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    1. Dream Journal #17 May 19th, 2011

      by , 05-20-2011 at 03:48 AM
      Going to sleep now, it's 10:35 am. I will become lucid.

      First dream I remember was having Sherry come to me and be like, "i think Dan might ask me to prom because vlahblahblah" and she asked me if I knew anything, I said no. So she asked me to tell her if anything came up cause she wants to know beforehand. Soo then it goes to just me alvin and ian playing basketball. I do remember we find out that Ian has a crush, and kuya don don was like dude she's in the philippines? forget about it! but Ian was like no and he said he's waiting till he's 18. So were like whatever lol. Then we go play basketball.

      edit: remembered a couple more things (2 things that i had to stop and think about because of it's weirdness.. almost became lucid i think)

      first thing was me seeing katrina in 5th period with a motorcycle. i was like, hmm.. that's weird.. she got a motorcycle instead of a car? then my mind goes.. OK, THAT SOUNDS TOTALLY FINE. NOTHING WEIRD ABOUT THAT. then i continue whatever i was doing.. which i forgot.

      second was in a FA. I woke up, and I still had my boxers on (i put back my shorts after WBTB cause it was cold, but i didn't question that). Then I look at my thighs and I see cuts, almost like I cut myself on purpose. There were quite a few, and I think I remember seeing cuts on my arm too. I was just like.. WTF? when did I get these cuts?? then again, my mind goes, HMM WHATEVER I JUST DONT REMEMBER. IT'S FINE. and I go into the bathroom and wash my face and everything, and I wake up for real and I'm late to school

      It seems like I'm getting closer to become more aware in my dreams, as I'm actually questioning these weird things that are happening in my dreams. I've never done that before, so hopefully my awareness will boost up over time and I can finally have a DILD in fantasy land.
    2. Dream Journal #16 May 18th, 2011.

      by , 05-18-2011 at 04:29 PM
      Dream Journal #16 May 18th, 2011.

      Wow.. i slept right through my alarm, that or it didnt go off. my dreams aren’t really that memorable. i only remember some fragments, although i did remember me suddenly thinking about lucid dreaming in the middle of my dream. most of the dreams were about school. they somewhat relate to league of legends because we had mana and stuff… but that’s all i remember lol. Not a good night for dreaming Tonight for sure.

      edit: Weird, I remember this dream like 30 minutes after I woke up.

      I remember being in Terreri’s class, and it wasn’t actually terreri but he was a sub. But he looked EXACTLY like terreri and had the same voice, but for some reason I knew he was a sub. I forgot what I did in there, but as I left class I forgot my shorts lol so I was walking around the hallways with only my boxers on. Sean and Andrew saw me and they were like wtf? And I was like.. damn, needa go get my shorts. So I get them and I see Anthony there still sitting in class like he had detention. Then I remember Terreri saying something about demons to him or whatever. I leave. As I walk the hallways, it’s like some kind of holiday similar to Halloween. People are behind the glass displays and they’re invisible, but theirs signs saying to come close to the glass display. As soon as people get close, students suddenly appear and scare the shit out of them. Me, on the other hand, I was able to see through their invisibility. I kicked one of my classmates who was invisible, and he was just like WTF.. how do you see me? I just laughed and walked away.

      Updated 05-18-2011 at 04:35 PM by 46463

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    3. Dream Journal #15 May 17th, 2011

      by , 05-18-2011 at 12:10 AM
      Dream Journal #15 May 17th, 2011

      First dream I remember was being in some weird house, trying out for something.

      Actually scratch that. First thing I remember was having a fake tattoo on my arm and I had to go to court for it rofl because it was against the law or something. So I go to court, but literally nobody shows up but me and the judge. The judge lets me go. I then go to some weird place to train for something and I have to put on this thing on my head. I then have to wash my entire head with shampoo for some reason.

      Then, I’m at ralphs house with alvin and ian. I also remember something about AK’s and pistols lol… and that like a dog was trying to get the AK to shoot another dog.. idk weird ass part of the dream. We had like piles of weird stuff in the room. Then DJ calls me and hes like whatupp blah blah and i think hes at paolos so im like ok we’ll go to paolos (even though i didnt even know he wasnt there). When i get to paolos he not there, but my mom is. My mom said were sleeping over there lol. Apparently we were going to play beer pong, but we were still waiting for DJ. Then my alarm woke me up.

      edit: here’s after WBTB.

