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    The Hospital

    by , 09-19-2015 at 02:28 PM (413 Views)
    I wanted to record this elaborate dream before I forget it all. I just woke up and came straight to the computer. I wasn't a lucid dream, unfortunately, but it was very vivid and at some point nightmarish.

    It started out with me being at a work function, some sort of fun team building event. It felt like it was at a cheap restaurant, like the company had rented out a CiCi's Pizza joint or something. Some people were drinking and laughing, some people were playing arcade games, and some people were actually working, like selling beds and writing up receipts. I was one of the latter. I had a gentleman in my dream named Nettle....something. He was an exact replica of Dr. Who, a show which I watch on occasion. He wanted to buy a bed from one of my co workers, but the sales associate was having a hard time writing the ticket. When I saw Nettle, I had a false memory. I'd seen him before and recognized him as a previous customer who had purchased from me a couple of months ago and I remembered that last time he was in the store, we were having difficulties writing up his order. So, I apologized and thanked him again for being so patient. He was a nice man and told us to take our time. All of a sudden, he gets a phone call from his job and they tell him that he can't spend too much money on the beds, that he had a budget. So, next thing I know, I'm speaking with someone else (his boss maybe) in person trying to haggle with me over the price of the beds. He tried to threaten to go to the competition (Sleep Experts) but I shut him down real quick. So, I'm still trying to figure out how to write this stupid ticket on the computer (because again, technology always fails for me in my dreams) but there is a new baseball themed computer system that we have to use and I am about to pull my hair out in frustration. So, I excuse myself and begin to look for Beth, my Area Manager, but she's MIA.

    So eventually, a meeting is called and Joe, my District Manager, is trying to give an elaborate speech about why we were all there and thanking us for coming out. He then went on to say that he hoped we'd all done our prep work for the meeting and I was drawing blanks. I had no clue what this prep work was and the girl next to me, who I did not recognize from work was telling me what the prep work was supposed to be, but I was so confused. So I excused myself to go to the bathroom. So...this is where the dream takes a bit of a different route, bordering on nightmare.

    I'm heading to the bathroom and the dream shifts. Instead of being in some restaurant and at some sort of business meeting, I'm in this run-down shack of a house owned by a family of Asians. When I go to use the toilet, it is in a wide open setting (this happens a lot in my dreams actually. I'm trying to do my business in a wide open space, like the walls in the stalls of the bathroom just fade away. It is really embarrassing actually...) Anyway, so I have to wait my turn because there is a little Korean girl on the potty. She's done and I take my turn, but the toilet is absolutely filthy brown and broken. There is a woman who has to stand next to you while you pee to make sure the toilet will flush and not over flow. It was a sight to be an abandoned gas station to shame. But I guess its an emergency because I sit on the toilet and all the while the little girl was talking to me and eating these little pills like candy. They were flat circular pills and I recognized them as ecstasy. I calmly told her (now that I think about it, it's odd to be calm about this. I mean she was popping these pills like PEZ because she thought it was candy!) that those pills were bad for her and she shouldn't eat them. When she asked me why, I told her that they were poison, like eating the wrong berries in the forest. She seemed to understand that analogy and put down the tin can she was carrying. I stand up and pull my pants up and this older, middle aged man came out of nowhere. He apparently was the patriarch of the family and owned the home. He had darker skin, white graying hair, but was strong. He told me that I was going to have to compensate him for letting me use the toilet. I looked at him like he was crazy and started to leave, but he tried to attack me. I think he was going to rape me but I ended up escaping.

    I was running back in the direction that I came from but instead of heading further into a house, I was running through a forest and the old man was still chasing me. It was sunny out, but the forest was thick...and apparently haunted. I was trying to run up this steep hill, and all the time, I thought I was carrying the child (the little girl) with me over my shoulder. I thought I was helping her escape that god awful place. I was just at the top of the hill, trying to climb over this gnarly tree that was in my way. I looked over my shoulder and I see some invisible entity hovering around this decaying body of a woman. It was a rotting body and it looked like it'd been laying around the forest for a while. The invisible entity was using the body to attack the old man who'd still been chasing me and at first I thought it was trying to help me. Just beyond the old man and ghost, I saw a little boy with long hair. I recognized him as the child I thought I had over my shoulder the whole time. I jumped down from the tree and went back for him. He was very feeble. I slung him over my shoulder and tried to run back up the hill, but the dead woman's body turned on me and became very animated. Everything became super drawn out, like slow motion. I'm trying to carry this heavy load up the hill, trying to escape, but the woman kept grabbing my arms and pulling me back towards the forest. I kept struggling to free myself and this was hella nightmarish. I was afraid I wasn't going to make it out. I eventually pull free from the woman but the child is gone and I escape over the hill without a second thought.

    Back over the hill, I'm back in the restaurant, but it's dark and empty. The business meeting was clearly over; it'd ended long ago. I find a few stragglers, no one that I recognize. They all seemed old and deranged. And they were... They kept telling me that the building was haunted and they needed to escape. So, I follow them to the outside of the building, but it was in a very rich neighborhood instead of a busy street with other businesses. I ran down the street to escape that place and the crazy group of people I was with.

    Somehow I knew, like an unwritten rule in a horror film, that I couldn't tell anyone where I'd just come from, but I needed a story to explain my appearance. I was pantless, just wearing my underwear and a shirt and I was dirty from scraping in the forest. I had no phone, no money, no car. (Usually in these situations in my dreams, I'd hijack a car, but that thought didn't occur to me). So I'm running past multi million dollar houses, which were not gated by the way, and I find a family outside in the front yard playing. I run up to them and beg them to let me use their phone to call someone. They look shocked at seeing me, but they obliged and a teen girl went to grab her phone. Again...technology...I couldn't figure out how to work the damn phone, so the girl dialed a number for me. But then I began to wonder how could she know who I need to call and how would she know the number? I heard a voice on the phone saying, "Hello? Hello, who is this?" So, I began to answer it, but then I noticed the daughter and mother sniggling behind their mouths like crazy people, so I decided to hang up the phone and walk away. I knew these people were crazy too somehow, like this entire neighborhood belonged in an asylum. And, as I begin running barefoot down the street, trying to find my way back home, I realize that that's where I was...in an asylum.

    I'm walking through this maze of halls and elevators and FINALLY! I find the doors that lead to an actual outside, away from the crazy and chaos and nightmares. As I'm walking past the first set of double doors, the security officer takes one look at me as if he knows me and detains me. He told me that I was a patient at the hospital and I was not allowed to leave. He kept asking how I got out of my room and when i told him that I was not a patient, he kept quizzing me on things but I had no idea what he was talking about and my head got a little fuzzy. He told me that I always have this horrific nightmares and I keep forgetting that I belong to the hospital/asylum and I keep forgetting my reality (like Shutter Island). He started guiding me back to the hospital and as if I were doped up on opium, I followed obligingly. I woke up shortly afterwards.
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