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    Book of Cursed Dreams

    Exploration (LD)

    by , 05-02-2024 at 12:11 PM (132 Views)
    WILD sp

    I'm in bed and I notice something off. I open my eyes and see the distorted version of my room again; I can't move. I decide I don't want to explore directly out of SP because it tends to be very unstable. I close my eyes and begin playing a made-up song on the air guitar, paying the intense sensations no mind at all.

    DILD nose pinch

    I wake up in my parents' house and I'm now walking around. I attempt the nose pinch RC and I can still breathe through it. "Weird." I think as I continue walking around looking at the house. I do around two more nose pinch RCs and still don't realize I'm dreaming. I'm trying to reason with myself why it's not working. "I'm just not pinching hard enough." The 4th nose pinch I try to make sure that my fingers are actually closing my nose all the way and I'm pinching extra hard. I can still breathe.
    "This is a dream?" I think to myself. The house I'm walking around in looks identical to the one I grew up in. Everything starts to fade.
    I begin spinning. I notice the hallway leading to the bedrooms, then the living room, back to the kitchen. "Wow, I never thought it could be this real." I span a couple more times in awe about how everything was exactly where it should be.
    I get a bit excited and go down the hallway leading to the bedrooms. I throw open a door to see my brother J3. I turn the light on and that wakes him up, he looks kind of annoyed. "Don't worry J3, this is a dream!" He smiles and starts walking to me "Oh yeah?" He gives me a huge bear hug, picking me up. once he sets me back down, he tells me to follow him. He's walking down the hallway back to the kitchen when the dream fades completely to a brown/tan static, I think to myself I want to spin to stabilize but there's nothing to see, I must be waking up.


    I'm in bed again and my limbs feel weird, I think I'm awake and try the nose pinch, it works but I still feel off. I lick my finger and start tapping my nose. It all feels more or less how I would expect it to feel minus the strange vibrations. So, I close my eyes.

    Cat outside

    I wake up in my apartment to see my cat outside the window. *I've had the windows open because the AC isn't working* I run over and try to help her when I realize it's a random cat outside and it's trying to get inside the apartment. I'm not really sure what to do and I'm just watching the cat. Eventually the window screen comes loose, and the cat jumps inside, landing on the windowsill. My cat runs up to look at it and I get a bit worried and shoo the cat back outside. I close the window fully. The cat sees that and now has a human like scowl on its face, I find that hilarious and try to call for my brother J1 to come and look.

    I wake up.

    Note: Finally completed my goal of exploring a "real place" I really didn't want to believe I was dreaming because of how real it was, not just the house but my body as well.
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