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    Integer Dance and Unknown School

    by , 02-19-2011 at 08:00 PM (511 Views)
    Integer Dance and Unknown School (Non-lucid)


    The dream started out in a school that was foreign to me. It was a High School, and it was fairly close to my original school in location. Jacob and i were walking through the halls of the school. As we did so we noticed that a lot ofthe poeple in the school, teachers and students, had somehting on their head, whether it be a bandana or a hat or something of that sort. I was suddenly jealous of their rules and was in awe. Then Fran either met with me or called me, but i knew i had to go back to Goldcrown for some reason. I told Jaocb that i didn't want to go back with Fran becasue i was so close to Belmar and my house, that i didn't need a ride. But regardless, he and I went wih Fran and the other two members from my Integer group, Jason an Magaly, down the stairs and into Goldcrown. When we got their i told Jaocb that i didn't mind because i needed to pracice anyway. The thing i needed to practice was a dance that we had all been aparently working on, because as soon as we got there Fran told us to get our CD's out and line up ready for the dance. I got mine out but she had already gotten one from someone else so i set it down on a desk. Then we lined up and i could remember a few things form the dance but basically blanked out everything. So when themusic played i did nothing. Then i politely asked if anyone knew the choreography. There were two replies form people sitting in desks beyond the front of the room. One was Kelly, and the other was a girl of which was way more attractive, but i cannot recall. So i chose the random girl, and Kelly came up too. They couldn't both teach it to me, so i said sorry to them both and Kelly ended up being the one that would teach me. But then the dream ended without warning.

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    Updated 07-03-2011 at 05:25 AM by 41214 (Different Color Scheme)

    Tags: integer, school
