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    The Truck

    by , 10-16-2013 at 03:43 AM (746 Views)
    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #154: The Truck

    A WILD attempt drops me non-lucid into the living room of a house. My dad and a few other people are standing nearby and I wonder why we're all here and how I arrived at this place. I can't figure it out and I remember that I was just trying to enter a dream.

    I'm overcome with this feeling like it's been forever since I had a lucid and that I have to accomplish a goal. I decide that I want to teleport to the Colosseum and I remember the teleportation tech Nyx and I had both dabbled in: cover your eyes and imagine yourself in a new scene.

    I try it now, covering my eyes, imagining the Colosseum and then taking my hand away. This makes all of the DCs disappear, but I'm still in the same living room. I try again, covering my eyes and spinning this time. It's still the living room, but it looks more drab. I hear the vague noise of a crowd, but it fades away. I feel like I'm not really believing it and I try to remember how to do this better.

    This time I completely close my eyes, spin, and imagine a new dream scene. The scene goes dark and as I'm thinking about opening my eyes I suddenly get really nervous that this will wake me up. Instead, I just treat the darkness like the void, rub my hands together and start walking forward again. After a short time, I emerge outside at night, walking through suburban streets.

    I imagine that the Colosseum is behind me and turn around, but I've half-assed it -- instead of the Colosseum I'm looking at a grassy vacant lot surrounded by a low chain-link fence. I jog forward now, taking three or four turns over the course of perhaps two minutes of dream time. I expect the Colosseum to be around each corner, but I'm not feeling confident enough to make it happen.

    From out of nowhere a rusty red pick-up truck comes barreling toward me, lights off and speeding. I step lightly over the truck, one foot on the hood, next step on the roof, then gliding over as it roars past underneath me. I feel happy and excited about how I handled things with the truck and my confidence starts coming back a bit.

    This makes me consider whether travelling on foot is such a good idea. I remember talking with Ophelia in the podcast about how flying is the better way to go for transportation and I'm considering doing that when a pick-up truck pulls alongside me, rusty red just like the last one. For some reason I think that this is a different truck.

    The truck's being driven by an attractive red-haired woman in her early 40s and a younger woman (blonde, mid-20s) is sitting in the passenger seat. The younger woman beckons me toward the truck. I climb into the cab of the truck and immediately she kisses me. She pulls away after a moment and turns her head so that I'm seeing her from the side. I'm surprised to see that her appearance has completely changed -- now she's Asian and completely bald! She turns her face back toward me and now she's Wife with fairly short hair (like she wore it several years ago.)

    Both Wife and the red-haired DC move toward me and sexytime commences. This part's way too graphic for the public DJ, but this (fun) portion of the dream lasts about four minutes. I lose stability once in the middle of the scene but manage to regain it. There's a final loss of stability that puts me into the void.

    I rub my hands together and walk forward, emerging into a new scene where I'm walking into an apartment. A woman greets me at the door. She's unfamiliar to me (about 5'2", late 20s, Hispanic, very good-looking.) "Don't you remember me?" she asks, giving me a friendly hug. "It's [name I can't remember that starts with 'L']! We were like best friends back in high school."
    I completely buy into this false memory, losing lucidity and start catching up with L and asking her how she's doing. She's hosting some kind of a party with a few of her other friends there. I go on about family life for a while, briefly wondering why Wife isn't here with me. Eventually L wanders off to do something in the kitchen and I notice one of L's female friends giving me a semi-hostile look. I worry about this for a while until the dream ends.

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    Updated 10-16-2013 at 01:43 PM by 57387



    1. Highlander's Avatar
      ... a pick-up truck pulls alongside me, rusty red just like the last one. For some reason I think that this is a different truck.

      The truck's being driven by an attractive red-haired woman in her early 40s and a younger woman (blonde, mid-20s) is sitting in the passenger seat. The younger woman beckons me toward the truck. I climb into the cab of the truck and immediately she kisses me.
      I can see why it is called a 'pick-up' truck!

      Cool lucid BTW.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    2. Xanous's Avatar
      Dude I was really hoping your teleport method was going to work! Nice LD anyway.That bald chick cracked me up.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    3. fogelbise's Avatar
      My dad and a few other people are standing nearby and I wonder why we're all here and how I arrived at this place. I can't figure it out and I remember that I was just trying to enter a dream.

