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    1. (July 16, 2014) night of bad recall

      by , 07-16-2014 at 03:30 PM
      July 16, 2014

      3mg melatonin

      My recall has been bad lately and i don't know why. All i remember is driving in a 350z at night to a place with a tour ride. Me and my brother went on the tide with two other people and we talked a bit and thats about it.
    2. (July 14, 2014) almost nothing

      by , 07-14-2014 at 02:58 PM
      July 14, 2014

      3mg melatonin

      Overall rating: 1/5
      Vividness: 2/5
      Plot: 2/5
      Lucidity: 0/5

      I cant remember much of my dream last night night. There was more but i lost it before i could recall all what happened. I just remember driving my truck, following my dad, kyle, and Tony. Once again at night.
      Tags: night
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. (July 13, 2014) Restaurant on the docks

      by , 07-13-2014 at 04:30 PM
      July 13, 2014
      10:00 AM

      Overall rating: 3/5
      Vividness: 3/5
      Plot: 2/5
      Lucidity: 0/5

      3mg melatonin before bed

      I had 2 dreams but i can not remember the first one but i knew it was good, i recalled it when i woke once in the morning but fell back asleep and forgot.

      As for dream 2, me, Bill, Kyle, and dad were walking into a big harbor area with a lot of boats, long docks, and fishing crews. When we forst arrived, it was night time, and we were outside a big walled and gated area. When we walked up to the big doors, they opened up for us showing the harbor. There was a lot of people walking around, shipping containers, and cranes. Most of the floor was wood laid down over the main ground, and over the sea wall and down to ships as docks. We walked straight across from the doorway to the end of the docks where we could see the water 50ft below us as well as some ships getting prepared to go. They looked like fisherman/navy boats but they had huge masts too. We turned right from where we were looking over the docks down a narrower path into a restaurant. I noticed there was a guy working on the mast right next to me at about the same height up. Before we went in i looked down into the water and it was dark, relatively calm, and i could see the boat the guy was standing on. Inside the restaurant, the floor was the same as the docks and there was finally light. We had a waiter bring us to a table. Me and kyle were supposed to get pictures taken there for some reason so we moved over to a fish tank thing to do it.

      Dream went kinda blank then

      Then we were back at the house, except my friend danny was there too. We were standing on the basememt stairs when i heard my dad and brother get back and then Bill shut the door and locked it in front of us, me and danny were locked in the basement. I told him i knew another way out. We went down the stairs tothe basement floor. It was a finished basement. The carpet on te stairs and floor was white, the walls were white too. And there was relatively bright lights on the ceiling making it light enough to see things well. There was some clutter here and there but not much. My running shoes were on the floor and i asked danny if he needed to borrow them but he said he did not. I was about to open a door into another room but then i was woken up.

      first dream I had about the ocean since I was on vacation, also the first day I went actually swimming in the ocean, tho i saw it once before. Not only did i swim but i took a moment become aware of everything, close my eyes and feel free floating. Noticed its almost always night time in my dreams. Since i have been on vacation, I've seen the family i have been with a lot in my dreams that i am with on vacation.

      Reoccurring elements:
      Night time
      side notes , non-lucid
    4. (July 12, 2014) road trip

      by , 07-12-2014 at 03:17 PM
      July 12, 2014

      I think its the makeshift bed I'm in that keeps me from sleeping well enough to recall good dreams, i can only remember short fragments before i wake then have to change positions.

      I remember a dream after falling asleep again in the morning. Me, my brother kyle, and my dad were riding in his truck going to go on vacation to a few places and were driving down the road. We were following my Uncle bill in his Mustang. The road we were on was paved and out in the countryside with grass and low lying bushes near the road that led to tall bushes and trees a few feet out. We went over a bridge when we saw the mustang going back the other way and we turned around back over the bridge. I asked where we were going and one of the places was south Dakota. I asked dad if we could stay out at his place till at least august 2nd but he never answered. Then I woke.
    5. (July 11, 2013) bad recall again

      by , 07-11-2014 at 03:36 PM
      July 11, 2014

      I can only remember fragments. Woke at 4AM half asleep dreaming about classic cars but not sure what went on, later had fragments of riding in a car trying to go somewhere i didn't know. All the details are hazy so i really cant remember much today. Just feel tired.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. (July 10, 2014) assassin Job

      by , 07-10-2014 at 03:05 PM
      July 10, 2014

      7:00 AM-first wake

      Cant remember first half of this dream. Lost it when i started moving around.

