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    Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious

    January 20th, 2020 Frags

    by , 01-21-2020 at 03:18 AM (300 Views)
    The idea that it was the last day of school, maybe college. I was w/ Kol in the mountains, the scene was very steep. Kendrick Lamar is there and I try to take a picture of him w/ Kol but we're on this very steep cliff and I'm afraid of falling down, I think end up falling off the cliff.

    I'm in my father's old house in my sister's room laying in bed, there's someone in bed with me but it turns into Pennywise or the idea of him. He busts through the door, I close my eyes in fear. I can feel the vibrations and weight of him stomping slowly towards the bed.

    The dream scene is at a summer camp. It feels like we've been there a while. Peck is there, we're in some sort of lodge. It's daytime but people are trying to sleep. I'm moving on a path throughout the camp that's surrounded by woods and a river. I keep thinking that I'm trying to leave the camp but it's not time yet.

    Another dream where it's the last day of high school. There's also a football game going on.

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