      I'm overcome with this feeling like it's been forever since I had a lucid and that I have to accomplish a goal. I decide that I want to teleport to the Colosseum and I remember the teleportation tech we'd both dabbled in
      By both dabbled, do you mean your Dad and you? (I first heard about lucid dreaming from my Dad)

      The truck pulling up when you were considering flying seemed like a metaphorical, and perhaps literal, detour.

      Nice lucid! You and your threesomes! I want two women at once!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    4. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats on the ld! Nice try with the teleportation. I am watching this so eagerly waiting for it to click. TOTY calls!

      Lol about the sexy ladies in the pick-up. I don't even want to know how you're getting so accurate time measurements for your dream activities.

      I remember talking with Ophelia in the podcast about how flying is the better way to go for transportation and I'm considering doing that when a pick-up truck pulls alongside me, rusty red just like the last one.
      Is the next podcast in the making already? Teasers again? I'm so embarrassed to say I still haven't finished the previous one. There's always something coming up and this month turned out to be busier than expected.
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    5. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      @Highlander - Thanks! =)

      Quote Originally Posted by Xanous
      Dude I was really hoping your teleport method was going to work! Nice LD anyway.That bald chick cracked me up.
      Thanks, man... Yeah, I had high hopes, too! It was not to be this time but I'm not giving up. I think that so much of it is mindset and I'd allowed myself to slip into a mindset where I was almost not quite ready to properly engage my brain in LD mode. It was hard for me to stay focused and really believe that I was seeing the scene I wanted.

      Quote Originally Posted by fogelbise
      By both dabbled, do you mean your Dad and you? (I first heard about lucid dreaming from my Dad)
      Sorry, I wrote that part too fast... I was referring to the fact that Nyx and I had both played around with this tech but neglected to mention her by name. I've fixed that part since it was so unclear!

      Quote Originally Posted by fogelbise
      Nice lucid! You and your threesomes! I want two women at once!
      Ha ha, thanks... yeah, for some reason I keep producing these scenarios lately! A little embarrassing that I've made such a habit of this lately, but no sense in me worrying very much what my brain does with its dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on standby mode. What's nice about dreams is that they're a perfectly safe way to explore ideas that would be impossible, very ill-advised, or have too many consequences to make them worthwhile. (And IWL this would be all three I think!)
    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Quote Originally Posted by NyxCC
      Congrats on the ld! Nice try with the teleportation. I am watching this so eagerly waiting for it to click. TOTY calls!
      Thanks!! I wish that I'd been able to make a better attempt but I won't give up. I'm sure you'll help inspire me to get it right.

      Quote Originally Posted by NyxCC
      Lol about the sexy ladies in the pick-up. I don't even want to know how you're getting so accurate time measurements for your dream activities.
      LOL. That's hilarious! No no, just using my usual guesstimation methods. But that is one funny observation...

      Quote Originally Posted by NyxCC
      Is the next podcast in the making already? Teasers again? I'm so embarrassed to say I still haven't finished the previous one. There's always something coming up and this month turned out to be busier than expected.
      This is something that I believe we discussed in the first Q&A episode. Unfortunately the next episode isn't in production yet! She and I have both been really busy lately and haven't had the chance to work out a time to do another one. So believe me, I get where you're coming from!
      fogelbise and NyxCC like this.
    7. fogelbise's Avatar
      no sense in me worrying very much what my brain does with its dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on standby mode.
      Love it!

      What's nice about dreams is that they're a perfectly safe way to explore ideas that would be impossible, very ill-advised, or have too many consequences to make them worthwhile. (And IWL this would be all three I think!)
      I wholeheartedly agree with you on those last two in the context of our conversation!...and in general on the first one: I love doing the impossible!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    8. NyxCC's Avatar
      I think we are going to get these tasks right soon! I mean, you already did two! You know you can do it. You only have to remember this in dreams tool

      Plus, all these attempts are excellent training ground for all skills, summoning, teleportation, improvisation.
      CanisLucidus likes this.