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    dolphin's dreams

    Spring Competition 2023 Night 3

    by , 03-04-2023 at 08:24 PM (309 Views)
    LD 1-I woke up and saw I was not in my room, which made me lucid. I was in what appeared to be a classroom. I somehow went outside into the night in a downtown area and jumped up to fly. In front of me on a road I was a huge stack of block letters which appeared to say a message, something about a warning of terrible death. I woke up while trying to read the message.

    LD 2-I woke up and saw I was not in my room, which made me lucid. I was in what appeared to be my room, except with a decoration on the wall that doesn't exist in waking life. I phased through the wall into the night in a neighborhood similar to where I live in waking life. I jumped up to fly and tried to summon a dolphin, but instead summoned a black creature, similar to a dragon without wings. I got on it's back to ride it. It flew down to the ground and started eating bugs. I asked what this is all about and he told me I had a skin infection. I asked where the skin infection was and he told me it was on my diploma and I woke up.

    These dreams appear to be related to some health concerns I had in waking life. I have rashes on each of my shoulders which appear to be getting better, but I had some mild intermittent chest pain which had me a bit concerned, but appears to have go away overnight. Its probably time for a medical checkup with the doctor.

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    lucid , false awakening


    1. cedwards105's Avatar
      Wow, nice scores for the night! Probably a good idea to get the chest pain checked out. Maybe even a trip to an urgent care? That might be what the dream is telling you, too.
    2. MadMonkey's Avatar
      Isn't it nice to phase out of your bedroom and fly over your neighborhood? I always like those dreams.