Fragment of Dreams
13 Sep 2011 Some weird psychotropic thriller, I do not know what was going on but Dark_Merlin and I were attempting some weird lucid technique and every time someone said its title it occurred for one of us but it was extremely traumatic. It was a teleportation but it was sudden, uncontrollable and felt like what apparition in Harry Potter is described to feel like only worse. It scared the hell out of me and actually had me not wanting to go back to sleep when I had woken up for the first time in about ten years. I feel that I must admit that I was actually scared of becoming lucid and I hope that this is not a barrier to future attempts. Hamish and Andy had also requested that I meet them for lessons in walking each week. The girl I love was also at the tennis courts. The dream jumped between all of these things in a weird order. The whole dream was rather traumatic at the time. I was genuinely terrified of going back to sleep.
12 Sep 2011 Actually managed to WILD tonight... I was lying in bed bored and trying to sleep, I was pretty relaxed even though I had not previously been sleeping and I just decided to construct dream scape around me. I built a castle around me but instantly forgot that I was dreaming and so the whole WILD experience was non lucid i.e. WI(N)LD. I was lucid for a grand total of maybe ten seconds so I will not count this as a proper lucid. I went on to explore a church yard at night and some other Gothic style stuff, I surprisingly do not remember much. Then again I was busy this morning and so have left it about eighteen hours to write it down.
11 Sep 2011 All I remember is that I had to assimilate a word in order to understand someone and describe them. I am working to bring more details back. The assimilation of a word comes from a Barbra Streisand film which I watched before going to bed (The Owl and the Pussycat). In fact the whole concept of the dream seems to stem from this film.
21 Aug 2011 Lots of navigational issues, Dad and I went sailing out to sea and tried to navigate to various points. We encountered islands and other vessels in different situations. It was kind of like 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader". One vessel which we couldn't seem to get away from was a large sinking yacht. We were worried that the resultant undertow would drag us down. That is all, I am too tired to remember more and am surprised to have remembered this much in coherent detail.
15 Aug 2011 I do not remember much but the recurring theme of buses was present again and I complained about the quality of ALDI toilette paper which we had actually bought a lot of recently in the waking world.
14 Aug 2011 The invitations for a party had to be rewritten and Mum was helping out in order to make sure that they were kind and appropriate. They each included hand written recipients and sibling attendance invitations. They also included personalised apology or condolence or encouragement messages. That is all.
10 Aug 2011 Something about digital clocks/timers and two different people actually turning out to both be me.
8 Aug 2011 David Letterman announced on National Radio that "Osama's got Bin Laden!" Harry Ackerman had killed Bin Laden after a dispute on set. From this arose many jokes on the Late Show and I was invited to meet Letterman.
4 Aug 2011 Very vague, something about keeping a look out for ten things, also reference to an equation from the final question in the physics bowl in an episode of "The Big Bang Theory", the solution being '-8PiAlpha' (both the solution from the show and the one which I derived in my dream) and reference to the 824 party as organized IRL by individual(s) unknown, to be held on the morning bus on August 24, 2011 (8/24). No other details.