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    Hotel de Sam

    by , 02-19-2011 at 03:27 AM (480 Views)
    Hotel de Sam (Non-lucid)


    Log: 01:00am Friday, February 17-18th, 2011
    Hours: 9:00m Alarm: None Audio: Stephen LeBerge
    (MILD and Trance)

    This was a fairly unsuccessful dream recall night, but when i went to bed i wasn't really caring about it much other than the fact that i listened to Stephen LeBerge as i was falling asleep. The dream started out in a Hotel of some sort. A few people, i think they were reletives, were upstairs. I could look out over the balcony and see a bunch of poeple everywhere, on the outside of the doors. Up where i was, a small boy (Maybe it was Curtis) was trying to get down. He almost jumped over the balcony if it weren'y for the people holding him back. I went downstairs and out the doors, and for some reaosn i was really surprised to see all the people out there and Jacob was out there waiting for me. I met with him and we were trying to think of something to do or somehwere to go. As we walked away from the scene of a lot of people, i looked back and, i don't know if she was inside or outside of the Hotel, but i saw her, and i regretted not going back. Then it was over.

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