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    Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming

    Non Lucid Dream

    Lucid Dream

    1. 17/07/14 Football Game

      by , 07-18-2014 at 10:50 PM (Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming)
      Dream 1

      I was at a football game with my dad. My dad was drunk and he was having a laugh and chat with one of my friends dads. They sat together to watch the match and me and my friend had tickets somewhere else in the stand to watch it. Then the scene changed and I was at another football stadium, we were on rov V and it was cool. Then scene changed again and I was flying an aeroplane in 3rd person under bridges.
    2. 16/07/14 - Meal and Caught With Weed

      by , 07-18-2014 at 10:48 PM (Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming)
      Dream 1

      I was going out for a meal and the restaurant was close to where I work. When I was walking to the restaurant I said to a girl 'Ay can I get your number?' She spoke with an accent and said 'No.'
      'Ok then, see ya later' I said. As I was walking away she shouted me. 'Ohhhh you want MY number? Yes you can have, we go for date, for meal?'
      'Errm, yeah OK. I've gotta get going for a meal, I'll text you later' I say. Then scene changed and I was at my house, across the road was a house party, I was meant to be going. I was getting changed and I was jamming to Kanye West - So Appalled

      Dream 2

      I'm sitting outside my front door of my house, I just smoked some good kush which had some weird effect on me, it was from a cigarette as well. I chucked that away and went to go back in my house, I left my bag outside the front of my house and it had loads of weed in it and also a bong. There was also a load of paperwork and other random stuff. Then I heard a ring at my door, and I realised my bag was still outside. Panicking I get to the door and see my sister going through the bag, there was the bong on the floor with loads of other stuff. My mum was there as well, and my nan and grandad. My mum picked up the weed put it in the bag, without saying anything. Then I picked up a bag of like compost out of my bad and said 'Oh I found my hemp.' Then she realised, she was very disappointed she said. So was my grandad. My brother said he asked my grandad once 'Which was worse smoking weed or going to jail?' He said smoking weed. So I knew he was angry. Then when they went inside my nan said she doesn't think its that bad, social conditioning led them to think it was. I was pretty surprised she said this, anyway I left and went to get the bus as I was annoyed about their reactions.