      Me, my friend jacob, and some girl were modern day assassins that had a job to carry out. We were supposed to kill a group of people but we did not know where they were hiding until one day we heard one of the targets accidentally give up their location on a live news broscast. He said where they were and the camera stream changed to ine in a helicooter circling the building. We could see that it was night out. They were on a big sky scraper tower roof top to start but started moving as soon as they knew we were coming but we were faster. So we went to the tower and was in a room just for the elevator. All the walls were concrete all the way around in the tall room. But a big security force surrounded this elevator. I walked up to the police and talked to them for a while and randomly they decided to leave, and let us take our targets. The elevator came from the bottom up slowly and it was a steel cage that you could see in no problem, like a miners elevator. First guy comes up, gets shot, second guy comes up with a metal mask and gets shot, third target was an old lady, i leaned over the elevator shaft looking down on the elevator, raised my colt 1911 and shot her right in the head and bam, red ring around the wall where her head was. Then the elevator disappeared and the lights went out, but light from flares were still on. and the last guy came up a rope/steel ladder but we did not shoot this guy. We helped him up when the girl with us questioned why he still looked the same after 50 years of being chased by us. I also found it very weird that when he let go of the rope that was not tied to anything, it did not fall.

      Back to sleep

      9:50 AM

      I had a few fragments but i cant remember all of them
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. (July 9, 2014) nothing

      by , 07-09-2014 at 04:20 PM
      July 9, 2014

      I tried to remember but i could not recall anything from last night.
    8. (July 8, 2014) highway ride and work the next day

      by , 07-08-2014 at 02:45 PM
      July 8, 2014


      The first few parts of this are hazy but I was outside somewhere in a lawn with a few things such as my iPhone dock, my fenix PD32UE flashlight, my knife, and a few other things. It was at night again and the only light came from street light. I was in a neighborhood that was a bit urbanized so the houses had some lawn space but not much. I was in the front yard of a house near the street on the corner of the property with all of my stuff in the grass. I dont know why i was there but I called someone to get picked up. So i started to pick up a few things. A bunny ran by me and i looked around for it with my flashlight but could not find it. Before i got picked up i decided i wanted to run into town and come back, not sure why, maybe just to see if i could. So a truck pulled up alongside the property along the grass and i started to put things on the back seat. i rode on the truck that came to pick me up and it drove into a city where i was waiting a bit to jump out from the passenger door but it was taking a while because every red light it was going to, turned green before we got to it. Eventually it slowed in traffic and I jumped out and landed on the road next to the guard rail that was over water and jumped over to the other side before the cars came racing down the road. I saw an old 50's cop car out on the road in the sea of modern cars. Weird but i guess i did not question it. I started to walk back towards where I started. Trying to hold all of my things from falling too. I don't know why i decided to bring everything with me but i did. Some one on the road told me i should hold them differently or something but i cant remember. They used someone else who was apparently walking over the same spot i was as an example to how my stuff should be and it was some random person holding an iPad with a case and thought this is dumb and kept doing what i was doing.

      I was later at my friend Jacobs house where i was helping his dad with a landscaping project. It was getting dark and over cast. His house was different than usual, the upstairs garage that usually was not used was open and had lots of tools and tables like table saws, and there was not much clutter. It looked like a brand new garage that had dry wall done but not painted yet. The house was in a L shape too. Looking straight at the front door from the street the long side of the house faces me and the street and on the right quarter of the house it went back into the back yard like an L. i went out back along the left of the house and there was mostly grass and decorative cut stone wall holding up dirt. Jacobs dad told me to level the dirt and cut some if the concrete foundation doing it and showed how he wanted it done. Went to grab a saw but i woke up.

