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    dolphin's dreams

    Spellbee Comp Night 7

    by , 10-21-2016 at 04:22 PM (448 Views)
    I woke up noticing that I was inside a hot tub set in a living room. I got out and flew, phasing through a window to go outside into a backyard. I found a nice open area and put my hand behind my back to summon an orca. I felt one, turned around and it was there, a nice full sized one. I got on its back and told it to go to the ocean. Once we got moving, I tried putting my hands in my pockets but found I couldn't ride the orca and put my hands in my pockets at the same time. I got off the orca and put my hands in my pockets. I woke up.

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    lucid , false awakening


    1. Occipitalred's Avatar
      I don't know if its that the music I am listening fits well with your aquatic theme but reading your dreams is so calming.