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    Flooded Bathroom

    by , 03-04-2015 at 02:03 AM (564 Views)
    -I was in a anime world with high school students i think. As we were walking through the school field a girl shouted something about the wind and how it was coming. The wind blew many of us back and one of the guys mentioned how he liked if the wind could blow me in his direction.But he also had a good feeling when the other girls were blown in his direction. The story continued with me watching a really hyper anime girl with green hair jumping around.

    -The next thing that happened i don't really remember.But i have a feeling i was trying to find something and make sure the people in the place i was in were okay. I think i was in a mall/school with dream characters who were supposedly dreamers and we had to battle a monster but i'm not 100% sure.I also have the feeling that i did something wrong and was going to be punished for it.

    -After that i appeared in the middle of a hill near my block. It was night time and i became aware that it was a dream but i was afraid someone would run to me and try to rape me because it was dark.So I ran into the wall of my old best friend's house. I ended up in a white narrow hallway and felt like i was in a secret place. But than the dream shifted and i wasn't lucid anymore.

    I was now naked,standing in a bathtub filled with water, with two young little girls.(I think they were my daughters in the dream) Shocked by how much water was in the tub i wondered how this came to be. Than suddenly the water was up to my waist now. The littlest's head was covered in the water so i held her up.But than the water's height changed to all the way up to my mouth. I tried to get both the little girls to the open window way up on the wall. Than looked for a door since the water just kept rising.When i opened it the water fell out. I took both the little girls and walked to the living room. The house looked like a big Japanese style type of house. I was worried to go upstairs and tell my parents about how i flooded the house. Than a narrator voice came out saying "She was afraid to walk in the house with all the electrical wires that were now underwater."
    JadeGreen, RedKali and Tihiti like this.

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    Updated 03-04-2015 at 02:07 AM by 67570

    lucid , non-lucid


    1. RedKali's Avatar
      I was worried to go upstairs and tell my parents about how i flooded the house. Than a narrator voice came out saying "She was afraid to walk in the house with all the electrical wires that were now underwater."
      That reminds me of the narrator technique Carabas played with in one of his more recent entries. That's terribly funny and so unhelpful!
      DawnEye11 likes this.
    2. DawnEye11's Avatar
      That reminds me of the narrator technique Carabas played with in one of his more recent entries. That's terribly funny and so unhelpful!
      I probably should read his entry to see how he used it than. x3 haha I agree. It was like the narrator wanted to instill more fear inside of me.
      RedKali likes this.
    3. RedKali's Avatar
      Eggs Benedict, bland 90s music, and narrative versus command - Dream Journals - Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

      I've been trying to use this technique in a dream but the idea hasn't stuck yet.
      DawnEye11 likes this.
    4. Tihiti's Avatar
      The littlest's head was covered in the water so i held her up.But than the water's height changed to all the way up to my mouth. I tried to get both the little girls to the open window way up on the wall. Than looked for a door since the water just kept rising.When i opened it the water fell out.
      Good resolution to the nightmare. That was scary!
      DawnEye11 likes this.