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    by , 04-21-2014 at 05:02 AM (625 Views)
    Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

    Lucid #202: Hoodie

    I’m crossing a dark street, wearing a hoodie, sneaking around, and trying to keep a low profile. Three tough-looking young thugs seem to notice me and start walking in my direction. I turn away, not sure that I’ve been spotted, and draw my hoodie further over my head. As I’m doing this, I realize that this has to be a dream.

    Somehow the hoodie is badly constricting my vision to the point where I’m now just looking out through a tiny little tunnel. I look behind me and only one of the thugs is still there, but now he’s really coming for me. I start walking away, trying to gather my wits well enough to ignore him.

    My vision keeps getting smaller and smaller, which annoys me and stresses me out. To my surprise, the thug starts singing, and his voice is deep, rich, and melodious. He repeatedly sings: “This ain’t the way my game goes…”

    He’s right up on me now, so I turn toward him and force-push him off. He makes a sound like “Whuf!” and seems to fly backward just as the last of my vision shrinks to the void. I feel myself falling forward to where the street should be, but I go through, and after a moment of strange acceleration downward,
    I’m awake.
    Xanous and NyxCC like this.

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    1. Xanous's Avatar
      That singing cracked me up. I could only imagine thinking "what is this? The west side story? "
      CanisLucidus and NyxCC like this.
    2. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Ha, you nailed it! That is so West Side Story. I can't believe that never occurred to me.
    3. NyxCC's Avatar
      Congrats on the lds! I can see you're moving on to more complex ld scenarios with dangerous singing criminals. Nicely done with the force push! It's good to know that if a DC comes too close you can always get rid of them like this (while I have to rely on my seduction skills to counteract any attacks).
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    4. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Heh heh, yeah since I'm apparently doing a vigilante theme for these recent LDs, hopefully I'll have force-pushed all the singing criminal types right out of the dream world so you can safely take that trip into a jungle temple or journey deep into the Great Pyramid.

      And thanks, I've been pleased with the recent burst of lucidity! I really love LDing and wish I could dedicate more time to true WBTB. I'm learning that it can still be done even when I'm not doing everything perfectly, which helps set my mind at ease a bit.
      NyxCC likes this.
    5. NyxCC's Avatar
      And thanks, I've been pleased with the recent burst of lucidity! I really love LDing and wish I could dedicate more time to true WBTB. I'm learning that it can still be done even when I'm not doing everything perfectly, which helps set my mind at ease a bit.
      I hear you on that! Well, you've still managed to find the time and performed so awesomely! I hear you've been using the rest of dream time to tackle rl problems with great success. That's our CL! Keep doing what you're doing so well!
      CanisLucidus likes this.
    6. CanisLucidus's Avatar
      Thanks, Nyx, I really appreciate that! It's very encouraging because I often find myself wishing I can do more.

      Yes, you heard right, ha ha... I wonder if the guys at work are going to wonder what the hell I'm eating before bed those days when I come in saying, "So last night, I dreamed that we solved that problem we were talking about yesterday by..."
      NyxCC likes this.