night but fell asleep too fast.

      Sweet dreams!
      CanisLucidus and Xanous like this.