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    The Death Chronicles: Dreams Of

    First (Intentional) Lucid.

    by , 12-26-2010 at 08:45 PM (636 Views)
    I had a lucid dream last night! =D
    (halfheartedly using the MILD method)

    Okay, so it's not my first lucid dream; but it was my first lucid dream while (semi) trying to have one (intentionally). It was really kinda cool because as soon as I was in the dream I was like 'Woah, I'm dreaming', and then proceeded to perform a few reality checks just to confirm my dreaming state. At first I looked at my hands, the check failed; Then I tried sticking a finger through my hand and it only was really elastic, so the check failed; finally I plugged my nose and tried breathing through it, and could still breathe; the check succee ded: and I was dreaming! I could only control the dream to some extent: succeeding in making two little girls appear when I covered my eyes and found them there, but not in making people disappear, or making this obscure object I was imagining appear. I'm content with the success of having this dream at the least, but at the most I need to practice control and stabilization of dreams.

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    lucid , memorable


    1. Mediabat's Avatar
      Good job. My hand was elastic too.
    2. saltyseedog's Avatar
    3. deathsdream's Avatar
      Good job. My hand was elastic too.
      Yeah, and the unusual elasticity doesn't do the trick for a RC :/

      lol hell yeah =D