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    Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming

    Non Lucid Dream

    Lucid Dream

    1. 15/07/14 Pub Fight, Fire Escape, Skydiving and Antony Fantano's Big Poo

      by , 07-16-2014 at 02:38 PM (Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming)
      Dream 1

      I was in a pub and we were celebrating my mum and her boyfriends wedding. Her boyfriend was really drunk and he stumbled backwards into a guy and knocked a beer out of his hand. Her boyfriend walked off and this man chased after him, all of his mates and other people grab him and put him on a chair, telling him to calm down/ My mums boyfriend walks in and he stands up to him, then my mums boyfriend just drops him and a fight erupts. I was then rolling about on the floor as well? Everyone was in hysterics, afterwards everyone separated into their family groups. We were in a small room talking thinking we were going to get battered again so we thought we should order a taxi and sneak out a back door. We were then driving home and I said to everyone, 'lets be honest it was sort of funny, but it was BadBadNotGood. Also at the start of this dream I was talking to Antony Fantano (In RL he is a music reviewer on YouTube) he was a sort of plumber and was working in this pub, he said how once he done a poo so big it clogged the toilets up, he then had to remove the pipe in the toilet and put a new one in because it was that clogged up. Weird

      Dream 2

      I was in a hotel, my dad was in a pub there so I went and seen him and I walked in he was sitting by himself doing a paint by numbers. The one he was doing was a dolphin, he had already completed like 5 others as they were scattered around his table. While he is doing that there was a stand full of records, so I search through them see if there was anything I like. There wasn't. I then met my mum who needed help taking out a window.

      Dream 3

      I was back at school... again. This time there was a huge fire, all the fire alarms were going off, usually it meant nothing, but you could really see the smoke bellowing out from around the school. This school didn't really look like the one I went to in real life. SO we ran out the class with our teachers, around the side of a gate and we were standing on top of a steep hill. I'm standing in line and one of my older friends ran up to me, got his bag and pulled a small chainsaw out. 'I knew this would come in handy' he said. He kept revving it up and putting it by my ear. I was getting very angry telling him I hate it, but he kept doing it. So I grabbed it and the teacher came over and took it off him. This made him angry as well. Then we had to start running because the fire was getting closer, the whole class began running down the hill, everyone was out for themselves. I skidded down the hill, and these green looking spiders were going crazy running across the hill, I went straight through them which was pretty disgusting, then as the hill came to an end it dropped off a huge cliff. About 50 people all went flying off this cliff, luckily everyone had parachutes. The freefall was EPIC. I was going down and down for ages, I wanted to see how long I could hold the free fall for. I was watching everyone opening the parachutes around me landed in different areas, I was drawing closer and closer to the ground and seen an airfield close to the sea I was going to land on. I pulled open and had a perfect landing. It was good