      I could feel myself going lucid. I felt all the vibrations- everything that I felt whenever I knew I would be going lucid. Then it just stopped.

      I had an FA. Ellean apparently just appeared out of nowhere and started sleeping on my bed (he was never in my house in the first place) and I thought that THAT is what caused me to lose my lucidity. sigh im so dumb. I even did the nose plug reality check and it failed! I breathed through my nose but for some stupid ass reason I made up some reason in my head for why I was able to.

      lol. then the dream continued from me giving up to go lucid to me and ellean watching tv and eating snacks (cookies to be exact). sigh.

      also quick note: i watched a subliminal messages video right before i went back to sleep.. i think it helped, but im not sure.
    4. Dream Journal #14 May 16th, 2011

      by , 05-17-2011 at 01:27 AM
      Dream Journal #14 May 16th, 2011

      blah i fell asleep after my wbtb… sigh

      anyways first dream i remember was my brother coming back home and like he came home rich or something from the cruise. basically my room was renovated like crazy lol. then he asked me to sell marvel vs capcom and everything. i can remember elleean my dad and alvin with me. we went to some place right near knotts to sell them. i got mad at alvin for not listening to me. ellean and alvin had weird personalities… they weren't acting “themselves” in my dream. weird. I also remember looking at some WII games, and the store only had like 2 games, and me and ellean were like, wtf? so we sold marvel vs capcom and left to go to a new store. also... the place that was right by knotts for some reason is very familiar, like i've been there before. i KNOW i was there at some point, either in one of my old dreams or in real life. that’s all i remember.

      next dream was that i was in ms. Kitts class lol. she became much stricter… as soon as i went into the room with my hat she told me that i would get suspended if i went in with it again. then, i started listening to my beats in class (sigh i should have went lucid from this). it eventually started to make a lot of noise because the class was quiet. Also, quick detail... the song was sleep all day (party all night) by sean kingston, as I actually heard the lyrics coming from the headphones. She then confiscated my items,and I asked if I could take it after class ended and she said yeah. Lol.

      I had several false awakenings where i was already writing in my dream journal! i think im just way too tired to even try to lucid right now, but for some reason im remembering a lot of my dreams.

      third dream i remember was ellean jumping through my window with heros leash and he jumped off the roof. my impression was that he was going to hang himself but was joking about it. i took heros leash which was actually right next to me (should have became lucid..) and went downstairs to bike hero. i eventually concluded that biking was not necessary, ill just drive him around the neighborhood to practice my driving. so i did lol, and i kinda “stole” my moms car to drive hero around. when i got back i was surprised nobody even cared.

      fourth dream i remember was kind of a fragment. i was in physics class with lukas and mckenna. i remember having the biggest headache of my life. mckenna kept asking me for jesus’ number lol. and i saw lukas phone on the chair next to me for some reason with his older brother on the front screen. that’s when i woke up.

      well, i didn’t get lucid, but i remembered four dreams tonight. proud
    5. Dream Journal #13 May 1th, 2011

      by , 05-15-2011 at 09:20 PM
      Only remember 1 dream, and they’re mostly fragments, I didn’t really understand the plot lol.

      First, it was me in the computer room and it was like really dark, and I was playing on my computer. Ian comes over to pick up something and then leaves. Idk lol.

      Second it was me in the APUSH room.. thats all i remember

      I also remember that I was looking into my bathroom mirror to see how I looked like. I then noticed that I had a red g-shock which was my brothers. I inspected it, and I think I may have questioned it because my brother took this watch with him to the cruise. But I think I let it pass... lol. SIGH.

      edit: About 3 hours after I wake up, I suddenly remember the biggest dream plot I had last night.. lol i went on an adventure

