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    Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming

    Non Lucid Dream

    Lucid Dream

    1. 23/07/14 - Park, Party, Woman Steals Clothes

      by , 07-23-2014 at 04:03 PM (Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming)
      Dream 1

      I'm in a park with my friend and he says his sister is on the other side and we go on a (unreadable) with car

      Dream 2

      I went to a family and friends party, at the party these two girls were on karaoke and they were really good so everyone was taking pictures and filming them, including me. Afterwards I was walking through a trainstation with my friend and this guy was high off molly in the dream. He had a basketball and was going to throw it somewhere, his friends took it off him. Then everyone ran onto the street and the sound of a police siren headed towards us. They were after the guy who was high. I got caught in the crowd and wanted to get out. Then after I was out my friend said some guy was trying to start a fight with me because my rucksack was too big.

      I got home, I was in my back garden and a woman was giving a fine of £40 to these two girls about 7/8 years old for having a conversation over the fence. I say 'Hey! That's not right!You can't give them a fine they are just talking over a fence because they live right next to each other'
      'Are you stupid? The house isn't connected to this house' she said to me.
      'I live here! This is a semi detached house, look' I pointed where the houses were connected. 'There's a garage there which doesn't connect to that house, not this one!'
      She started mocking me 'Ewwww its a semi detached house' she started walking out my house. 'I will be back and you WILL get fined badly!' she says. There had been a party at my house so me and my friend started cleaning it up to help my mum out, we cleaned all the rubbish and put them into bin bags. After all of it was in bin bags we put them into the bins outside the front of the house. While we were doing it my dad walked in 'Alright boys!' he said. So we walked back in to take the clothes of my washing lines and they were all gone. Confused to how they were gone this quick I asked my dad 'Did you take the clothes down?'
      'No, I've only just walked in' he said. I went to look in my bedroom and out the window I could see a taxi with suitcases in. I knew who it was. That bitch. I looked up my staircase and there she was, my sister was standing at the top and she walked out the background. I shouted up 'If you touch my little sister I WILL kill you!' Then I was woke up in real life to my sister saying 'Mums on the phone' haha
      non-lucid , dream fragment