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    False Awakened by Wife

    by , 11-05-2014 at 07:44 PM (440 Views)
    I blew a perfect opportunity for a lucid dream by not recognizing a false awakening. In my dream I woke up because my wife was tapping me on the hip. I opening my eyes a little bit and saw her standing beside the bed. The room was dark, as it should be; and everything else looked exactly the same as waking life. She continued to tap me on the hip, but I didn’t want to get up because I was working on having a Wake Induced Lucid Dream - WILD. I continued to lie completely still and ignore her. I was thinking my alarm was set to get me up at the correct time, so why was she disturbing my sleep? She knows every morning I’m busy trying to lucid dream. She then sat down on the bed beside me with her hand on my hip. I continued to ignore her for the next 5 minutes until she finally left. After she left I repositioned, and then I started to think, why was she getting me up so early? Why was she up so early? This made no sense. I then thought maybe I had a false awakening. In the morning I asked her if she had tried to wake me up during the night, and she said, “No? Why?” I explained what had happened, and she gave me this ‘you’re nuts’ look. Anyway, the moral of the story is, ‘Don’t ignore your wife, or miss out on a LD!’ BTW, that’s the 2nd time this has happened in the last couple of months.
    DawnEye11 and JadeGreen like this.

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    1. PercyLucid's Avatar
      My wife FAed me so many times lol... and a few times really awakened me from lucids lol. Sometimes with a nice surprise, but some not haha.
      DawnEye11 and Tihiti like this.
    2. DawnEye11's Avatar
      Lol What a funny FA. XD
      Tihiti likes this.
    3. Oneironaut Zero's Avatar
      You got robbed! Haha. Tough luck, dude. Next time, listen to your wife!
      Tihiti likes this.