      I'm sure there was a beginning to this dream.. but I don't remember the beginning. My memory starts off with me in a moonwell-like place, it was a giant lake that was glowing and the surroundings were beautiful, there were clouds and blue skies. I was with 2 other people, I think my friends and some cousins but I don't remember who. The first thing I remember doing was putting my feet into the pond/lake whatever. And then I was like, hey guys... let's go inside! So we all went inside, and then the details go vague from there. I may have been sucked in, or some river monster may have sucked me in.. but the point was, I was sucked in. I then found myself in a different point of time! We all ended up in my garage.. but everything seemed so different. Either we were in the future or the past, or we may have been in the same time period but things were different. Immediately everybody in my group knew there was something wrong. Then one of my friends finds this thing behind the wall... a recorder type thing, that you talk into and it records your voice. For some reason, we all knew whatever was in this tape had something to do with how we got here and why. We started listening to the tape- I don't remember anything it said but it was very quiet and it contained all kinds of secrets. My mom then came into the garage and we hid it, and she told me to go do something. So we all went inside. When I went into my room, everything was completely different and weird. It was like, future-like lol. But at the same time it also seemed medieval-like. When I went to go to the bathroom, it ended up being outside. Like an outdoor bathroom. Just like a regular bathroom except theirs no walls lol. And all the bathrooms in the house were interconnected. Weird. So I go back into my room and I sit on my bed I think. And I start listening to the tape... but as soon as I press the play button (these parts are vague, i may be wrong) nothing came out. I then found out that there was no tape in the recorder. Someone stole it. And they were in some weird ass room that I didn't even know I had in my house. So I wanted to get this tape back because i felt it was important to finding out how I got here and what the hell happened, what that pool of water was all about, etc. I secretly watch the guy who has my tape, and so do 2 of my other friends. He then gets into some kind of argument with some other guys... who were probably like security guards lol. I then hear gunshots, and all of a sudden all I see are dead bodies on the ground in that weird room. So me and my friends were like wow, WTF is going on. I then see my parents running towards me, and they give me a polearm (LOL) and they tell me to run 20 miles from here or something like that. So without even thinking, me and my 2 friends run as fast as we can away from the house without the tape sadly. We pass by this huge castle, very beautiful. I then suggest we go hide in there, but my friends were skeptical and were like, "your parents gave us specific instructions... we should follow them" We ended up resting in some grass-like area or something. Then I think the dream skipped forward, because we were in a town. Like an old town, medieval-like. I then find a pair of rock and republic shorts on the ground, and I was like hey... these are nice. I take them. I think my alarm woke me up at this time.. and when I woke up, I did not remember a single thing that just happened in my dream. I found that reallllly weird. I wished I had remembered this dream so I could somewhat DEILD back into it, but whatever.


      After about 3 hours of not remembering shit, I get home and I put on shorts! They weren't rock and republic shorts, but for some reason... I felt like there was something memorable about me putting these shorts on. And then it hit me... everything about the dream came back to me. I suddenly remembered everything that happened
      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Dream Journal #12 May 13th, 2011

      by , 05-13-2011 at 02:58 PM
      Dream Journal #12 May 13th, 2011

      First dream I remember was being in a car with my mom and we were taking Ian home. We took a shortcut and she did not trust me with the way to go, and we were going like 1 mph so that made me really frusturated and angry lol.

      edit: afterWBTB

      Had my 2nd lucid yet! Followed by another FA lol.

      this one was awesome, and I had a LOTTT more dream control and stabability this time!!! omg lucid dreaming is fucking great. hahaha.

      so it started off with me looking at the clock once again. This was a DILD- I’m sure of it. I was in a FA, and I looked at the clock. There was NO time whatsoever, it was just blank. At first, I was going to let this slide.. I was about to say, oh shit my clock died. But then it hit me- I realized I was dreaming. All of a sudden I felt this rush all over my body! The same feeling from my first lucid dream. Everything became way more clear this time, and vivid. I tried to put my “dream glasses” on but nothing really ever came out when i pretended to put glasses on lol. It started out dark in my room again. I went to the bathroom and I almost lost lucidity… but I tried to turn on the switch for the light. No light. Gained my lucidity again. Went back into my room and for some reason the light was on this time lol. My mind was just blown at how everything seemed so real. I looked at the mirror and my face was all weiird and out of proportion lol. Normally this would scare me but I knew I was dreaming so it really didn’t scare me at all. I looked at my hands too! My hands like fucking 10,000 fingers LOL. I was absolutely sure I was dreaming this time. At this point the dream started to fade.. I saw it fading right before my eyes. I rubbed my hands. Wasn’t working. So I found the new solution to stabilizing my dream: Rub my hands AND spin at the same time. I found that this worked absolutely well, the dreamscape did not change and I was back in the dream.