      I think i woke up because my back was getting sore in the position i was laying in

      Unknown time below

      I picked up one more fragment of a dream but its just it. I was looking for a clean shirt to wear out of my suitcase that was in the back of my dads truck, and i found another dodge shirt like the one i got all dirty from wood staining except this one was nice and clean.
    9. (July 7, 2014) lucid essay

      by , 07-07-2014 at 02:46 PM
      July 7,2014

      This is the third night of bad recall. This time it was because my brother who was sleeping in the chair next to me accidentally kicked me awake in his sleep.

      I just remember being in school and having to write an essay so i chose lucid dreaming as a topic. I cant remember much visual, just plot. I got woken a few minutes into the dream.
      Tags: bad recall
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. (July 6, 2014) short lived highway stop

      by , 07-06-2014 at 02:51 PM
      Jul 6,2014

      Another night of bad recall ugh. Couldn't remember a full dream, just one image of the whole night, till i made myself go back to bed in the morning, then i had a dream.

      I was in a parking lot that looked to be next to a highway. I was facing out in the distance, where it looked like flat grassland as far as i could see, behind me was a light orange fence and when i turned around to look that way there was a roller coaster of some sort. It had red tracks and grey supports.My brother got there, grabbed a chair and joined me. then a some girl asking where the towels were for some reason. Someone came over and started talking to me about how i got there so early but still didnt know what i was there for so i went along with it. I then walked over to a locker room (seen this on a few times in other dreams) and there were some people talking and one person passed out on the floor. It was decently big, and was made up of dark green 1x1 tiles on the floor and walls. Before i could leave someone woke me up.

      Updated 07-06-2014 at 02:58 PM by 62947

      Tags: bad recall, dream
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    11. (July 5,2014) Black and white Attic

      by , 07-05-2014 at 04:16 PM
      July 5, 2014

      Last night i kept waking up and really didn't get that great if sleep. Wirst recall this week for me.

      I know there was a lot more to this dream but i can only remember crawling around in an attic in the dark but what i could see was black and white. Not sure if i had infrared goggles on or thats just how it was. That day before the dream i watched a black and white tv show maybe that influenced it. Anyway, i found Jacob's cat, muffin, and petted the cat for a bit. The attic had a lot of stuff around the edges and had two chambers, but no doors or anything, just a dry wall entrance way. There was a big square hole in the floor that led down somewhere but i have to clue because it was so dark. The attic continued on but i am not sure if i went and explored it. I don't remember how i got there i was just kinda there. I can only remember the one scene. Something about cars keeps floating around my mind though.

      Updated 07-06-2014 at 02:59 PM by 62947

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Under ground Racetrack

      by , 07-04-2014 at 02:55 PM
      July 4th, 2014

      I started out the main part of this dream in a mustang next to some other car on an indoor race track. My car was white. The race track looked like tunnel you would see on the interstate except it had red and yellow panels or barriers. The floor was concrete and the roof was low. We took off racing up this track. It started with a wide curve turning right then led to a long straight away where we both just kept increasing speed until about a quarter of a mine the track went up, then flat then up again, but i slowed down quick because of a quick right turn, then went upwards again. Instead of following this track to the left i went straight into a open area on the track and so did the other racer and transformed into soldiers from battlefield 4, had a knife fight and i was swinging first a couple times and missed then all until he swung at me but i grabbed his arm and counter stabbed him with his blade. We then both were at the starting line again but i was the mustang again and drove off early down the track before he got ready and before he could catch up i turned to the left during the first wide curve i mentioned before into a smaller passage/tunnel that had been there, i had turned into a soldier again to fit through because the car wouldn't, into a maze of side paths that went in many directions and had green arrows on the floor, to avoid the other person and wound up in a small room with a high ceiling and viewing windows on the too left of the room. It had a miniature race track with mini plastic barriers around the track. All still red and yellow with walls and floor made of concrete. It was a cool discovery mostly because i was not expecting it. I was tempted to drive a lap around the mini track but it was pretty small so i did not. I noticed on a mini map that he kept going down the main path and i was safely hidden where i was. I viewed all of this in third person until i got to the mini track then it went back to first person.

      I can tell there is another dream floating around my head i just cant remember at the moment.--think it may have involved my old house on pioneer street and jessica and jed were there.

      Updated 07-04-2014 at 02:57 PM by 62947

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