      My phone was on my bed, and someone was calling me. It was some weird contact… the words didnt make sense and there was no number. I answered it. All I heard was static I think- again, this sounds scary, but I knew I was dreaming, so none of it frightened me at all. I was like “whatever” and hung up lol. I then tried to summon a pretty girl in my room. That failed. So I was like whatever again.

      Then, I wanted to fly. So i opened my window, and I thought “man.. what if this doesnt work, I start to fall, and I wake up?” But again, my mentality was like “whatever” (thats just the kind of person i am). So I stepped on my window frame, jumped like super high rofl, grabbed the roof of my house, and jumped off of it. I started to fall a little bit- but then I remembered I have to believe. So I started to flap my arms, and I started flying! Fucking best feeling of my life lol. The view was so awesome outside my house as well. I was mountains from the far distance and the moon and stars were shining. It was kind of hard to control though, because I would flap my arms once and sometimes I would go a bit too far up or forward really fast. I fixed this somewhat. I then realized that my neighbor was a hot lesbian. I flew on their roof (actually they had no roof, I flew right through it). She was making out with this other hot lesbian, and they took their clothes off. My dream started to fade again LOL so I started spinning and rubbing my hands at the same time. It stabilized again. The two girls started to go outside to their backyard, where there was snow… somehow it became winter and there was snow everywhere now. They started to begin making out there again fully naked.
      This is where I eventually woke up into my false awakening.

      My false awakening wasnt as bad. I was not lucid however. I was typing out my dream on my dream journal and talking to my cousin that I just had a lucid dream. That’s all I really remember. Oh, and my dad walked in the door to wake me up to go to school. Then I really woke up- kind of confused. I almost forgot that I had a lucid dream when I woke up from my FA lol. Turns out I was only asleep for around 40 minutes- I’m not sure when the dream started though.

      Yay for 2nd lucid
    7. Dream Journal #11 May 12th, 2011

      by , 05-12-2011 at 02:06 PM
      Dream Journal #11 May 12th, 2011

      Have two dreams I remember,

      1. Fuckin spiders lol. I was dreaming that our house was infested by semi giant spiders and that those spiders were reproducing at a fast rate. I tried to kill them with roach RAID but it didnt work, so my mom asked her patient to bring arachnia RAID lol.

      2. Wow I forgot.. it just totally slipped my mind. Will edit if I remember.
    8. Dream Journal #10 May 11th, 2011

      by , 05-12-2011 at 07:20 AM
      Dream Journal #10 May 11th, 2011

      First and only dream I remember was being actual friends with emjayel and all them, kelvin nguyen and stuff. Fuuck, it was a nice dream. To actually have friends like that. We were in a house similar to Dico Mario’s house, and they were just chillin outside drinking some beer with me. Erwin was also there for some reason llol but he soon vanished. I then had to take a shower because emjayel spilled some shit on me from being too drunk and i got somewhat pissed but it was whatever. After I came back from showering, I saw Jon there! haha. But then they left to get food, it was around 11:30 pm. My alarm woke me up.

      After WBTB. no lucid

      First dream was me playing beer pong with all my friends at school- with actual beer and at school in a freakin classroom during lunch. I cant believe I didnt question my reality lol. I need to work on that. We eventually got caught and everybody thought that dan was the one who told on us. I didnt get caught because I left the room but all my friends did.

      Dream frag: Same dream, I remember running across the hallway kind of jogging and seeing ms.desponds. We were both late to class and I ran to her and said, sorry i’m late!

      Second dream was me being a video game like dream in hell rofl. I was stabbing people with cloaks over their head and I would kill them and they would fade away and the cloak would drop. Its hard to remember your dreaming
    9. Dream Jorunal #8 May 10th, 2011

      by , 05-11-2011 at 07:21 AM
      Dream Journal #9 May 10th, 2011

      Remember two dreams, although I know I had more lol. Woke up couple of times last night at around 2:00 and 4:00 am.

      First dream was me smoking out with ralph and paolo. We were in my room, and I was like DUDE watch this spongebob episode. We all eventually KO’ed, and I as I “reawakened” I saw that paolo had left chicken nugget crumbs ALL over my bed. I woke his ass up and told him to clean it but he wouldn’t, so I got way pissed at him.

      Dream fragment: I remember dreaming about hero and my brother.

      Second dream was me giving a speech on something lol. All I know is that there were a lot of koreans, and a lot of koreans gave speeches also. When it was my turn to speak, everybody loved me.

      Updated 05-14-2011 at 07:26 AM by 46463

    10. Dream Journal #9 May 10th, 2011. First Lucid.

      by , 05-10-2011 at 02:34 PM

      hahaha. Alright. So I used the WBTB method, didn’t think it would work, but it did! And wow it is like an experience of no other. I also think I had an OBE because I felt as if I was trying to escape my realistic body.

      So here’s how it started. Woke up around 5 am, peed. Went to dreamviews.com, browsed a little bit for 20 minutes and went back to bed. I tried to WILD, but at that point I was already too awake because I had splashed my face with cold water, so I just told myself “I’m going to lucid tonight” and let my concious fade away so that I could fall asleep.

      I had mini-dreams, ALL about lucid dreaming. The most vivid one I remember was me being at school in the quad, and ALL my friends were talking about lucid dreaming. What technique they were using, how they did it, if they ever had a lucid, etc. Then one of my friends comes to me and tells me, “Did you know you’re dreaming right now?” And as soon as he said that, I tried to recollect my thoughts. How did I get to school? That was all it took for me to become lucid. As soon as I became lucid though, I had a false awakening! I went non-lucid.

      Although I had a false awakening, I didn’t open my eyes. I just knew that the dream had ended. Actually, now that I think about it- I don’t think this is where the FA started. I might have DEILD’ed accidentally, but as soon as the dream ended it went black. After a while of blackness (I was very unconcious, I think SP was happening here), I felt as if I was trying to rip myself off my body. Makes no sense, but that’s what it felt like. I was trying to tear away from my sleeping body. And as soon I was doing this, I immediately knew I was dreaming. No RC, nothing. I sat up on my bed, and I was like… holy shit, I’m dreaming. I look at the clock, 3:!5 am? HELL YES, I am truly dreaming. The time switched before my eyes also. I went from 3:15 am to 2:00 am to 4:00 am all in like 10 seconds. I woke up in the dark so I found the dream to be a little unclear and unvivid- but my senses were 100% REAL. At the back of my head I was like, if I move, I know that I’ll feel my real body moving too- but that wasn’t the case. I decided to move my hand, and I didn’t wake up! It was if I had 10 senses, 2 of each. I felt my real hand staying still and not moving, and I felt my dream hand moving around. At this point I wanted to clear the dream up and stabilize it, and maybe change the dreamscape. I tried rubbing my hands together, and focused on the feeling. Rubbing my hands definitely felt as real as waking life- although I couldn’t really even see my hands clearly. It was like a motion blur as I was doing it. It didn’t work though, because I was closing my eyes trying really hard to stabilize the dream lol, which was a big mistake. I have no idea why I even tried to close my eyes because I knew that if I did I might wake up.

      I woke up twice, both into the false awakenings. I remember music playing and my laptop wide open right next to me (the laptop was actually the sun shining down on me and the music.. i have no idea.) I barely opened my eyes and tried to go back lucid. It worked. I had gone back to the same exact dreamscape as before, except this time, it was a nightmare. I felt as if there were going to be demons spawned around me and I’d die. As soon as I felt this, however, I was like “Oh this is just a dream” and it stopped. Again, I tried to stabilize the dream but I failed. This was my biggest failure- I was like, I wonder how real it would feel if I took off all my clothes and touched my penis. Dumb, I know, but hey, I was dreaming. The dream soon faded as soon as I took my clothes off, and I awoke in my real body because this bright light was just annoying the hell out of me, which I thought was coming from my laptop. As I opened my eyes, I realized it was the sun, which made me conclude that I was also in a FA (I had seen the laptop with my FA eyes).

      All in all, I’m proud of myself for becoming lucid. The next step is dream control baby
    11. Dream Journal #6 May 9th, 2011

      by , 05-10-2011 at 07:21 AM
      Dream Journal #6 May 9th, 2011

      my dream recall is sooo shitt right now. i honestly don’t remember why, maybe its because i’m not trying as hard. only dream fragments.

      first dream fragment i remember was having to bring my xbox 360 to school for some weird reason, then i was like “… why am i bringing my xbox to school?” i think i came close to being lucid but then i woke up.

      a lot of dreams were about basketball, but i dont remember the plot of any of them.

      that’s it lol

      edit: remembered a dream.

      i was at school and i invited michael to come over or something to play beer pong? something like that… and he went to sean and told him about him coming over and me and sean said it was the same party so it didnt matter. and he was like oh alright cool. and he walked away.

      i remember a dream fragment… kind of? im not sure! but i think i was outside a tall building looking at all the night lights. this is kind of very vague because im not even sure if i was dreaming that, but its in my memory.
    12. Dream Journal #5 May 8th, 2011

      by , 05-09-2011 at 07:21 AM
      Dream Journal #5 May 8th, 2011

      Drank last night so that probably ruined my dream recall. I only have dream fragments this time.

      First fragment I remember was Ellean biting his gum and him saying ouch.

      Second dream fragment, a little longer, was me driving by myself without a permit or anything, and me doing REALLY well. I then drove to my house and asked my dad to go driving, to which he said yes. Don’t remember anything after that.
    13. Dream Journal #7 May 9th, 2011

      by , 05-08-2011 at 07:26 AM
      Dream Journal #7 May 9th, 2011

      Tried another WILD today afternoon nap. I know I had many different interchanging dreams, but I only remember fragments. Also, I had a short FA today and I actually did my first RC in it.

      Fragment #1: Me playing basketball.

      Fragment #2: Me with Isaac, and I looked down at his legs/feet. I believe this was REM, it was pretty vivid.

      Fragment #3: I was sitting down in some unknown place, it was nice outside. There was a plane passing by (there was a plane passing by in reality too I think).

      Fragment #4: False awakening. I plugged my nose, and I tried to inhale. It worked. I am guessing it was really startling for me because that is the first time an RC had failed, and as I was inhaling, I suddenly felt my real body inhaling too, so I woke up.
    14. Dream Journal #4 May 7th, 2011

      by , 05-07-2011 at 09:56 PM
      So I had my first false awakening today.. crazy because it seemed really real in my dream! I had fallen asleep normally, hoping that my subconcious would be aware that I was dreaming. In fact, the opposite happened. Fell asleep, and awoke around 2-3 am in the morning, I was like ughh and went back to sleep. This is where I had my false awakening. I woke up again, this time in my dream. I swear it felt real. I had also taken 300% vitamin b6 before bed. When I woke up in my bed, it was dark and everything so I couldn’t really see anything, but the feeling I got was pretty realistic. I looked at the time, and this time, it said 12:00 am! I was like WTF? Last time I woke up it was around 2-3 am. I’m so mad at myself for not relooking at the clock, because I only glanced at it once. I eventually concluded that when I woke up around 2-3 am, THAT was a false awakening, so I was like “hmm, whatever.” I then got up for some odd reason and went to the bathroom to take a piss. As I was peeing, no pee would come out. I kept trying and trying, but still none. This is when I woke up. I PROBABLY would have gone lucid had I not woken up, and I probably was being more and more suspicious of me being in a dream- which is probably the reason why I woke up. I don’t remember my thought process at all when I was in the bathroom, but I sure know that I was getting pretty close. When I woke up, I looked at the time: 4 am. At this point I was majorly confused, and did multiple reality checks. They all passed. This was when I concluded that I had a false awakening, and I was pretty astonished lol.

      Unfortunately I remembered a few more dreams but I have now forgotten them, because I had some busy work to do as soon as I got up in the morning and had no time to write them down right away.
      non-lucid , false awakening
    15. Dream Journal #3 May 6th 2011

      by , 05-06-2011 at 08:51 PM
      Don’t remember much details at all… only remember one dream. And that was me getting arrested at Stater Bros for stealing newspapers lol. Blah, I remember waking up like 3 times at night, but I moved and opened my eyes and I couldn't even remember the dream I had as soon as I woke up, so I couldn't do a DEILD.
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